Even though sharna's voice of begging for mercy came from her mouth, Peng Yingshi didn't mean to be merciful at all. She clearly understood that this pain was nothing to them

"Well, in three days at most, you should be all right again..." After applying anti-inflammatory drugs, Peng Yingshi clapped her hands and stood up from the bed

"Then can I go to your little man?" Hearing such news, Sarna charming smile, toward Peng Yingshi said.

"He doesn't belong to me. If you want to find him, just look for him..." What did Peng Ying say to her.

Since she was severely taught by Ye Xiao that day, sharna has changed her normal state and made a 180 degree turn in her attitude towards Ye Xiao and even her. Other people would not believe that all this is true, but Peng Yingshi absolutely believes it.

Because sharna's essence is to respect the strong. When ye Xiao sneaks into her side under the defense of her eight stand ins

You know, since her debut so many years, no one has been able to get close to her

Yes, never

However, ye Xiao not only did it, but also defeated her with absolute strength, which was a huge shock to sharna, who had buried the law of the jungle in her bones, so she completely surrendered to Ye Xiao

"No, it's my first visit to Jinghai. What if I get lost?" Sarna a pair of Jiao didi appearance, said Peng Ying poem white eyes a burst of crazy turn, lost? A killer gets lost? Why don't you buy a piece of tofu and kill yourself?

"Dong Dong Dong..." At this time, there was a knock outside the door, and the two women's faces showed a startled look at the same time. Who would be so early?

"It should be ye Xiao. Only he knows that I live here..." Soon, Peng Yingshi's mouth said

"Woo Hoo..."

"Click..." Xiaoer, dressed in black, opens the door

"Honey, you're here at last. I miss you so much..." Don't give ye Xiao a chance to react at all. Sharna directly plunges into Ye Xiao's arms

Early in the morning, I was suddenly hugged by such a beautiful woman. Even though ye Xiao was so determined, there were some signs of shortness of breath

But this is a hotel, and passers-by will pass in the corridor from time to time

Ye Xiao pushes sharna into the door and closes the door with her backhand

At this time, Peng Yingshi also came out of the bedroom and saw Ye Xiao, who was hugged by sharna. A faint smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. Who could have thought that the gun god who shocked the underground dark world would have such a scene

"Sit down..." It seems that seeing the smile on Peng Yingshi's face, ye Xiao is a little embarrassed, and now he snorts to sharna coldly. He came here to ask Sarna about something, but he didn't have something to do with her. Of course, if something could happen, ye Xiao would not care, but now is obviously not the time for something to happen

Hearing Ye Xiao's cold hum, sharna sat directly on the sofa like a good baby.

"I have something to ask you..." Under such circumstances, ye Xiao is not in the mood to ask questions

"Who received you when you came to China this time?" Try not to let their eyes toward the body of sharna, ye Xiaoqiang said calmly.

"Well?" Shaerna was stunned, obviously did not expect Ye Xiao to ask her such a question, but still truthfully attracted: "is the dark moon alliance five star deacon fireworks rain..."

"Fireworks rain?" Ye Xiao's heart is surprised, fireworks rain was not killed by himself?

"Well, he invited him here, and he arranged for me to come to China this time..." Salna nodded gently.

"He should have been killed by me. How could he still be alive?" Ye Xiao expressed his doubts

"It's easy. You killed his double..." This time it was Peng Yingshi who spoke

"Er..." Ye Xiao is speechless for a while. Nowadays, actors and actresses need doubles. How come these underground workers need to find doubles? Let's not talk about other people. Let's just say that the woman in front of her has nine doubles, but all of them have been killed by cold soul

"Shall I kill him?" Seeing ye Xiao's expression, sharna said again, but with a faint smile on her face, she seemed to be talking about the most common thing. Of course, killing people is indeed a very common thing for the once gun god.

"No, I want you to find him..." Ye Xiao said coldly. Now, he has confirmed that Xu Yifeng's disappearance must have something to do with the fireworks rain. What he needs is the whereabouts of Xu Yifeng

It was at this time that ye Xiao's mobile phone rang and looked at the phone screen. It turned out that it was Xiaobai who called. Now he connected the phone

"Brother Xiao, it's not good. There's something wrong with my brothers..." At the other end of the phone came Xiao Bai's urgent voice, but ye Xiao's heart was tight

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