When Hua can appears beside Huang Yi, Huang Yi's whole talent reacts and murmurs: "this How could this be possible, how did he appear? " Huang Yi doesn't have any sense at all, but Hua can in front of him snorts coldly and rushes towards Huang Yi directly!

"Die!" Green Toad itself already has the realm of celestial beings. Now, although it only has the fighting power to fight against robbery, it's too easy for him to clean up Huang Yi. At the same time, the biggest reason is that at the moment, when the large-scale bombing was used to search for ye Xiao's trace, it had almost consumed, and the rest was only the passive killing place!

But now the attack of Green Toad is equivalent to the attack of an expert during the robbery period, so Huang Yi can't resist it at all. Of course, if Huang Yi knew Ye Xiao had a master during the transition period, he couldn't have used a large-scale thunder and lightning bombing so early!

"Close!" Huang Yi throws a yellow jade Rune directly from his body. He throws it out and shouts at the same time. It is at this moment that the Yellow Jade Rune instantly expands and then bursts, forming a rune mark composed of countless thin lines and is printed towards Huacan!

"Goo! Almost at this moment, Hua can's cheeks puffed up, just like a toad. Then he made a sound. Suddenly, a blue light came out of his mouth!

"Boom The blue light almost instantly hit the jade rune, and the original mark and pattern disappeared in an instant. It was less than three breaths before and after. Huacan had come to Huang Yi's back, and said with a sneer: "since you dare to fight against the master, you can die!"

After Hua can finishes, a huge mouth appears in front of Huang Yi. Just as Huang Yi is shocked and ready to escape, a strong and strong long tongue shoots out of the mouth, and there is a barb on the tongue. After sticking Huang Yi directly, he suddenly pulls it and swallows him directly

"Master, the old man has been swallowed by me!"

Hua can flashed to Ye Xiaoshen and said respectfully, "but it may take some time to digest him thoroughly. Compared with the sky splitting tiger, my power of swallowing is the sky and the earth. Therefore, I need a longer time!"

Ye Xiao didn't expect that the Green Toad in front of him could clear the yellow one in less than five breaths. You know, this is one of his arrays, and he is also a master of eight grade array. Can you say that he doesn't carry some talismans? Or is the Green Toad too powerful?

"I see, you enter the demon refining tower first!" Ye Xiao nodded, and then began to inquire around. He wants to go out now. As for Tianzhao, it's better not to be greedy. Now he has killed Huang Yi. If the ghost is there, he will be in trouble. The most important thing is that xuzuo's man. Once the guy is there, he is afraid that

I'm afraid it's not clear what's going on inside. This array will be completely invalid within three hours without Huang Yi's charge. In these three hours, as long as you go back to the transmission array, you can transmit it directly, and you don't need to break the array at all!

Maybe those people are waiting for themselves outside!

The array itself doesn't have the effect of Psychedelic array, so ye Xiao basically remembers all the roads that ye Xiao has gone through. About half an hour later, ye Xiao came to the transmission array and murmured, "next time, when ye Xiao comes, it will be the time to destroy your sky and sky."

The size of Yuejie is almost equivalent to three GUI Zun's boundaries. However, there are many forces within the Yuejie, which are not managed by Chengtian. Among them, there are magic gate and Fujian city!

At the moment, Chengtian, the director of Yuejie, is jointly attacking Huayu. The purpose is that Hua YUEWU will step down and marry Ren Chengtian according to the wishes of the flower family. The whole flower field is in the charge of the flower family. This is also the agreement reached between the flower family and the Yuejie master. Only in this case can the flower family agree to join hands with Ren Chengtian!

Even though the walls of the whole flower kingdom are more than 100 Zhang high, and the city gate is made of cherry iron, it can only block the ordinary experts of Yuanying period, but it doesn't play a very important role for those real masters!

Although Liu Ye has now become a master of eight level array, Ren Chengtian is a super master in the later period of Dujie and even at the peak of Dujie. How could he be his opponent?

Of course, the real battle did not start, just in the flower domain mansion, willow leaf and Flower Moon Charm two people's worry! Because at the moment are some small skirmishes, the other party to the deadline has not yet been said, so whether it is Ren Chengtian or the flower family, there is no real master!

The whole Yuejie, known as the thirty-six domains, is the super realm of 138 cities. Ren Chengtian's subordinates go out to spend the realm, and there are thirty-five masters of the integration period, as well as his own eight masters in the later period of integration!

So many masters, if the real attack, flat a flower field, it is like Pediatrics!

At the moment, a large number of people gathered outside the gate of Xingyao, a barren mountain, 30 miles away from Huacheng. These people are very strong. The weakest one seems to have the cultivation in the period of out of body, while the strongest, no one knows how strong it is!According to the law, these people can't be here at this time, because the flower field is blocked as a whole, and the transmission array is blocked. In this way, if they want to come in, they must break through the defense of the flower field

At the moment, Chen Jianyu, a disciple of Xingyao sect, rushed up from the foot of the mountain and went directly to the main hall to find the acting patriarch Zhenguo Yang. Now the yin-yang reversal array has no effect because of the lack of crystal coins, so those who are closed have already come out!

At the moment, Zhenguo Yang was talking with Wang Peng in the hall. Chen Jianyu rushed in and yelled: "no, it's not good!"

Zhenguo Yang's face changed and glared at him in a cold voice and said, "what's the proper way to be flustered?" Zhenguo Yang is a little depressed. Chen Jianyu now has the strength of the early stage of the combination. In the whole earth fairyland, it is also regarded as a first-class master. Now he is still so bold and reckless!

"No No, we have a large number of monks outside. The weakest of them are in the out of body period, and the strongest one is me I can't see it! " Why is Chen Jianyu flustered? Can't you see the strength of the other side? You know, if you can't see the strength in the early stage of the combination, the other party is at least crossing the robbery, or the peak in the later stage of the combination. Even in the later stage of the combination, Chen Jianyu can also feel it vaguely!

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