On the top of the hill, Peng Yingshi hit sharna's wrist with a knife. Just as she was about to chop, sharna's wrist was like a spirit snake. She turned directly. Instead, she clasped her wrist with her backhand. She pulled her body forward slightly and made a beautiful over shoulder fall

I can see that Peng Yingshi's body is thrown out like a broken kite, but even so, Peng Yingshi is not completely out of balance. She is still in the air, and her body has begun to roll. When she lands, she will not be in the posture of dog eating shit.

But sharna obviously won't let her land so easily. Before Peng Yingshi's body falls on the ground, she has already run forward at full speed, and then directly hits Peng Yingshi's heart with a blow

"Bang..." The silver fox's body in the air immediately flew out like a cannon ball. It hit the bushes behind heavily, crushing those shrubs to pieces, and even opened its mouth was a stream of blood.

It's obvious that the blow has hit her hard

"Silver fox, is this your strength now?" Seeing Peng Ying's poem lying in the Bush, sharna sneered, her eyes full of irony

Ignoring Sarna's sarcasm, Peng Yingshi slowly got up from the ground, vomited blood foam in her mouth, and then shook her body and jumped at her again. The silver revolver also appeared in her hand

It's no use for you to leave here Peng Yingshi saw Salena as like as two peas. The pistol was turned into a gun. The pistol was turned into a gun. The pistol was just like the silver revolver. Peng Yingshi appeared in front of her hand. But before she could shoot, Salena's revolver had already sprayed a spark. Then she heard a clang. A bullet went straight into Peng Yingshi's hands. On the pistol, the whole pistol will fly

In this moment, shalana's body has swept to Peng Yingshi's body, and she's like lightning. Peng Yingshi's hands are constantly waving to resist the storm like fist of Sarna, and her body has been shaken back and forth.

However, sharna's speed is getting faster and faster. Before she can recycle her hands, she hits her abdomen with a fist. Peng Yingshi suffers from pain and her body trembles. At this time, sharna's body rotates and kicks out side kick

In the face of such a quick foot as lightning, Peng Yingshi resisted the pain of her abdomen and put her hands in front of her chest. The foot was heavily kicked on her arms, and the terrifying force once again flew her body

"Bang..." This time, it was not as lucky as before. Instead, it fell on a rock, and there was a mouthful of blood gushing out on the spot.

"Silver fox, you really let me down. I haven't seen you for several years. Your strength has regressed to such a level. Don't struggle any more. You'd better go back with me..." Seeing Peng Ying's poem lying on the ground, sharna sneered.

Peng Yingshi also ignored her words, the body once again difficult to stand up

Seeing that Peng Yingshi was so stubborn, sharna was angry and completely angry. This time, without waiting for Peng Yingshi to make a move, her figure had already rushed out like lightning, and another blow hit Peng Yingshi's abdomen

Peng Ying's poem is painful, and a dull hum comes from her mouth

"Go back with me..." Sharna yelled, but Peng Yingshi didn't let up

Sharna clasped Peng Yingshi's shoulder, lifted her right knee like lightning, and fiercely pushed it against Peng Yingshi's abdomen

"Poof..." Another mouthful of blood spurted from Peng Ying's poem, and her whole person was better as if she had been drained of strength and fell down soft

"Go back with me, as long as you promise to go back with me, I will not embarrass you again..." Seeing Peng Ying's poem in front of her and her bright red blood, sharna stopped her action and said again

"Even if I die, I won't go back with you..." At this time, Peng Yingshi even said again, and her body began to struggle to stand up. Her words made Sarna look at her

"Then you go to die..." The furious Sarna actually grabbed Peng Yingshi's hair, pulled her body and hit the rock in front of her

"Bang..." With a loud bang, Peng Yingshi's head hit the rock hard. On the spot, there was a gush of blood, and a huge blood hole was hit on her forehead

The whole person felt a whirl of the sky and earth, and could not distinguish the southeast, the Northwest

Until this moment, she really realized the gap between her and sharna, and really understood why she could gather so many strong people around her in just a few years.

Gun god bullet, this is not just a person, but a pronoun, the pronoun of death

It was at this time that a huge roar broke out in the silent Longgang, and sharna, who was still beating Peng Ying's poem, was stunnedThen a slight smile appeared: "someone came, honey, you say, will it be your little man?"

Hearing such a gunshot, Peng Yingshi was also shocked. Is it really Ye Xiao? But he shouldn't have known he was coming here?

And what is he doing here? There are also several shooters arranged by Sarna. He came here to die

"What's the matter? My dear, is it painful? "

"You promised me not to kill him..." Seeing the complacent Sarna, Peng Yingshi said coldly

"Ha ha, I promised you not to kill him, but now he wants to kill me. Can I stand here and wait for him to kill me?" Sarna's eyes were full of sarcasm, and she was obviously naive to what Peng Yingshi said


"Ha ha, dear, you don't have to be angry, or you can ask him to leave immediately. As long as he leaves, I promise not to kill him?" Peng Ying was angry and would scold her, but she was interrupted by sharna

"No need to..." At this moment, a cold man's voice rings from behind salna

Sarna's body trembled, and the other side came behind her?

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