"Bang..." There was another loud noise. Once again, sharna's head was in close contact with the rock. Another blood arrow was ejected. Her golden hair was dyed red by blood

At this time, her beautiful face was full of blood, which looked very ferocious. However, ye Xiao didn't know what it was to pity flowers and cherish jade. She grabbed Sal Na's collar and slapped her back in the face

"Pa..." A crisp sound, a slap on the face, splashed the blood on the face, leaving five clear finger prints

"I make you arrogant, I make you arrogant..." At the same time, ye Xiao scolds and slaps at him

I don't know how many slaps she has stirred up. Even ye Xiao feels a little tired, so she releases her right hand and allows her body to fall to the ground, and then she puts a firm foot on her chest

This is a long sigh of relief

After confirming that sharna has no combat effectiveness, ye Xiao comes to Peng Yingshi's side and holds up Peng Yingshi who is also seriously injured

"You idiot, people beat you so hard, why don't you fight back?" See Peng Ying poem forehead blood hole, ye Xiao some heartache said.

If there are any scars on such a beautiful face, it will be too ugly

And he also understood Peng Yingshi's strength. If she really tried her best, she would not be able to defeat sharna in close combat ability, but she could not be so vulnerable

Being held in her arms by Ye Xiao, Peng Yingshi did not answer immediately. Instead, she looked at Ye Xiao's face in surprise

"Well, what are you looking at? Do I have flowers on my face... " Peng Yingshi was so staring, ye Xiao is a little puzzled asked.

"You How did you get here? " Peng Yingshi is really surprised. She believes in Ye Xiao's strength. If ye Xiao and sharna fight hand in hand, it must be ye Xiao who wins. Just like that, there is no suspense. She is curious about how ye Xiao broke through the defense of those people and came here? You know, those men are extremely good at their skills, and their shooting skills are even more first-class. It can be said that even the gun king can't compare with them. In other words, how could ye Xiao come quietly from the defense of the eight gun lords?

Isn't that amazing?

"How did you get here? Of course, they came here... " Ye Xiao did not have a good breath of white one eye, he did not have long wings, can not fly?


"You mean how to get rid of those rubbish at the foot of the mountain?" Without waiting for Peng Ying's poetry to ask, ye Xiao has interrupted.

"Well..." Peng Ying Shi nodded her head

"Don't forget, this is the burial of Longgang. This is my place. This woman is such an idiot. I asked the cold soul to lead them away. I came up from a secret path..." Even to now, ye Xiao is also a face unhappy, this girl, also too do not believe in themselves? Even in order to protect themselves and sharna duel alone, and in the process of the duel still let her, this is simply death?

Don't you have nothing to love?

Hearing Ye Xiao's explanation, Peng Yingshi suddenly realized

"By the way, you haven't told me why you've been so lenient?" Seeing the sudden look of Peng Ying's poem, ye Xiao asked, you understand, but I still don't understand

"I owe her..." Peng Yingshi didn't give any more explanation. She just said one sentence so lightly that ye Xiao was speechless for a while. She said that. What else could she say

"Let's send you down the mountain first. Your wound must be treated immediately, or it will leave a scar..." Ye Xiao didn't want to get entangled in this issue. She helped Peng Yingshi up

"Wait, take her with you..." Who would have expected Peng Yingshi to point to the fallen sharna and say

"Take her? Did she really want to kill you just now Maybe when she was killed by Peng Xiaoying, she was not worried about her

This is the way he doesn't care about flowers and jade at all

"She won't be..." Who expected Peng Yingshi to shake her head and say with certainty

"Why?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, just now also a pair of desperate appearance, why not later?

"Because in the future she will be your woman..." Peng Ying's poem has a strange smile

"My woman?" Ye Xiao pointed to his nose and said in shock.

Although Ye Xiao is very excited about salna's figure, seeing that she has hurt Peng Yingshi like this, she has no reason to be angry. She doesn't treat her as a woman at all, so she gives her a severe lesson.

He even had the intention of killing, just worried about Peng Yingshi's feelings, which was the last killer. But now Peng Yingshi told him that she would become her own woman? This is not a summoning game. If you beat a boss, you can make him your subordinate"Believe me, you will be her master in the future, and she will never violate any of your orders..." Seeing ye Xiao's puzzled look on her face, Peng Yingshi didn't give any more explanation, just added a sentence

"OK..." Ye Xiao nods. Since Peng Ying's poems have said so, what else can she say? She has to hold Peng Yingshi with one hand and sharna with the other, and walk down the mountain

"At this time, the sound of sniper guns rang out again, and ye Xiao's face changed slightly

"No, cold soul is still fighting with those guys? He'll kill those guys... " Now that I have caught Sarna, there is no need to fight any more

"Let them die. When they die, bullets die..." Who would have expected that sharna, who had been knocked unconscious by Ye Xiao, woke up. A pair of blue eyes were firmly staring at Ye Xiao. She was full of love. It felt like a woman who had been suffering from Acacia for a long time suddenly saw her man who had been in love for a long time

Seeing such tender eyes and hearing such cold words, ye Xiao only felt his hair stand up. This What's going on here?

Is this woman changing too fast?

Only Peng Yingshi beside her has a faint smile on her mouth. Only she understands that sentence of Sarna. From now on, there will be no gunpowder bullets. She has been completely convinced by Ye Xiao

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