When dealing with Han Wuchen, ye Xiao has already obtained some information from Chu Wangtian, about the dark moon alliance. Of course, this is the information given to him by seduction, which clearly records the identity of fireworks rain.

Of course, it's not to say how high the status of fireworks is. In the dark moon alliance, the highest status is naturally the alliance leader. Under the leader, there are three elders, followed by seven elders. These 11 people are the highest status of the dark moon alliance. In addition, the dark moon League also has 12 Dharma protectors. These 12 people have a unique identity in the dark moon alliance. Generally, they do not care about the affairs of the dark moon alliance It is the dark moon alliance that has encountered some problems that must be solved through their efforts.

Each of them is a first-class master. After them, there are thirty-six hall leaders, seventy-two helmsman leaders, and then there are deacons. They are divided into one star deacon and five-star deacon. With each promotion, their status and power in the dark moon alliance will be greatly enhanced.

Of course, these are the strength of the dark moon Alliance on the bright side. Secretly, how many experts are there in the dark moon League? Even the seduction is not clear.

The dark moon alliance is a transnational organization with great strength. Even many western countries have the shadow of dark moon alliance.

Originally, these organizations had nothing to do with the members of the Dragon nationality. However, in recent years, with the rapid economic development of China, the dark moon alliance gradually extended its tentacles to China. It not only attempted to control the economy of China, but also attempted to control the politics of China. This is absolutely not allowed for China, which is ruled by absolute sovereignty.

Members of the dragon clan have been fighting against the dark moon alliance.

Yanhuayu is a five-star deacon. Compared with those hall leaders and helmsmen, yanhuayu's status is indeed lower, but for the vast majority of people, or for the vast majority of members of the dark moon alliance, he is already a great figure.

He can freely mobilize five-star killers and be selected as five-star killers by the dark moon League, but they all have the potential to rank among the top 100 underground killers.

These killers have been adopted by the dark moon alliance since childhood, and then they have received the most assiduous training since childhood. Step by step, they have become the killing tools of the dark moon League. Maybe many of them are not as famous as the top 100 killers, but their strength is not inferior to those killers.

This is a rather terrible organization. Since ye Xiao knew this, he has been paying attention to every move of this organization.

However, since Chu Wangtian disappeared, there has been no news about the dark moon alliance. Ye Xiao originally thought that they had stopped. Who knows that they are still in Jinghai city. What is most hateful is that they even took part in this event.

At the thought of the tragic death of Luo lingchi and Wang Qi, a group of anger erupted from ye Xiao's heart. No wonder Tu Xiang dared to betray Luo lingchi. No wonder they planned such a murder.

"Who are you?" Fireworks in the mouth of instinctive exclamation, if ye Xiao is just a gangster, it is absolutely impossible to know his identity, now he called out, then he must have other identities.

But at this time, ye Xiao didn't mean to talk nonsense with him. His body had already jumped out in an instant, and directly chopped at the fireworks rain.

In the face of Ye Xiao's knife, fireworks also understand that now is not the time to talk nonsense, the body quickly back

In the face of Ye Xiao's violence, he knows that even if he wears the gloves, he can hardly resist his sword. In his hands, even a scrap iron can play an extremely strong combat power.

When the fireworks retreated after the rain, a sharp knife suddenly came out of the night and directly chopped at Ye Xiao's head

Ye Xiao raised her eyebrows and shook her throat sealing knife. She had already put it in front of her body. She heard a clanging sound, and sparks were splashed in the night.

A short man has appeared in front of Ye Xiao.

"Ono, why are you still here?" It had retreated into the night, and the rain of fireworks snorted coldly. He had just asked this guy and auros to deal with the sniper.

"Orros said he didn't need help..." Ono snorted angrily. His words were full of anger. He just left for a while. AOI kongxiang died. This son of a bitch, he must kill him.

Feeling Ono's anger, the fireworks rain was stunned at first, but soon understood that he was not fighting with Ye Xiao, and his body quickly retreated toward the night.

Seeing that ye Xiao wants to escape, ye Xiao doesn't want to let him go. He makes a move at his feet and chases after the fireworks rain. However, Xiaoye, dressed in black, has his eyes red with blood, and his sword in his hand cuts at Ye Xiao's abdomen in a strange arc

In the face of this strange knife, ye Xiao's body had to be beaten. The throat sealing knife in his hand shook again and blocked Ono's knife.

At this time, Shao Bingqian, dressed in black, lurks on a big tree outside Wugou villa. She holds a sniper gun in front of her. Her delicate fingers constantly pull the trigger and kill people in black who want to get close to Ye Xiao. Under the suppression of her firepower, no one can get close to ye Xiao.

Shao Bingyan, also dressed in black, is not far away from her, closely guarding her. She also holds a piece of infrared night vision mirror in her hand. At this time, she is facing the direction of the villa. She can just see a figure galloping in the dark"The other party has come. It looks like a sniper..." Shao Bingyan put down the telescope and said.

"I know..." Shao Bingqian said lightly, but did not mean to start, the sniper gun in the hand is constantly moving, still looking for the man who dares to run to the place where ye Xiao is.

"His anti sniper ability is very strong, should be a sniper expert We should evacuate... " Shao Bingyan said with some worry that for her sister's shooting method, she has full confidence, but the other side's body shape constantly changes, every time the foot appears in the sniper dead corner, not playing sniper people can't find such a dead corner, in case a careless, from his sister was shot how to do?

Once the sniper's Duel fails, the price is life

"No need to..." Shao Bingqian shook his head, still squatting on the branch of the tree, continued to aim at the direction of the villa.

"You're going to die like this..." Shao Bingyan angry, this girl, since and ye Xiao good on, no longer listen to their own words.

"No..." Shao Bingqian said lightly.

"Why?" Shao Bingyan is puzzled and says

"Because it will be him who will die..." Shao Bingqian's tone is still so indifferent

Shao Bingyan is speechless. Are you so confident?

At this time, on a rock hundreds of meters away from them, a blonde man carefully lay down. In front of him, he set up a sniper gun and slowly aimed at Shao Bingqian in the woods. A sneering smile appeared in his mouth

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