Yes, it's a kind of ironic smile. As a disciple of the gun god bullet, he has the classic record of challenging a generation of gun masters. Whether it's sniping or anti sniping, it's first-class and first-class. But most of the time, he doesn't like to use a sniper gun. Although the thrill of sniping is very exciting, the sniper often kills with one shot Come on, no matter how good his shooting skills are, he prefers to use bullets to force the strong ones to a desperate end, and finally kill them with another gun.

When I was in the villa just now, I intended to deal with Ye Xiao, but there was a piercing gunshot in the dark. A sniper who could be in the dark was obviously an expert. OLOS also came to be interested and temporarily gave up his mind to kill Ye Xiao and decided to kill the shooter first.

His body had moved to the outside of the villa, but he found that the sniper had not moved his position until now, and had stayed there all the time.

This is absolutely fatal to a sniper in the open air.

Although the opponent's shooting skills are good, but this experience is simply a mess. Although the other side hides in the woods and has a good shield, as long as it does not move, it is a live target.

Sooner or later, someone will find the loophole

At the moment, he is standing in the position is the best sniper position, and his position is still a sniper dead corner for the other side, unless the other side out of the open, otherwise he can not aim at himself.

This is a unilateral massacre, yes, this is a massacre.

Because it was night, and the woods were dark, he couldn't see each other's face as well as in the daytime. However, through the night vision mirror, he could still see each other's body. He was actually a woman and looked like a beautiful woman.

I didn't expect that the comer would be a beautiful woman, but she had such a bad experience. Would you like to snipe?

Besides, if you're really inexperienced and you're wearing a piece of infrared proof clothing, it's even easier to deal with than in the daytime. To kill such an opponent, orus doesn't even have a sense of accomplishment.

But think of the villa there is a difficult boy to deal with, or slowly raised the sniper gun, aimed at Shao Bingqian squatting on the branch of the tree.

There is a look of regret in the corner of OROS's mouth. Goodbye, beautiful lady

Auros thought softly in his heart and pulled the trigger

"Bang..." The sound of a loud bang, Rose's head instantly burst into pieces

He even surprised expression is difficult to emerge, clearly should be the other party's head burst open, how can it be his own?

In the woods, Shao Bingyan also heard the gunshot. Originally, she thought that her sister would be in trouble, but she found her sister perfectly squatting there. She breathed a long sigh of relief. But when she was relieved, she was puzzled. The shot just now was not from her sister's side. Who would it be?

"That guy died..." Shao Bingqian said coldly, then raised the sniper gun again and aimed at the villa

At this time, in another place, on a rock covered by grass, a man in black stood up, grabbed the sniper gun on the rock, carried it behind his back, looked back at the direction of OROS, and snorted coldly: "disciple of gun King bullet? It's just that... " After that, he ignored the situation of the villa and went down the mountain.

At this time, in the villa, ye Xiaoyi fends off Ono's attack, and his body is shaken back, while Ono continues to rush forward like crazy

Ye Xiao sneered at the sight of Xiaoye, who was directly attacking him. He shook his throat sealing knife in his hand. Then he held the knife in both hands and directly met him. Even if you want to die, go to die

All the strength in his body was gathered between his hands. The throat sealing knife directly drew a cold light in the air and fiercely chopped it on Ono's samurai sword. The terrible power broke out in an instant. Ono only felt his hands numb. The samurai knife in his hand could no longer hold it and went down. However, the throat sealing knife in Ye Xiao's hand changed direction again and held one in the air Knife flower, instantly across his neck.

A head soars into the sky, and a spring of blood gushes out from the headless neck. Ono's eyes are wide open. It seems hard to believe that ye Xiao's speed will be so fast

After killing Ono with a knife, ye Xiao gasps for a long time, and then runs forward at full speed again. Since he knows that the other party is a member of the dark moon alliance, he can't easily let him leave. At least he needs to know what role the dark moon alliance plays in this matter.

Ye Xiao's speed was very fast, and he quickly rushed into a forest. At this time, there was no pursuer in the rear. He thought that the fireworks would always escape. But when he came to the woods, he found the fireworks standing there quietly. At his feet, there was an empty bottle about the size of a thumb. There was a drop of purplish red liquid hanging in the corner of his mouth.

Gene drugs again?

Before ye Xiao had time to be surprised, he saw the purple light burst out from the eyes of the fireworks rain. At the moment, he gave Ye Xiao a terrible feeling, just like a crazy rhinoceros"Shua..." Without saying any more nonsense, the body of fireworks rain came to Ye Xiao's body in an instant, and directly hit Ye Xiao's chest

A direct blow hit Ye Xiao's chest, but it didn't convey the imagined feeling of flesh. The blow was empty, but it was the shadow of Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao's body had come to his left, and his backhand slashed to the neck of fireworks.

The sharp blade sent out a cold light in the moonlight, but the fireworks didn't mean to retreat in the slightest. It even hit Ye Xiao's blade with a backhand

"Clang..." With a crisp sound, the fist of the fireworks rain hit the throat sealing knife straightly. The huge shock force even directly cracked the tiger mouth of Ye Xiao, and the throat sealing knife in his hand was also shocked to fly out.

What is Xiaode's body shaking after taking it? How can strength increase so much?

At the moment when ye Xiao is shocked, the body of fireworks rain has already stepped forward, and then he hears a burst of drink from his mouth: "dragon and tiger fist..."

And his fist has been smashed like a fist rather than a fist, like a palm but not a palm

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