This time, in order to take away the silver fox, kill Ye Xiao by the way, and avenge auros, sharna brings the nine most powerful doubles around her.

One of them was killed by Ye Xiao, and the remaining eight were not as good as the one killed in terms of shooting skills, but each of them could be regarded as powerful. Moreover, eight people guarded all sides and took care of each other, even if they were just a fly

Well, flies must be able to fly in, but if you change into a person, you don't want to break in. But now, this guy has come here unconsciously? What is this?

You know, even those masters on the sky list have no such ability? Can such a little man who needs help to deal with a double can do it?

And what was that gunshot?

All of this flashed through sharna's mind in the sparkle of calcium carbide. Without any hesitation, she released Peng Yingshi and flashed her body to the left. While dodging, she began to turn around, and the golden pistol appeared in her right hand again

Before she turned around, she had already pulled the trigger, but when she turned around, she found that there was no one in sight, and her eyebrows were frowning

What about the people?

At this time, the corner of salna's eyes suddenly jumped, and a figure darted from her left side, and the golden pistol in her hand just had no bullet

Her wrist turned, and the golden pistol was thrown out as a sharp weapon. She didn't expect this gun to hurt her opponent. She only needed to slow down the speed of the opponent, and her body began to retreat rapidly.

In close combat, her strength has surpassed Peng Yingshi. However, she is not sure of such a figure who appears behind her

She is good at guns. As long as she has a gun in her hand, she can do anything

At the moment when the figure regressed, a golden desert eagle appeared in her hand and felt the heavy feeling of desert eagle. Sharna laughed. Although she was wearing a mask, the two people present could still feel her smile. It was a kind of proud smile, and it was also a kind of confident smile

"Don't..." Peng Yingshi exclaimed in surprise. Although she was surprised that ye Xiao could quietly break through the eight men's defense to come here, she still knew that once shalana shot was in her hand, she would be invincible within the distance of more than 10 meters

Even ye Xiao may not have such strength to avoid her shooting skills

Yes, even the No.1 Shura in the sky list doesn't have the speed to avoid the bullets of the God of guns

This has become the accepted law of the underground world

Ye Xiao didn't think that he could avoid the bullets from the God of gun, so he would not give Sarna a chance to shoot

The man is still seven or eight meters away, and there is a small knife with the thickness of thumb in his right hand. He shakes it hard and shoots a cold light directly

However, sharna is also a new generation of gun god. She shoots very fast. Even if ye Xiao takes the lead, she still pulls the trigger. However, the bullet intended to shoot at Ye Xiao has to change its course and meet the flying knife.

Her shooting is very fast. She can hit the shot, but it doesn't mean that she can avoid the bullet. People's reaction speed may be faster than the bullet, but the human body's reaction ability can't really be faster than the bullet. The high hand who can avoid the bullet often starts to dodge before the other party shoots, and after the real shooting At a distance of more than 10 meters, few people can dodge.

"Clang..." One, ye Xiao shot the first flying knife directly shot by the bullet, but by this time, his people have arrived five meters away, without any stop, right hand shaking, is three throwing knives, one shot at Sarna's neck, the other two completely sealed her escape route.

Once again, Sarna had to face a fatal shot

With a clang, the throwing knife was knocked down again, but at this time, ye Xiao has come to her

In the face of Ye Xiao, she pulled the trigger calmly in spite of her surprise. At such a short distance, she couldn't avoid Ye Xiao's killing moves. So don't dodge and shoot him directly

Ye Xiao's attention has always been on her right hand, or on the golden desert eagle. Seeing her finger pulling the trigger, ye Xiao's body and head all the way to the left

"Bang..." A bullet almost brushed his cheek and even made a bloodstain on his face. However, he avoided such a shot, and his body really came to salna's body. He stretched out his hands and grasped her two wrists

Seeing ye Xiao using this method to prevent himself from shooting again, Sarna's eyes flashed with sarcasm. Even if he could not shoot, but his hands were locked. How could he subdue himself?This guy is very fast, but fighting skills are just the same.

Without any more thought, sharna raised her feet and headed to the bottom of Ye Xiao. If she was really in the top, ye Xiao's life would be really over

But sharna's knee hasn't been lifted yet. Ye Xiao's body has been hit hard on sharna's huge chest. Such a collision force, where can sharna resist it, and her right foot just lifted up, the whole person has lost balance completely and then goes back

"Bang..." One sound, the two people's body falls heavily on the ground, with sharna this flesh cushion under, ye Xiao will not feel pain naturally, and sharna's desert eagle is also shaken off

Without the desert eagle, ye Xiaosong opened sharna's right hand, and her body jumped up. Then he grabbed sharna's hair and rushed towards the rock beside

"Bang..." Facing the horrible force of Ye Xiaona, sharna is like a chicken. Her head and the rock are hit together. The gold mask on her face is smashed directly, and the rock is also knocked off a lot

Ye Xiao was really angry. The abnormal poetry of Peng Ying made him confused. When he knew these things from pengying's mouth, he could guess the real reason why pengying poetry did so, not to seek his protection, but instead, she wanted to protect him

Although he is difficult to understand the entanglement between the two women, he thinks that, so he has always let the cold soul pay attention to the dynamic of pengying's poetry. As a result, it is true that pengyingshi and sharna have been engaged in dueling

Ye Xiao rushed over for the first time. She thought that, with the relationship between the two, sharna would not torture Peng Ying poetry too much even if she was stronger than Peng Ying's poetry. Who knows she actually ran Peng Ying's poem into stone. When she saw such a scene, ye Xiao was angry and completely angry

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