Yilin is on a business trip. When ye Xiao comes home, only Murong Mingyan, ye Binglin and Yi Baoer are at home

Murong Mingyan is wearing a professional suit. Apparently, she has just come back from school. Ye Binglin is also wearing the school uniform of Yunlong school. She is staying at the side, watching yibao'er lying on the bed motionless

"How's it going?" Ye Xiao rushed directly to yibao'er and said to Murong Mingyan.

"You see..." At this time, Murong Mingyan is sitting on the edge of the bed, her face is full of worry. The two buttons on her neck are not buttoned. She sees Ye Xiao come in and bows forward to untie the quilt for her. When she bows down, her eyes are swept away from her

Ebol's face was flushed with sweat on her forehead. She looked like she was having a high fever.

However, ye Xiao's eyes were attracted by the dense blisters on her abdomen, arms and thighs

The smallest of these bubbles is only the size of rice grains, and the largest one is the size of a little finger. It looks like the naked eyes grow on the meat. It's not terrible

Once broken, the body will leave a lot of potholes, which is actually the same disease as those brothers of Longyao Club

At the thought of the consequences of President Lin Siyuan's actions, ye Xiao's face was extremely ugly

"Take her to the hospital together Maybe it's a virus with Binglin Without much nonsense, ye Xiao wrapped her up in a quilt and walked downstairs.

Murong Mingyan heard that it was some kind of virus, and her face changed. She pulled Ye Binglin up and went downstairs behind Ye Xiao.

Soon, yibao'er was sent to Longyao hospital. After the doctor's examination, she was indeed infected with the virus, but she just changed it

Hearing such news, even if ye Xiao had been prepared for it, she felt uncomfortable. Fortunately, Murong Mingyan and ye Binglin were not infected by the virus.

On the same day, not only some members of the Longyao society, but also not only yibao'er, at least more than ten thousand people in Jinghai city were infected with the virus. All hospitals were full of people for a while

So far, there have been no casualties, but the disease spread quickly like a plague, but after two days, more than 100000 people have been infected with the virus

Such a thing immediately attracted the attention of the whole municipal government and even the central government. After all, Jinghai city is the largest economic city in China and a representative of the entire Oriental civilization.

The government set up a medical team at the first time, and even sent out armed police to maintain the security of Jinghai city. Now people in Jinghai city are in a state of panic. Many people can't help thinking about SARS in 2004, and this virus is more terrible than SARS.

The government's response speed is extremely fast. It can be said that the disease was controlled in Jinghai city for the first time

However, more than 100000 people have been infected and their lives are in danger until the pathogen is found.

On the seventh day when ye Xiao knew about this, bodies were beginning to appear on the streets of Jinghai city. Yes, they were bodies. Some people lost their lives under the infection of this virus, which made the already panicked city more flustered, and the situation seemed to be out of control

On the other hand, elite doctors from major hospitals gathered together to discuss the virus with the expert group, and strive to find antibodies as soon as possible At this time,

, in the ninety most luxurious conference hall of the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinghai Municipal Committee Secretary Tian Zhengqi, mayor Ye Jiazheng, Inspectorate General Lin Zhengdai, Public Security Bureau Dai Daichen, and Luo Xiaojun, Jinghai's commander in chief, are sitting in front of the huge archetypal table. Besides that, they are sitting in the same occupation with a professional suit. After Yifeng withdrew from Hengtian Group, the giant's position also gave way, and she became the first female giant in the history of Jinghai city

In addition, Liu Yu, Shangguan Wudao, Lang Haiping, situ Nan, Wei Zhenglan and other giants are among them

After all, this seems to be a government affair. In fact, it has a bearing on the economy of Jinghai city and the vital interests of everyone here

At this time, there was a heavy footfall at the gate of the conference hall. Soon, the door of the conference hall was opened from the outside. Ye Xiao, dressed in a black Zhongshan suit, walked in with a gloomy face, and directly came to his position and sat down

"Look at this..." After ye Xiao sat down, Yi Guyun, who was sitting next to him, handed over a stack of materials. Ye Xiao swept the contents of the materials as quickly as possible. A little surprise appeared on his face: "Xu Yifeng? All this was done by Xu Yifeng? "

"Although there is no evidence, it can be inferred from these data that these should be him..." Dai Daichen, director of the Public Security Bureau, was speaking.

"Why did he do it? What's good for him? " Ye Xiao asked again.

Asked by Ye Xiao, all the people present were speechless. Yes, what is Xu Yifeng doing? What kind of benefits will he get? The only result is that he and all the forces under his banner are uprooted and completely expelled from Jinghai city. This will not do him any good"What if he can't help it?" At this time, Shangguan Wudao, sitting in the innermost part of the room, suddenly opened his mouth and said, his cold eyes fell on Ye Xiao's body

Yeah? Hearing the Shangguan Wudao saying, all the people present were suddenly surprised. Yes, what if Xu Yifeng could not help himself?

It would be excusable to do all these things, but what kind of organization does he have behind him that makes him feel helpless?

However, ye Xiao had a flash of light in her eyes, which seemed to think of something

"Who can tell us in detail what Xu Yifeng has done these days..." After pondering for a moment, ye Xiao came slowly

"I'll do it..." This time, it was no one else who stood up, and the Shangguan was still the best ally of Xu Yifeng

Ye Xiao didn't speak. He just glanced at Shangguan Wudao. He also wanted to know what kind of role Shangguan Wudao played in such a thing

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