The Dao King's Dao is different from Dao mo. in order to get the unique skill of Dao Wang, Dao Mo finally got the true legend. Of course, ye Xiao understood this so-called true legend. If he hadn't seen the terrible Dao of Dao Wang in advance, he would have suffered a lot when facing Dao demon at sea!

The reason why Dao Wang can be called the king is that he has already reached the extreme of sabre technique. He has created his own Sabre after many years. The battle has begun. However, the sword of the king of Dao is still hanging under his hand, and his eyes are staring at Ye Xiao. There is no previous sadness, no worry, and even no intention to kill. The rest seems to be just empty Hole!

Ye Xiao is very strange. Of course, he is the strange Dao king. What kind of state is this? Ye Xiao doesn't think that he will be like a fool, wandering around, but this state is too strange. When ye Xiao suddenly feels a threat, the sword in the hand of the sword king is slowly raised, and then he walks towards Ye Xiao step by step!

"That boy is really acting!" Sport said slightly on one side. He had fought with this guy, and almost died on his chopping sky. It's reasonable to call it chopping sky. However, when we started with him, we only discussed with each other. At that time, we didn't have a thorough study on it. There was only one move! Of course, what sport is talking about is that under his normal state, as the royal family of the Kahn family, there is blood change. After the blood change, the combat effectiveness is multiplied geometrically! And that's why the Kahn family is strong!

"There's no intention of killing in the contest. It's not killing dogs, it's just a fool!" One side of the wine Saint said coldly!

It means that in the eyes of the king of Dao, ye Xiao has been regarded as a native chicken and a dog. There is no need to mention killing. This is also a kind of fighting realm, which can relieve his tense spirit and give full play to his state!

"Drink When you pick up the sword, you can chop it without any sign

However, ye Xiao was shocked by this simple move. In the past, the sword demon had the same move, but it didn't have such momentum. This state was fundamentally different. At that time, ye Xiao could hide or fly with a silver gun. But now, ye Xiao doesn't even have the desire to move!

This top-down move even suffocates Ye Xiao

"How could it be so strong?" Ye Xiao thinks in his mind, but he has already made a move in his hand. He was ready to block directly, but he jumps out directly

"Yes?" Ye Xiao's heart is cold, if it is the same as what he imagined, he jumped back and dodged, which was useless at all. At the moment of his beating, that chop actually followed his own jump. To be exact, when he split, the whole body moved rapidly, and the movements in his hands were not reduced!

"Qiang Qiang..." Ye Xiao didn't have time to dodge, so he held up the silver gun with both hands and blocked it. When ye Xiao was ready to pop it away, the knife suddenly sidetracked and slid directly to his left hand along the barrel of the gun!

His face changed slightly, and his left hand became loose The knife also went down with the trend

"Split the sky..." The wine saint's face wrinkled. Even he didn't have to avoid this move. He just didn't expect that this guy would be useful in splitting the sky?

Su Anyi's face is gloomy. Almost everyone on the scene knows the unique skills of the king of swords. He has indeed seen them as a super expert. But even if he has, he has no absolute assurance about such a terrible move. This is why other people are not willing to fight against him!

Not far away, Charlize and Kahn tear stood together and looked at them coldly. One side of Charlize opened his mouth and asked, "do you think this boy can escape?"

"I don't know. If he can't avoid it, it's too bad!" Kearns shook his head slowly, and then his eyes were fixed on the two men who were fighting in the middle of the hall!

After the sword slipped down, it came up in an instant. It was so fast that people almost didn't have time to react. It was so fast

"Hum ~" a metal buzzing sound sounded, and the blade tip was lifted up from the bottom up

"Ah..." Ye Xiaoqing drinks, almost in an instant, holding the spear in both hands, pressing down, and jumping back suddenly at the same time, the whole body in this moment, then turned upside down in the air, and that sword just cut Zhongxiao's silver gun, holding up his whole person

"Deng!" Ye Xiao fell to the ground in a backward somersault, but the bottom-up move just avoided it. It seems that it is not as difficult as you imagine? Ye Xiao is puzzled, and at this moment, a strong sense of crisis strikes

The track of that sword was formed in front of Ye Xiao in an instant Anticipation: when life is in crisis, the ability to predict will automatically appear. Ye Xiao quickly raises the silver gun, but to his dismay, he finds that the knife has been chopped down the silver gun Fortunately, the knife didn't hit me, just along my clothes, and my Zhongshan suit was also opened at this time

"Hum..." The blade went from bottom to top again. When ye Xiao was confused, this time he saw it clearly and was ready to avoid it, suddenly, the track of the sword changed The originally mentioned half of the saber suddenly changed into a horizontal one and cut towards his waist"This This is chopping the sky? God, it's so fast... " Ye Xiao is so stupid. It turns out that there are three moves to chop the sky. He only learned the first two moves. The last move is horizontal splitting. It's just so fast. How did he do it?

"Bang!" When ye Xiao was thinking about how to resist, or how to hide from it, the whole body of the king of Dao suddenly flew out. Ye Xiao also suddenly woke up from the previous state. What he had seen before was predicted in advance. He knew that he would surely lose if he went on like that. Even though he was stronger than his strength, he should use all his strength as soon as possible No, in this case, let him use his unique skills, especially the last move, if he really shows it

"Poof!" The sword king who fell on the ground spat out blood and murmured to himself: "I lost..." Ye Xiao doesn't know if other people have seen it, but he knows it very well. He didn't chop off the last knife, but he slapped himself Because the previous speed was too fast, the three moves together, the time is not more than a second, and in this second time, need to complete so many actions, its power can be imagined

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