It is self-evident that Luo Xiaojun, a big black horse in the presidential suite of the Oriental Pearl Tower, sits on the sofa in the living room on a sofa with a dark green army. It is a great force of unrestrained and frank military spirit. It is a great authority for controlling the Jinghai military for several years.

In front of him is Lang Haiping in a black suit. The whole person is sitting in a dangerous position like a primary school student. He is extremely good. He is not a bit of a giant.

Among the giants, there are also strong and weak. Lang Haiping's strength has almost been driven out of the position of magnate. It can be said that he is the weakest among the 12 giants. What about Luo Xiaojun?

Now he is the commander-in-chief of the Jinghai garrison. He controls the whole Jinghai military region. Although the soldiers do not care about local affairs, who dares not give him face? Even the first hand, Tian Zhengqi is respectful to him.

I can't help it. People have guns in their hands. No matter when, no matter what era, force is the most powerful reliance. As long as you have enough strength in your hands, no matter what conspiracy or conspiracy will help

The status of two people is not comparable at all

There was no one else in the room, even Luo Xiaojun's orderly was not there. This was a conversation between the two giants. Naturally, Luo Xiaojun didn't want other people to hear about it. Of course, as for whether there were eavesdropping devices in the room, Luo Xiaojun's soldiers had been searching for it for a long time. In view of his position in Jinghai City, no one dared to install this thing in his room.

"General Luo, Haiping can't thank you enough for today's business. If you have any assignment in the future, please do not hesitate to ask..." Lang Haiping did not bring any big gifts. He knew what kind of person Luo Xiaojun was. If he gave gifts at this time, he would only look down on him.

The most important thing he came here is to know why Luo Xiaojun helped himself. Of course, he also understood that there was no free lunch in the world. Luo Xiaojun would suddenly make a voice to help himself, and he must have some requirements for himself. For this, he doesn't care at all. If he can be tied up with such powerful figures as Luo Xiaojun, it is absolutely beneficial and harmless for him It's something.

Didn't you see Zhang Yulin's appearance just now? Didn't you see the kind of wink between him and Liu Yu?

Lang Haiping is not a fool. Naturally, he saw that today's Xingyao meeting is very unusual. Although there will be an alliance between the twelve giants of each Xingyao conference, none of them is as obvious as now.

Liu Yu, Shangguan Yun, Wu Tianhao, Xu Yifeng and Jia Sidao are closely allied. Wang Yang, the eldest son of tiannu society, seems to be one of their allies. If Wang Yang becomes another Mafia magnate in the afternoon, their alliance will be so powerful that it is hard to imagine. At that time, they can't even protect themselves with wisdom Next, Lang Haiping naturally needs a strong helping hand

Of course, Luo Ping can't find his own identity even if he can't find his own alliance, or even if he can't find his own alliance, Luo can't understand

Therefore, Lang Haiping put his position very low, completely speaking in a low position

"Ha ha, boss Lang, you are welcome. In fact, I want to introduce some friends to you today..." Luo Xiaojun gave a faint smile, and his dignity disappeared. He was very satisfied with Lang Haiping's insight and did not waste his time helping.

"Oh? Friends? " Lang Haiping is stunned. There are only him and Luo Xiaojun in such a big room. Where do they come from?

"Dong Dong Dong..." At this time, the sound of knocking outside the room, Luo Xiaojun's face smile more brilliant.

"Here they are..."

With the fall of Luo Xiaojun's voice, the door of the room was opened, and then Lang Haiping saw a man and a woman come in

The man is handsome and unrestrained. He wears a suit of black Zhongshan suit. He doesn't look old-fashioned. On the contrary, it makes people feel more stable. Needless to say, Lang Haiping has not seen such a beautiful woman for so many years.

Isn't it yiguyun, vice chairman of Hengtian Group and ye Xiaoxiao, who was just promoted today?

Why are they here?

Are they the friends that general Luo referred to?

Lang Haiping is not an ordinary person. Naturally, he will not look at Ye Xiao from an ordinary person's point of view. A young man who has been sitting on the position of Godfather at a young age will be an ordinary person?

Can a young man who can make friends with the commander of Jinghai garrison be an ordinary person?

There was no need for Luo Xiaojun to say hello. Lang Haiping had already taken the lead in getting up from his seat and said to Ye Xiao and Yi Guyun with a smile on his face: "I really didn't expect to see Mr. Ye and miss Yi here. I'm glad to meet you..." Lang Haiping actively extended his right hand to Ye Xiao

"Ha ha, boss Lang, you are welcome..." Ye Xiao also smiles and shakes hands with Lang Haiping

"Ha ha, Miss Yi, I'm very grateful for what happened today..." Lang Haiping shook hands with Yi Guyun and opened it with one touch. Although he wanted to pinch it for a while, he knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not something he could provoke.If a person wants to live well in this world, he must have self-knowledge first

As one of the twelve giants, he has countless women around him, and he never lacks women. He will not make such low-level mistakes at this time

Ye Xiao is very satisfied with Lang Haiping's understanding. As expected, he didn't help him in vain

After saying hello to Lang Haiping, ye Xiao came to Luo Xiaojun's face and called kindly: "Uncle Luo..."

"Ha ha, you're here, and there's ancient rhyme. Come on, you all sit down. Don't stand up. Isn't that giving me pressure?" Luo Xiaojun laughs, no longer has the dignity of a general, some only have an elder's love for perfection

Such a scene made people gape

Don't mention Lang Haiping. Even Yi Guyun is shocked. In the meantime, ye Xiao just asked her to help him solve the debt problem at the meeting. In fact, she doesn't think that after solving the debt problem, Lang Haiping can continue to be a giant. However, ye Xiao invited her. As a friend, she will not refuse to help. When Luo Xiaojun speaks out openly, she will not refuse to help When he held Lang Haiping, he understood that the relationship between Luo Xiaojun and ye Xiao was not simple

Ye Xiao said that she had brought her to see an elder. She knew it was Luo Xiaojun, but she never thought that the relationship between them was so friendly? Look at their expression, look at their appearance, really like the family members who haven't seen for many years

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