"What?" Wang Peng of one side slightly a Leng, direct mouth asks a way: "how many people did they come?"

"Dense and dense, at least there are more than 300 people!" Chen Jianyu said in one side: "let's start the big battle of protecting the clan immediately. Those people who come here are not good at it."

And it is also at this time, one side of the Zhenguo Yang said: "is Ren Chengtian personally come!"

"What?" One side of Chen Jianyu and Wang Peng face is a change, Ren Chengtian that is a real master! How could he suddenly appear here? Isn't he supposed to fight Huayu?

At the moment, Wang Peng and Zhenguo Yang are discussing how to support Huayu. How can they come directly to themselves?

"Open the grand array of protecting the emperor! It's not a joke! " Zhenguo Yang Lianlian ordered that, because the elder of Keqing was no longer willow leaves, the maximum benefit of this grand array of protecting the clan could not be achieved at all!

"Boom!" At this time, the more than 300 figures were suspended on the main hall of Xingyao gate almost instantaneously, and the protective Zong array was not opened at all!

Ren Chengtian came out slowly at this time, looked at the Zhenguo Yang and said with a smile: "Xingyao gate, tut Tut, this place is quite good. In the past year, the Xingyao gate has such a lot of sub masters and fitness masters? Tut Tut, if you are allowed to grow like this again, will I not be in crisis? "

Ren Chengtian was shocked. He didn't expect that a year ago, these people were all Jindan or Yuanying. But now, most of them are masters in the distracted period. Among them, there are seven or eight of them in the fitness period. According to this situation, they are already top-ranking forces!

"Ren Jiezhu, it seems that we have nothing to do with you?"

"Ha ha!" At this time, Ren Chengtian didn't speak, while Kearns on the other side directly laughed: "it's a joke. Let's not talk about the festival a year ago. It's now. You're going to fight the whole flower field. But you're helping yourself. Aren't you fighting against our Yuejie?"

As Ren Chengtian's disciple, Kearns has now reached the level of master liupin array, and he is also a master who has been distracted in the middle stage! If it's not ye Xiaobai Jun, who is abnormal, he is also a super genius who shocked the whole mountain world. In almost three years, he has grown from a Qi refining boy to a distraction master. How can such a talent not be a genius?

Zhenguo Yang's face changed slightly. At the same time, he stood up slowly, looked at Ren Chengtian and said, "Ren Jiezhu, since this is the case, let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Why do you come to our Xingyao gate now?" Zhenguo Yang doesn't believe that he came to kill directly. If he really slaughtered the whole Xingyao gate, he could let his subordinates do it without saying a word. But now it seems that he doesn't mean that!

"Look, you are sensible. The purpose of my coming is very simple, that is to let my good disciple copy all the arrays of Xingyao gate, and leave all the materials needed for the array to me. In this way, it will be OK, and I won't move any of you!" Ren Chengtian coldly looks at zhenguoyang in front of him. In fact, his purpose is really like this. First, he has a feud with Ye Xiao. But if you think about it from another angle, you should know that Ren Chengtian is a super master in the period of robbery. In order to deal with a Ye Xiao, he can't do it. At the same time, if he really attacks Xingyao gate, he doesn't have to come in person. In addition, this kind of injury He doesn't want to do anything about muscle moving bones, because when formally attacking Huayu, then Xingyao gate must be within his attack range!

What he really looked at was the array of Ye Xiao's subordinates. Among the array mages, there was one ability, that is, copying. After obtaining the master's permission, he could enter the array and know all the places, eyes and positions of the array. Finally, he moved to another boundary with a ratio of one to one In order to get better results, Ren Chengtian directly asked them to hand in all the array materials! In this way, let his disciples copy the array, not only can let him understand the true meaning of it, but also can bring so strong aura to his Jiefu!

Zhenguo Yang's face changed slightly, but his disciples, Wang Peng, Huang Ming and others were angry. What's the difference between this and robbing? And the most important thing is that their crisis will be threatened again after the big battle of protecting Zong is removed!

But one side of Zhenguo Yang thought about it and said, "OK, I promise!" Zhenguo Yang has no other choice. Among them, he has the strongest strength, but he can't get a move in other people's hands. If Ren Chengtian really wants to start, I'm afraid this array can't stop him. Before ye Xiao also said that he can barely resist the fitness period. Now he has reached the fitness period, even if he controls himself, he just barely resists the ferry robbery But the problem is, the other side is not an ordinary robbery master!

"Hey! That's what I'm talking about Ren Chengtian nodded slowly on one side, then bowed his head to several people on his side and said something. After that, his apprentice and four masters of fitness period fell down one after another and walked towards the array! And Zhenguo Yang is following behind!

Because someone instructed him, it took only about an hour for Kearns to record the rune mark of the array in his own sea of knowledge. In this way, he only needs to test and test again and again, and then he can be formed quickly!When they want to report to Ren Chengtian in the air and prepare to turn around and leave, Kearns on the side of the plane lowers his head and whispers in Ren Chengtian's ear: "there seem to be four beautiful and moving nuns here. Now the most powerful one has reached the distraction period. I think..."

Ren Chengtian was slightly stunned and then laughed: "what's the difficulty?" Ren Chengtian turned directly and looked at Zhenguo Yang. He said slowly, "just now I scanned the whole gate of Xingyao with divine sense, and found that four people under your door have offended me. But today, in your positive share, I don't blame you. Let them come out and meet with me at Jiefu."

Zhenguo Yang's face changed. At the same time, Wang Peng and Huang Ming on the other side both looked very ugly. There were nuns in the whole Xingyao gate. But they naturally heard what Kearns said just now. So they knew more about who the dead man they were talking about. So they all felt like they were facing a great enemy. You know, these four men are all him Ye Xiao's woman, and this array is actually to protect them. But now the array is forced, and when there is a threat to the four women, they naturally feel nervous!

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