But can those of his younger brother be compared with these three abnormal?

Who the hell is this guy? Who the hell is this guy?

Why have you never heard of it before?

Not only Zhang Lianmeng, Zhao Meng, Jian Zhuojian, Yu Youchao and Wang Jinchen are also looking at Ye Xiao in surprise!

This generation is the territory of the party, so they know it best. Although no one has seen ye yubai, they have also heard of their shapes. Now that so many members of the party are out together, even a fool knows who the three are.

On weekdays, even small people like Hua Zhong can give them directions, not to mention ye yubai!

For them, ye yubai is just a high-ranking existence. It is the kind of existence where the dragon can see the head but not the end. But now such existence is called his classmate, the new classmate Xiaoge!

For a moment, they were too surprised to speak!

Originally thought Ye Xiao was only able to fight, but now, he is not only able to fight!

Even Hua Xiaodie, who had guessed all this, could not help shaking when listening to their conversation!

He really has a lot of relationship with the three giants of the flying car party. He really has such power

At the thought that he had dared to ridicule him that day, the cold sweat on his forehead came out one by one. Fortunately, he didn't know how to die

Li Dan, lily, Wu Dan, Wu Han and others also opened their mouths. At first, they were very worried. Later, with the appearance of the party, they were shocked by the gorgeous appearance of the party. When ye yubai and others got off the bus and walked in the light of public attention, Wu Dan, Li Dan and Wu Han were deeply attracted by their appearance But now, it is Ye Xiao who calls the man who brings the wind to the extreme in their eyes

Shock or shock!

The shock!

Unspeakable shock!

Even tan Xiaoxiao, at this time, there was a glimmer of surprise in her eyes. Obviously, she did not expect Ye Xiao to know these people

The most wonderful expression on the scene is gold painting!

When Tan Xiaoxiao and others came out, her face was full of ferocious color. She had thought about how to torture Tan Xiaoxiao for a while. Even if she was attacked by Zhang Lianmeng, she would only feel cheerful in her heart. Aren't you superior? Aren't you pure and clean? Today let you taste the taste of ten thousand people riding!

She even thought about how to slap Tan Xiaoxiao and what position to play

All this she thought well, but who knows suddenly came a group of strong and fierce members of the flying car party!

Originally, she was just curious, just curious about why these people appeared here. She was a little stunned, but she was absolutely not shocked. She still believed that Zhang Lianmeng, as the fourth leader of the green dragon Gang, even the people of the flying car party should be courteous!

When she saw Zhang Lianmeng walking towards the three men, she only thought it was a deal between some men. But when she saw that the three people didn't pay any attention to Zhang Lianmeng, her face changed!

When these three people come to Ye Xiao directly and talk to Ye Xiao, her face has turned blue and blue

How could this new guy have such a close relationship with the three giants of the party?

How can he be related? The most hateful is, why would he stand on the side of Tan Xiaoxiao?


The joy of revenge turned to despair. She only felt the tragedy of her life

In order to be higher than Tan Xiaoxiao, she did not hesitate to increase the bone height, to be bigger than Tan Xiaoxiao's chest, she did not hesitate to do breast augmentation surgery, in order to be able to live better in school, she did not hesitate to sleep with other men, in order to please her man, she did not hesitate to learn all kinds of skills, but why did she lose?

Why? She didn't do anything. Why do good men like her? Are you really not as beautiful as her?

Jin Tu Tu only felt his mind empty, nothing, nothing

Only Ye Xiao's face showed a bitter smile on the scene!

I just asked you to find some brothers. Are you going to send so many people?

The flying car party is no better than the green dragon gang. Its core members are only more than 300 people. But you brought all of them. Isn't it just dealing with a little Zhang Lianmeng? As for it? As for it?

If you are afraid to hurt Tan Xiaoxiao and others, he can do it all by himself. Is it necessary?

How did he know that ye yubai and his colleagues had always felt that they had no chance to do something for ye Xiao. Now he had to call them for help. Naturally, he had to do a good job. If it was not for fear that too many people would cause a sensation, they would really like to call the peripheral members of the flying car party together

Seeing the excited ye yubai, ye Xiao sighed heavily!

Now that we are here, let's have a good fight

Slightly nodded, toward Tan smile several people said: "the scene for a while is too bloody and violent, do you want to avoid it first?""Don't..." Not only Tan Xiaoxiao, other people, but also several girls shook their heads like a rattle

I'm kidding. How can I miss such a big scene?

Seeing the burning light in several people's eyes, the color of Ye Xiao's bitter smile became stronger

What's going on in NIMA's mind now? Do you like watching these bloody scenes?

Hua Xiaodie and others also calculate, even a few girls are also full of excitement, are they really just? How do you feel more daring than a little girl on the street?

Since they don't want to leave, forget it

Without saying anything more, ye Xiao went directly to Zhang Lianmeng, whose face was pale. Looking at the man who was half a head higher than himself, ye Xiao said faintly, "I gave you the opportunity just now, but you didn't cherish it..."

Zhang Lianmeng wants to cry. If I had known that you knew the three perverts of the flying car party, I would not have come. What else would I talk about? Treasure or not?

If God can give me another chance, I will say to you, I'll get out of here!

If you have to add a deadline on this matter, I hope it will be right away!

It's a pity that God won't give him a chance

And he finally understood why Ye Xiao dared to say something like killing the green dragon gang

Although the power of the flying car party is far less powerful than the green dragon Gang, if the three perverts launch a fierce attack, even the green dragon Gang is hard to cope with, let alone add this guy!

The people of the car party are just a bunch of lunatics!

"But I'm going to give you another chance now..." Just when Zhang Lianmeng wanted to show his toughness and say some cruel words, ye Xiao suddenly said again

"What opportunity?" The momentum that was still accumulated was weak. If there was a chance to leave, who would like to be beaten here?

He has even made a decision. No matter what kind of requirements Ye Xiao puts forward, he will meet them. We will wait until we have passed this level

The dozens of younger brothers around him really can't give him a little confidence

"Fight me alone. If you win, I'll let you go!" Ye Xiao said faintly!

It's not that he has to pretend to be forced now, but since he has already started fighting against Zhang Lianmeng, the war with the Green Gang will be inevitable. What he has to do is to unite all the forces of the flying car party!

Ye yubai has brought so many younger brothers. Many people have never seen themselves. Suddenly, they see ye yubai and others being so polite to Ye Xiao. Many people are sure to be puzzled, and some even feel unconvinced. Then they should be convinced that they are not a bag of wine, but all of them should understand that they are strong

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