Due to Luo lingchi's initiative to give up talents and the precedent of Xu Yifeng becoming a giant, ye Xiao became one of the twelve giants without any hindrance, and officially became the godfather of Nancheng in Jinghai City, the youngest godfather in history.

Seeing ye Xiaoxu's legacy on the top, the people below are not very happy. Before that, these two young people were not celebrities in Jinghai city. At most, they were a little famous among the younger generation. But now, they are sitting on the highest throne.

No matter what kind of means they use, in short, they have achieved something that many people will never be able to do

After the matter over here is settled, Tian Zhengqi looks at Wang Yang and Wang Qi who are sitting in the corner. Now a quota for the underworld tycoon has been determined. Who is the last one?

"Wang Yang, Wang Qi, what are your plans? It can't be spent all the time! " Seeing Wang Yang sitting in danger, Tian Zhengqi said.

The two brothers argued for so long, but there was no result. As the first leader of the municipal Party committee, he didn't want them to go on like this all the time. What he needed was a harmonious Jinghai City, not a turbulent Jinghai city

Wang Yang didn't speak immediately. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Wang Qi. Then he said faintly, "second brother, why don't we go in front of your uncles this time? Let's follow the rules of the underworld..."

The rules of the underworld? All the people present were stunned. What are the rules of the underworld?

"Good..." Seeing Wang Yang's obviously defiant eyes, Wang Qi nodded heavily

Tian Zhengqi and others were stunned when they heard that they would decide the ownership of the chairman of tiannu Association in this most direct way.

The so-called underworld rules are nothing but respect for the strong. Of course, the strong here refer to force. No one thought that they would decide the victory or defeat in this most primitive way.

Hear Wang Qi unexpectedly a promise come down, Wang Yang faint smile, and then said the way of the game again.

A Mafia magnate, in addition to its own strength, must also have strong subordinates and strong allies. According to Wang Yang's meaning, there are three contests. In the first competition, a subordinate from each party will participate in the battle, and in the second round, two people will fight. If there is no winner or loser, the two sides can find another Ally to fight against, and the one who wins will become The chairman of tiannu Association, and the losing party, will be expelled from Jinghai city. He is not allowed to enter Jinghai city for three years.

Naturally, Wang Qi will not object to such a proposal. However, the magnates will not oppose it even more because of their wishful thinking. They also don't want the two brothers to fight all the time. This will affect social harmony, right?

Of course, it's almost noon now. Naturally, it's impossible for the contest to be held immediately. Finally, Tian Zhengqi will make a decision and it will be held at 3:00 p.m. so many giants will come forward, and they will not be afraid of losing one side to repent.

The meeting ended for the time being. Ye Xiao and others were not very satisfied with what they got at the Xingyao meeting today, especially because Xu Yifeng had squeezed out a seat in the underworld, which made them unhappy. However, it did not have much to do with it. It was just spending a little more time. Although the giants have a great advantage, this advantage is not absolute Otherwise, how could Lang Haiping and others be attacked?

Ye Xiao walked out of the conference hall with Yi Guyun. Luo lingchi and Wang Qi were also with him. As allies and friends, they naturally wanted to fight together

Sima Nan and other magnates also walked out of the conference hall with a smile. They all looked forward to the birth of the last giant in the afternoon. As for Shangguan Wudao and others, their faces showed a warm smile. Although Lang Haiping was not pulled off this meeting, they still won the victory on the whole, as long as Wang Yang could strike successfully in the afternoon After losing the king, their alliance will be extremely strong, and even can influence the decision of the whole starlight club.

Of course, people are still puzzled by Luo Xiaojun's sudden support for Lang Haiping. They really can't understand why Luo Xiaojun wants to help Lang Haiping, even Lang Haiping himself. Therefore, at the first time after the meeting, he went to Luo Haijun's room. People helped him so much, so he went to the door to thank him Shouldn't it be?

On the other side, ye Xiao and others walked out of the conference hall together. Looking at the expressionless yiguyun, ye Xiao sighed softly in her heart. He knew that since that night, her life had changed greatly.

"Are you sure?" Ye Xiao said this sentence to Wang Qi.

"My side is the poisonous wolf, his side should be Jin Xiaohui, the odds are not very big..." Wang Qi said frankly that all of us here are the most reliable allies, so he will not hide it.

"And you? Have you ever dealt with him? " What ye Xiao said naturally refers to Wang Yang

"Don't worry, even if I die, I won't lose to him..." Wang Yang said that if Wang Yang was able to defeat Wang Yang for three times, the most important thing was that he could defeat Wang Yang for three times.Maybe it's nothing to those big guys, but it's the best chance to build up prestige for the younger brother below.

"So you put your hope in the third scene?" Ye Xiao turns to look at Wang Qi

"Yes, so I hope you can play..." Wang Qi said frankly.

The third is the allies of both sides. Wang Qi, on one side, naturally has the strongest strength of Ye Xiao. If you don't invite him, do you invite others?

"Do you know who he will invite?" Ye Xiao frowned.

"I don't know yet, but I don't think anyone is your opponent..." Wang Qi said with a faint smile that he flattered

"Ha ha, good..." Ye Xiao smiles and agrees. They are allies and friends. Now, they know what ideas Shangguan Wudao and others have made, which is nothing but a great weakening of their power. In such a situation, no matter from the standpoint of friends or allies, he is duty bound to make Wang Yang another giant.

The power of the underworld must be in their hands

Looking at Yi Guyun, who has been silent all the time, Wang Qi and Luo lingchi throw a meaningful smile at Ye Xiao, and then leave first. They don't want to be light bulbs here. Even ye yubai and Xiao Nan follow Luo lingchi. Although they are very jealous of Xiaoge's women, they can't lose their links at this time no

"Let's take you to an elder..." Ye Xiao didn't know what ye yubai was thinking, but he was too lazy to explain anything. He and Yi Guyun are friends and close friends. As for whether there is any other relationship, it is not what he is worried about now

Yiguyun nodded, and he naturally understood who ye Xiao was going to take himself to

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