The five magnates outside the "misty forest" are fighting like hell. I'm afraid that these people in the "Ying family" imperial palace can't even dream that they have not finished here. There is already a fight outside the "misty forest". The emperor of the "Ying family" can see that the two powerful people in the "Heaven's way" are fighting with another traitor, And his goal is to put Ye Xiao on the body, originally thought Ye Xiao this guy is very easy to solve.

Only when he got to know ye Xiao, he realized that it was the most difficult role to deal with. If his own strength was not affected by Shi Jingtian's "Haoran Zhengqi", the emperor of the "Yingshi" clan believed that a mere Ye Xiao would not be taken seriously by himself, even if ye Xiao was an "ancient body builder" With his superb martial arts skills, he fought with Ye Xiao as a "Ying family" emperor. His eyes were fixed on Ye Xiao and his face was ferocious and he said with a ferocious smile: "ancient body refiner?"? I didn't expect that there would still be "ancient body refiners".... "

"There are many things you didn't expect..."

Ye Xiao's face was calm, and he chuckled, and his mind moved. "Tiandao thunder sword" appeared in Ye Xiao's hand. The emperors of the "Ying family" were also dumbfounded. Shi Jingtian's "Haoran Zhengqi" could restrain their "Yingshi" clan. Ye Xiao's "Tiandao thunder sword" appeared in Ye Xiao's hand, They can also restrain their "Ying family". Of course, if ye Xiao is only a small person.

Even if he had the "thunder sword of heaven" in his hand, he would not pay attention to it. However, it is different now. Ye Xiao is not simply an existence that can be kneaded casually. The emperor Ying, who took a deep breath, didn't rush up in a hurry. Instead, he stepped back several steps and kept a safe distance with Ye Xiao. Then he looked at Ye Xiao with a smile and said, "his In fact, there is no deep hatred between us. There is no need to fight to death. What if we make a deal

"What deal?" Ye Xiao asked, smiling at the emperor Ying.

"You should have reached the eighth state of the" nine realms of physical training in ancient times. " Seeing ye Xiao nodding his head, the emperor of the "Ying family" continued: "in ancient times, there were a lot of ancient people like you. That's because there were a lot of heaven and earth treasures in the ancient times. Now, many of the heaven and earth treasure talents have disappeared, and your ancient body refiners' demand for heaven and earth treasure talents has been met It's a terrible situation, and my "misty forest" has a lot of "heaven and earth treasures". I can give all these "heaven and earth treasures" to you. "

"And then?" Ye Xiao shrugged and asked.

"Then you take your men out of my" misty forest. "I promise I won't fight you again, OK The emperor of the Ying family said slowly.

"When I kill you, I will still be able to get the treasures of heaven and earth in" misty forest ", won't I Ye Xiao gave a smile and looked at the "thunder sword of heaven" in his hand. He squinted and said with a smile: "if I have not guessed wrong, my" thunder sword of heaven "should have strong restraint against you! So, you're afraid, you're afraid of my thunder sword, so you're going to make peace now? It's a pity that in addition to killing all their people, there is another condition for the Centennial contest, which is to take the heads of your "Yingshi" clan. Now, I can't guarantee whether I can kill those people. Therefore, in order to win the "Centennial contest", we can only sacrifice you... "

"Sacrifice us?"

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, the emperor of the "Ying family" also had a violent convulsion in the corner of his mouth. He bit his teeth and said, "I can help you get rid of these people. Moreover, I also know a secret about the ancient body refiner. If you are willing to complete the transaction with me, I will tell you the secret. However, before I tell you this secret, I also have an article These are... "

"What conditions?"

"That is, you need to help me open the seal of" misty forest ", so that I can tell you all the secrets about the ancient body refiner..." The emperor of the "Ying family" is a good guide.

"Say it and listen to it." Ye Xiao squinted.

"Did you agree?" The emperor of the "Ying family" looked at Ye Xiao excitedly.


Ye Xiao shook his head and looked at the emperor of the "Ying family" in a funny way. Then he said casually: "I am not familiar with you people of the Ying family. Therefore, I don't know whether the secret you said is true. For a false secret, I agreed to your transaction. In this way, I would suffer a loss. So, you'd better tell your secret first! If the secret you say is true, I can consider cooperating with you. After all, fighting hurts, doesn't it? "

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, the emperor of the "Ying family" frowned and said in a deep voice, "if I told you all the secrets, how could you..."

Before the emperor of the "Ying family" finished, ye Xiao, who was holding the "heavenly thunder sword", started. Suddenly, the "heavenly thunder sword" stabbed the opposite emperor of the "Ying family". I'm afraid the emperor of the "Ying family" never dreamed that ye Xiao would attack himself while he was unprepared. Moreover, he underestimated Ye Xiao's speed. This is "ancient times" Although this distance is safe, does he think that he is really safe?For other warriors, this distance is indeed a safe distance, but for ye Xiao, this distance is not even a safe distance.

Ye Xiao's sword is very powerful.

The emperor of the Yingshi clan wanted to retreat, but it was still a step too late. Before he could get back, ye Xiao's "thunder sword of heaven" had already pierced his chest. It was a combination of "seven steps against the dragon" and "eight blasts of inch strength". Even ordinary "heaven state" masters were hard to resist. What's more, the emperors of the "Ying clan" clan now have no time to retreat, Their own strength has been suppressed to the peak of "sage". How can ye Xiao be able to resist this sword


Ye Xiao's "thunder sword of heaven" just touched the chest of the "Ying family" emperor. Suddenly, he saw the emperor of the "Ying family" with a blood burst on his chest


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