"My father..."

Seeing that the emperor of the "Ying family" burst out with blood on his chest, the seventh prince, who was fighting with the three princesses, almost glared at him. In his opinion, the emperor of the "Ying family" was his backing and all his dependence. If all the emperors of the "Ying family" died in the hands of Ye Xiao, what else could he dare to do with this People fighting? Not only the seventh prince, but other people of the "Ying family" were dumbfounded when they saw the scene at the moment


The emperor of the "Ying family" made a loud bang on his body. Then, the whole people burst into a cloud of blood in front of the public. A group of people were dumbfounded. No one thought that the emperor of the "Ying family" would die in the hands of Ye Xiao. Moreover, it was so neat and neat that even the three princesses did not expect it, The first to wake up was the third princess. Seeing that ye Xiao's husband had really killed the emperor of the "Ying family", her face was suddenly excited. She looked at the seventh prince with a wry face and said, "Lao Qi, what? Do you want to continue fighting with the third sister? "

"If you dare to let someone kill your father, I will kill you today to avenge my father..."

As long as ye Xiao is willing, he can easily crush him to death. Therefore, ye Xiao doesn't even look at the seventh prince. Instead, he glances at the two "Heaven realm" masters of the "Yingshi" emperor, and says without expression: "your two masters are dead. Why? Are you two going to fight on? If you don't want to die, you'll be obedient to the third princess of the Ying family. Otherwise

Hearing Ye Xiao's overbearing advice to surrender.

The two strong men of the Ying family stopped one after another. They looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. Instead of continuing the unnecessary fight, they knelt down to the three princesses together and said respectfully: "if we meet the three princesses, we are willing to surrender and follow them..."

"Third sister, I'm wrong. I shouldn't stand up to Lao Qi's words. If I fight against you, I'm willing to submit to you..." In addition, a group of royal members of the "Ying family" swore allegiance to the third princess one by one, but the third princess did not kill all these people. She nodded slightly and said, "OK, let's take Lao Qi first! I don't want my sister and brother to become enemies. Besides, I still want to have such a dispensable position... "


After hearing the words of the third princess, a group of "Ying's" royal families turned around and rushed to the seventh prince. When they saw these people who had been obedient to themselves in the early years, they were so angry that they almost glared at them. They said, "you traitors who are greedy for life and afraid of death, even if I die today, I will not let you go as a ghost Now, it's too late for me to deal with the third one. Otherwise, you will... "

"Well behaved elder sister, it's better for you to listen to the emperor's orders, and now you're the only one to be loved by the emperor! We brothers and sisters don't have to fight you... "

"It's just a dream to want me to be captured with my hands tied..." Seven Prince son one face ferocious smile way.


The seventh prince was defeated.

This time, the seventh prince was defeated completely. Not only the people around him, but also his father and Emperor had died in the hands of Ye Xiao. It can be said that he had nothing left. At the beginning, he didn't get any cheap money in the hands of the third princess. Now, a group of people rush forward, even more When he saw the seventh Prince tied up by his own people, a trace of satisfaction appeared on the face of the third princess.

The third princess is very clever and resourceful.

Seeing ye Xiao's strength, although he wanted to draw a line with Ye Xiao immediately, she knew that it was not the time to draw a clear line with Ye Xiao. She glanced at the wind in the "flower moving Palace" and said with a smile: "all the people of the Yingshi clan, listen to me and kill all the foreigners..." The third princess finished, her eyes fell on Ye Xiao's body, and asked with a smile on her face: "elder, do you want them to live, or entity?"

"Kill it!" Ye Xiao's light way.

"Yes, master..." The third princess nodded and repeated to her own people: "did you hear what the elder said? All these people killed..."

Seeing that the battle was almost over, ye Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes fell on the "misty forest". The "gate of purgatory" had been floating in the air, which meant that he had been absorbing the aura in his body. His eyes fell into the hands of the three princesses, and he said faintly, "OK, let those people outside of the" Ying family "all right The Ministry has stopped... " As soon as ye Xiao turned his wrist, he saw that the black whirlpool in the air began to get smaller. Some "Purgatory" demons flew directly back into the black whirlpool.Hearing Ye Xiao's order, the three princesses did not hesitate. She went directly to the window and said to the children of the Ying family in the whole misty forest. "Listen, everyone. The emperor of the Ying clan has been killed. Now, I am the emperor of the Ying family. All of us should stop..."

"Is the emperor of the Ying family dead?"

"The three princesses became our emperor?"

For a moment, all the members of the "Ying family" in the whole "misty forest" began to discuss. All the topics were their three princesses.

But Shi Jingtian, who had been hiding for a long time, saw that no one was attacking him. When he saw that no one was attacking him, the whole person also took a heavy breath of turbid gas, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "master, we won?"


Ye Xiao shook his head and squinted at Shi Jingtian's confused face. He explained, "if you were the giant of the" moving flower Palace "," the temple "and the" dark devil sect ", would you be willing to let the people of" Changsheng hall "and" Haitian College "win this century's big competition


Shi Jingtian nodded his head and curled his mouth: "even if they won't be willing to do so? In the end, all of them will be killed by our people. In this way, what kind of spray can they turn out? "


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