Zhang Lianmeng didn't speak, just nodded gently, and then looked at Ye Xiao with great interest!

This guy is very interesting. He has such courage to know his name. Does he think he can solve everything if he can fight?

"If you don't want the Qinglong Gang to be destroyed, take your people and leave immediately. Don't worry about their affairs..." Ye Xiao didn't mean to pay attention to the long hair either. He didn't have to pay attention to such a small minion. He just looked at Zhang Lianmeng and said

As soon as he said this, Zhang Lianmeng and others were stunned, and then laughed one by one, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world

And they look at Ye Xiao more like an idiot!

Even Zhao Meng and others are surprised

My brother Ye Xiao, please pretend to be forced. It's not like this. Even if you can fight again, you are only one person. You even said such arrogant words. Don't you know that Qinglong Gang is the third gang in Jinghai city?

They claim that there are thousands of younger brothers. We are not enough people to plug our teeth. Even if you can call on some people, you can't be the opponent of the green dragon Gang!

"Boy, I heard that Tu Tu said that you are very good at fighting, and you have courage, but do you know what you are talking about? With your words, I can put you to death dozens of times, but I am also a person who cherishes talents. In this way, as long as you are a girl to play with for a few days, I will not only not investigate your crazy words, but also accept you as a direct subordinate younger brother? " Zhang Lianmeng is still very interested in looking at Ye Xiao. The young man who dares to talk to him like this has been lost

"You don't want to..." Ye Xiao's voice cooled down

"Boy, don't be shameless..." Zhang Lianmeng's voice also cooled down. He was so surprised that he didn't get angry. It was fun to watch your boy, but don't be shameless

Ye Xiao looked at Tan Xiaoxiao with some melancholy. After a while, they began to fight. The scene was determined to be violent and bloody. Would it frighten them?

It's just that since they follow up, it's hard for them to refuse

"Don't worry about us, we are not afraid of..." As if seeing ye Xiao's worry, Tan Xiaoxiao smiles at Ye Xiao, and doesn't care about Jin Tu Tu and others in front of her

"Boy, you are looking for death..." Seeing that even tan Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to himself, Zhang Lianmeng was completely angry. He swore in his heart that he would play with this woman to his heart's content. Just as he was ready to start, the ground of the square suddenly began to shake

Everyone is stunned. Is it an earthquake?

"Boom..." The roar of the huge motor came, as if there were thousands of wild animals roaring, and as if the mountain torrents broke out

The whole ground is constantly shaking. Zhao Meng and others are at a loss. Hua Xiaodie is already excited. Feiche party is really a car party. He really has something to do with the people of the party

Although the power of the feiche party is far less than that of the Qinglong Gang, it is still the territory of the party. Now that the people of the party are here, they don't have to worry about being beaten, do they?

Zhang Lianmeng's face also changed slightly. He was familiar with the voice. It was the unique voice of the party, and it was also the voice of the large-scale mobilization of the party

Damn it, it's still broad daylight. What are these speeders doing? Is it related to this guy?

No way, the people of the party never recruit students in school as younger brothers. Even if they do, is it difficult for the people of the party to be embarrassed for a little brother and themselves?

But what are they doing here all of a sudden? Is it because they came to their territory?

Even if he is the fourth leader of the green dragon Gang, he is not willing to fight against the three evil spirits of the flying car party. They are just three lunatics, abnormal

Jin Tu Tu, who has been staying beside Zhang Lianmeng, is also at a loss. He looks at Zhang Lianmeng from time to time. Why doesn't he do it?

At the same time, he saw her three motorcycles, and they were shocked Ten A hundred

There are two people sitting in each car, and they are all wearing jeans and jeans. They look extremely stylish, even invincible

Just in the blink of an eye, more than 100 motorcycles came running around the square. Zhang Lianmeng and his party's faces changed. This is scurf, which is naked. But now they still don't understand, how dare the people of the motorcycle party dare to openly pick on them?

Do they want to fight against the green dragon Gang?

Huayun square is behind the private noble school of Yunlong. It is mainly a place for the nearby residents to take a walk. Generally, there are many people in the evening, but few people in this period. Even if some people want to see the fun, they are also driven away after the people of the car party come. They don't want to be affected by the fish pond

When all the people around him were cleared, more than 100 motorcycles stopped at the same time. Then these members jumped out of the cars one by one, and took up the steel pipe machetes and other things on the car to surround Zhang Lianmeng and othersYe yubai, the God of iron and blood, Xiao Nan, the God of jade noodles, and ye Canglang, the cold-blooded God of war, all came to Zhang Lianmeng and others at the same time!

Seeing the three evil spirits of the flying car party at the same time, Zhang Lianmeng's face became extremely ugly!

However, he still doesn't think that the flying car party will fight with the green dragon gang. Maybe they just want to get some cheap money from themselves. After all, he crossed the border and came to their territory this time

"Oh, brother yubai, brother Nan, brother Canglang, what brings you three..." Zhang Lianmeng forced out a smile on his face and met them.

When he received the phone call from Jin Tu Tu, he only wanted to teach a few students a lesson. There were only 30 or 40 people with him. In fact, he did not dare to bring too many people. If the people of the car party knew that they had brought too many younger brothers, it would only cause trouble!

But now there are more than 200 people from the party. What are they fighting with?

With the attitude of harmony as the most important thing, Zhang Lianmeng put down his face and took the initiative to meet ye yubai

But who knows ye yubai did not look at him at all. They went straight past him, came to Ye Xiao, and said with a smile, "Hey, all the brothers who can come are here, a total of 312 people..."


Deep shock

Unspeakable horror

How could the three evil spirits in the southern city know this little boy? And it seems that the relationship is not shallow? 》

Zhang Lianmeng suddenly felt that his brain was short circuited. The leader of the Qinglong gang tried to invite them to join the Qinglong Gang as vice leader, but they all refused. Even Tianle gang and even yuebang tried their best to win them over, but they failed!

It can be seen that the three of them are arrogant. However, due to their abnormal strength, the leaders of the three gangs can only give up. This leads to the situation that the flying car party is free from the three gangs, but can survive independently

But now, these three don't put anyone in the eyes of the perverts should be this boy a phone call?

What's more, they are so respectful. There is deep worship in the respect. He has seen the burning worship light in his younger brothers, but that is the scene when they see their leader

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