Even in the future, you don't have to be afraid of the Green Gang

Yes, the purpose of his doing so is to build up his prestige in the flying car party!

"What if I lose?" Zhang Lianmeng is not a fool, the other party clearly occupies the absolute advantage, but also has to fight with himself, which shows that the other party must have full assurance, but he has no right to choose!

If you don't accept it, even if you can fight again, can you beat so many people? If it's a solo contest, maybe there's a chance of life

"Lost? What about you Ye Xiao's eyes twinkle with the coldest killing opportunity

He wants to be powerful, and the best way to do it is to kill people!

Seeing the opportunity of killing in Ye Xiao's eyes, Zhang Lianmeng's heart trembles. Does he dare to kill himself under the brilliant sky?

"OK, I'll accept..." Although in the heart is uneasy, but Zhang Lianmeng still agreed to come down, because he really has no choice!

Ye Xiao nodded with satisfaction. He was really a competent man. He knew that he needed to burn himself to support his own glory

Zhang Lianmeng saw that ye Xiao didn't attack immediately or immediately. He knew that the young man in front of him might be the strongest person he had ever met in this life. This might be the most difficult battle he had ever experienced, or even the last time

Standing in the same place, starting to slowly exercise muscles and bones, he must adjust his state to the best!

Thinking of this, he also looked at Jin Tu Tu with dissatisfaction. It was you, a bitch, who came to me for help without knowing the background of others?

Thinking that not long ago, he also vent on her, the heart is not taste, now every minute of physical strength is precious, why did he just vent on her?

All blame her. She didn't even wear underwear in broad daylight. Isn't it sincere to seduce Laozi?

Fuck, if you can survive this time, you must do her a good job, yes, dry her!

Zhang Lianmeng began to as like as two peas in the field. Ye Xiao was standing there with interest. His eyes were just like Zhang Lianmeng's eyes.

As if to accept is not a battle, but to accompany a child to play games!

However, the more confident he was, the more pressure Zhang Lianmeng was under, and hundreds of people in the audience also set their eyes on this side

The Qinglong Gang gangsters who followed Zhang Lianmeng looked at Zhang Lianmeng with hope. Although they didn't know that Zhang Lianmeng would win, they had no choice. If they could, they would give all their strength to Zhang Lianmeng!

Only when Zhang Lianmeng wins, can they leave here. If Zhang Lianmeng loses, who knows what will happen to them?

Only Jin Tu's face was full of despair. She knew that no matter whether Zhang Lianmeng could win or not, she would not feel better today. Instead, those girls who followed her were casting their eyes on Tan Xiaoxiao. They knew that whether they and others could escape this disaster, it depends on whether Tan Xiaoxiao would be merciful!

But Tan Xiaoxiao at this time all attention falls on Ye Xiao's body, also did not notice their begging eyes!

Hundreds of younger brothers of the party are also looking at Ye Xiao one by one. They all want to see what kind of charm this teenager has and can be qualified to be so close to their giants

They all know who Zhang Lianmeng is. It is the third existence of the Qinglong gang. If this teenager can defeat him, it is normal to be as close to ye yubai and others

If even Zhang Lianmeng can't beat him, even if ye yubai and others are close to him, these people will not take him seriously. XX world, the strong are respected

Hua Xiaodie, Zhao Meng and others also look at Ye Xiao with wide eyes. They have seen Ye Xiao's power and are full of confidence in him. They are just curious about how long Ye Xiao will spend!

"Hello, Anan, wolf, place a bet. I'll settle the battle in three minutes..." On the other hand, ye yubai directly took out a large stack of money and threw it on the ground!

"Go, Zhang Lianmeng is also the third fighting force of the green dragon gang. Although Xiao is powerful, it will take at least five minutes. I'll bet five minutes!" Said also took out a big stack of money to throw on the ground!

Only Ye Cang wolf kept silent, just staring at Ye Xiao's back tightly

"Hello, wolf, bet quickly..." Ye yubai said impatiently!

"Five thousand dollars, one minute..." Ye Cang wolf quietly took out all his money and threw it on the ground

Such a scene makes people dumbfounded. How can these guys bet here?

Ye Xiao is even more puzzled. These bastards dare to take their fight as a bet. NIMA, I won't beat you all this time

"Hua Xiaodie, don't you have ten thousand yuan on you? Bet me 30 seconds... " Ye Xiao is furious

"Ah..." Hua Xiaodie is stunned, let him gamble with the three giants of the flying car party? Does he have the guts?Ye yubai three people are also slightly changed, 30 seconds, who are you bluffing? Are you a three-year-old when Zhang Lianmeng?

"I have 20000 yuan here. I'll bet for you..." On the other hand, Tan Xiaoxiao took out 20000 yuan from his pocket and put it on the ground

Ye yubai's three people just looked at tan with a smile, and their eyes were suddenly bright, beautiful women

The best beauty

Nima's, Xiaoge is also really, yesterday just caught a gourmet ripe girl, now looking for a top lady, why don't you leave some for your brothers?

However, what they were more curious about was Tan Xiaoxiao's calm. Even these boys were frightened to see themselves and others. She was not afraid, even surprised, and trusted Ye Xiao so much?

Not simple, not simple, Xiaoge's women, are not simple!

"Well, I won in a moment. These bastards invite everyone to dinner!" Ye Xiao smiles back at Tan Xiaoxiao, but she is wondering. This girl is really rich. She has 20000 yuan in cash. What does she do with so much money on her body?

Just as soon as he turned back, Zhang Lian moved violently!

That nearly two meters of body like a bull general instant rushed to Ye Xiao, don't look at his big body, this speed is also a class one fast!

As expected, it is worthy of being the third in the Qinglong Gang's combat power. This vision of grasping the war situation, such speed and strength are all amazing!

Even some special forces may not have such a reaction

Almost instantaneously, Zhang Lianmeng has already rushed to Ye Xiao's body. He raises the right arm that stabs Qinglong and smashes it at Ye Xiao's head

His speed is too fast. As soon as ye Xiao turns his head, the bridge of his nose will meet his opponent's fist!

This is Zhang Lianmeng's ready punch. He believes that even if ye Xiao's fighting power is superior to ye yubai's, he will be overwhelmed by such a blow. Even if he avoids such a punch, his body will lose his balance and lose his first opportunity completely, and his chance of winning will be even greater

However, ye Xiao's body did not flash to the side, nor did he mean to turn back. He looked like he had eyes behind him. He took a step back with his right foot, and then his head turned around!

Then he quickly stepped forward, and his fist was parallel to Zhang Lianmeng's

The speed of all this is so fast that most people think his body has never moved

"Bang..." Zhang Lianmeng's fists were pounded together, and Zhang Lianmeng's fists burst into pieces. His whole arm was numb

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