Jinghai Longyao hospital is a private hospital. However, both medical resources and medical equipment are considered to be the top in the world. This is a hospital that ye Xiao has invested heavily in. It is also open to the public on weekdays, and the charge is lower than that of the general public hospital. He is deeply aware of the difficulties in seeing a doctor in this society. Many ordinary citizens just can't afford to pay high fees He is not the Savior. He can't make everyone live a happy life, so he can only do what he can!

However, considering the number of medical personnel in the hospital, there is a limit on the number of people received every day. The main purpose of the hospital is to serve the members of the Longyao club. Ye Xiao can not delay his brother's rescue time for the sake of indifferent people.

At this time, at the door of the special ward of the hospital, ye Xiao, ye yubai, Xiao Nan, including the president of the hospital, all stand there, and Lin Siyuan, who was dug up by Ye Xiao from Taihu sanatorium, stood there, looking solemnly at a member of the Longyao club in the ward who was receiving treatment.

The member of the Longyao club was covered with abscesses all over his body, and his face was white and blue. His expression was painful and his hands were clinging to the bed sheet. Obviously, he was suffering from great pain

And his body is also dead fixed in the hospital bed, several doctors and nurses are for him to break those abscesses, squeeze out the pus inside

In a short time, the Dragon Yao club member's body became hollowed out, just like the surface of the moon

"Can we find out the cause?" Ye Xiao looked at the painful expression of the member of the Longyao society and asked.

"It should have been infected with a virus. His blood has been tested and the results will be available soon..." President Lin stepped forward and said

"How many people are sick..." Ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly locked together.

"103 people..." The answer is ye yubai

"So much?" Ye Xiao is surprised

"Well, before that, it was just Xiao Linzi who felt itchy. They thought it was a skin disease. But the next day, he began to have a fever, and some parts of the guys he played with began to itch. Finally, all of them started to have a fever and were sent here immediately. However, within two days, 103 brothers were sent here. The others were better, He is the most serious one... " Ye yubai replied solemnly.

Although these are not official members of the Longyao club, more than 100 people have been infected with the virus. Who would believe that there is nothing wrong?

"Inform all people to come to the hospital for all-round examination. If there is such a situation, they should be isolated at the first time. In addition, all people should be vigilant these days..." Ye Xiao gave the order at the first time

"Well..." Ye Yu nodded, went to one side and began to make a phone call

Just when ye yubai called, a young woman in a white coat came to me in a hurry

"Dean, it turns out that The female nurse ran towards this side and cried out, her voice was shocked

"Well?" Lin Siyuan took the test sheet from the nurse. When he saw the test results, his face suddenly changed

"What's the matter? What is the problem? " Seeing the look on Lin Siyuan's face, ye Xiao and others had a premonition.

"This EIA virus, a virus that can accelerate cell growth..." Lin Siyuan said solemnly.

"Well? Accelerate cell growth? Isn't this a dangerous virus? " Not only Ye Xiao, ye yubai and others are also puzzled

"As we all know, every cell in our human body will constantly split out of the heart cells in the process of growth, and there will be constant death of old cells. However, this virus only accelerates the growth of cells, and will not split new cells. In other words, it will accelerate the aging of cells. You go in and check his body, whether there are many places that have become rigid ”Speaking of this, Lin Siyuan suddenly thought of something and said to the female nurse in front of her.

The nurse quickly answered, secretly took a look at the handsome Xiao Nan, turned and walked into the ward

After a while, the nurse and a doctor in white came out. Their faces were very ugly

"Dean, the muscles below the ankle are all ossified, and the cuticle begins to break. The situation is not optimistic..." It was the doctor who spoke. He looked very ugly

On hearing this result, ye Xiao and other people's faces changed dramatically once again, all rigid? Is

"President Lin, is there a way to save it?" Ye Xiao immediately asked, if the rate of fossilization continues, then these brothers may all go to see Yama

"No, this virus not only infects, but also has strong vitality. It is difficult to eliminate it. With the current medical level, it can only be prevented, but it is difficult to cure completely, unless it is..." Speaking of this, Lin Siyuan's face is also very ugly

"Except for what?" Ye yubai asked anxiously.

"Mr. Ye, you should have seen the film" biochemical crisis " Instead of answering immediately, Lin Siyuan asked Ye Xiao and others a question."Well..." Ye Xiao nodded. At this time, what did you say?

"The main purpose of umbrella company in the movie is to develop a drug that can stimulate cell division and rapid growth of human body cells, so that its soldiers can achieve a relatively immortal existence. However, it failed in the end. The developed T virus is similar to this virus, but it can only make the human body decay rapidly, without the appearance of zombies The reason is the same. If you want to treat people infected by this virus, you must take the virus that can make human cells divide continuously... " Lin Siyuan said solemnly that the drug had not been developed in the film, let alone in reality?

Hearing such a result, ye Xiao and other people's faces turned pale. Do you think that the lives of more than 100 brothers should be handed over here?

"If I say I really love you, who will clean up the broken friendship..." At this time, ye Xiao's mobile phone rings again

Ye Xiaoyi saw that it was Murong Mingyan who called

"Hello, ye Xiao, where are you now? Come back quickly. Bao'er is sick, her temperature is very high, and there are many blisters on her body... " At the other end of the phone, Murong Mingyan's anxious voice came

Ye Xiao's face changes again, does Yi bao'er also infect this kind of virus?

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