But why did he keep his hand in the end? Ye Xiao is shocked again

Charlize's face was a little gloomy, because she was about to succeed. At such a fast speed, ye Xiao seemed unlikely to resist, but now it seems that

While coughing, Dao Wang slowly stood up and walked downstairs What he wants now is that Kearns keeps his word

"Charlize, you go!" Kearns said with a gloomy face. He couldn't think of it. Within ten seconds, the whole battle was over, and the advantage of victory was gone in that moment!

No matter what the reason is, Charlize hates Ye Xiao deeply. He killed Spencer, his son. Although he let himself go to the top of the martial arts without any concern, now, Kearns, the number one, has broken through the second level, which makes him feel unprecedented pressure, so now he has to kill ye Xiao and get it Those things in the virtual ruins tower that you really want to get

Xiaozi is also the third best player to deal with him, so he is very confident

At the moment, ye Xiao's eyes are cold. He doesn't have much affection for Charles. He ranks third. As long as he doesn't break through the second level, ye Xiao is sure to kill him Before breaking through the peak of Huajin, he has been able to kill some first-class Qi refining masters. Now, I'm sure that

I had a fight with Dao Wang before, because I didn't think that he would kill him as soon as he rushed up. However, this time, it won't be. Ye Xiao will defeat him with thunder!

"Boy, today I'll let you taste my power..." Charlize said that his breath became stronger and stronger, but on the contrary, ye Xiao, standing opposite him, instantly disappeared in place, and the gun in his hand turned into a silver streamer and stabbed directly at Charlize

Ye Xiao used the combination of yin and Yang, which even iron ridge dragon had killed, let alone the boy. This time, ye Xiao poured Yin and Yang into the silver gun, and the "meteor" appeared in an instant. Therefore, in this moment, those who were lack of strength could not even see ye Xiao's shadow!

"Hum!" Charlize snorted coldly. Naturally, he also saw Ye Xiao rushing towards him in an instant. Although he couldn't lock it in, he could defend himself and find an opportunity to attack him!

"Stay away It's a bad pen Avoid... " Just as Charlize was preparing to defend, Kearns suddenly growled. Kearns had no idea that ye Xiao's strength would be so strong. Moreover, it was such a simple move. The sprint was just a little fast. But even so, the strong breath, even though Kearns felt a little strange

And such a strong blow, that bastard is actually ready to hard connect, resist? That's not a bad pen. What is it?

"What?" Charlize turned and looked at Kearns not far away

"Puzi..." It was also at this time that a silver gun instantly pierced his abdomen, and he turned to look at Ye Xiao with an unthinkable face. How could this be possible? How could his speed be so fast? If the previous three moves of splitting the sky have been very fast, then this one is several times faster than that of chopping the sky

"Whoosh..." Ye Xiao quickly pulls out the long gun, and then the whole person jumps again and again, just in Charlize's doubt, after ye Xiao pulls out the long gun, why doesn't he make up one more shot? But jump back? Do you want to rush up and die with him? Just as Charlotte thought that, all of a sudden

"Boom The Yin and Yang Qi contained in this explosion is almost the comprehensive and powerful explosion power contained in the two throwing knives. It almost instantly dries the blood in Charles' body, and the whole body becomes fragmented with the explosion sound

The whole scene was quiet, and no one spoke, because they were scared by the scene in front of them. They had never seen such a strong trick. What was it? If it's not fast enough, it will produce such a powerful explosion after touching people? In the past, half of the face of the person was directly bombed out, but now, this one is even more terrifying, and the whole person is so directly bombed out

The most important thing is, this is Charlotte, the third Super Master

Kearns's face was also extremely ugly. He didn't expect that ye Xiao was so strong in front of him, especially the silver gun. Could he still have this kind of power? If you attack him with your own attributes, I'm afraid you can't kill him

At this moment, Kearns hesitated, because it was impossible for him to kill Charlize. He killed him almost instantly

Sport's face was flickering with light. "Darling, this boy is really powerful, but what's his explosive thing?"

Hal slowly shook his head: "I don't know, but I do know that it needs more strength to compress it. Only in this way, can it not explode in an instant!"

Hal was naturally shocked. From his perspective, he also saw that the energy contained in the explosion, two different attributes, and even Qi strength with opposite attributes, would maintain a certain balance. However, when confronted with external forces, the balance would be broken in an instant, and it would burst out in an instantYe Xiao slowly put away the silver gun, and then walked towards Kearns step by step. He walked so quietly. There was no momentum and power around him. It seemed that at this moment, he was ordinary people

"How frightened by my strength? Hehe, in fact, I have a stronger one here. Do you want to try it now? " Ye Xiao coldly looks at Hal in front of him. In fact, he is right, but he is stronger. That is, the complete integration of yin and Yang In that case, I'm afraid that if you hit him, it would be the same as Charlotte. In a moment, it would be a scum!

"For example..." Ye Xiao's face sank in an instant. He threw a flying knife in his hand. With a whoosh, the silver light flashed

"Yes?" Kearns's face was stunned. A saber appeared in his hand and waved with one hand. The saber hit the flying knife in an instant. Because of the external force, the flying knife immediately changed its direction. However, when it flew one meter away, it exploded with a bang

"Good speed Ye Xiao looks at that in the explosion moment, already jumped out of Kearns cold smile way! The disadvantage of throwing knife is here. If you are a master of the same level, as long as you can block your own Throwing Knife, you will almost lose its power! For example, Kearns can't hurt him as long as he can

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