In the description of Shangguan Wudao, Xu Yifeng's first target is naturally Hengtian Group. With Hengtian Group as the backing, he can do many things more conveniently. Originally, he and Xu Yifeng were allies, but Xu Yifeng stabbed them in the back. Not only did he not rescue the acquisition of Feilong group, but also took this opportunity to suppress Feilong Finally, the group obtained a piece of maritime transportation from the hands of the Shangguan family

Why does he control sea transportation? You know, with his financial resources, shipping by sea is just a drop in the bucket for him. He doesn't need to spend so much effort to get the piece at sea. The only explanation is that he needs to transport some things by sea, and transport some unknown things.

In association with Xu Yifeng's later action, he first returned Hengtian Group to yiguyun, and sold his own shares together, in exchange for Hengtian's health medicine industry. As we all know, the biggest advantage of Hengtian Group at the beginning was the research and development of health care drugs and the energy problem of environmental protection, while the health care drugs, in the final analysis, were still genetic engineering.

Xu Yifeng tried to arrange so many things. His purpose was to control all the research on genetic agents under Hengtian for several days. Obviously, with the basis of the original health care drugs of Hengtian Group, he has completed a certain task.

And the sea transportation is nothing more than the channel through which he transports these things or brings some things in

After listening to Shangguan Wudao's story, Tian Zhengqi, ye Jiajia, Luo Xiaojun, Lin zhengdai, Dai Daichen, including Ye Xiao, frowned tightly together.

When Xu Yifeng did these things, many people were puzzled. Everything seemed endless. But after such an analysis, didn't there happen to be the most perfect explanation?

How did Xu Yifeng get the support of the shareholders of Hengtian Group and how could he have such a powerful backstage? All the doubts have now been explained in the best way. Behind Xu Yifeng, there is indeed a giant

What Xu Yifeng has done is just to serve the organization. Although there is no evidence yet, everyone has guessed the result.

No matter what kind of contradictions they had before, when it was related to the vital interests of all people, they all pointed to Xu Yifeng.

"What kind of genetic drug does Xu Yifeng want to develop?" At this time, Liu Yu, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth.

Not only he, but other people also want to know what kind of genetic drugs Xu Yifeng's organization wants to develop, which actually needs so much preparation, and must rely on some scientific research achievements of Hengtian Group?

"Elixir..." Ye Xiao, according to the ancient rhyme, Shangguan Wudao, the youngest of several magnates, said almost at the same time.

After saying that, ye Xiao and Yi Guyun looked at each other, both of them looked at each other with a smile, but when they met Shangguan, they met with two bright sparks.

Undead medicine, these three words are like a heavy bomb, hard in the hearts of people.

Since ancient times, there have been emperors seeking eternal life, but over the years, the elixir is just a legend. Even with the development of science and technology, no one can develop a real elixir

What organization should be developing this drug?

What kind of organization is this?

Ye Xiao said this because he thought of those gene soldiers. In theory, they are immortal. At least, it's hard to kill them with injuries in general. If Xu Yifeng's organization already has such genetic agents, combined with some scientific research achievements of Hengtian Group, it is not impossible for them to develop stronger immortal fighters

As for ancient rhyme, it is completely inferred from the original principle of health care drugs made by Hengtian Group. The so-called health care drugs are nothing more than prolonging life and making people's body more active, which is the same as undead theoretically. After so many years of research and development, Hengtian Group has indeed developed some drugs that can enhance the activity of human cells, although there is no such drug It is said that undead medicine is so exaggerated, but it is more or less effective in prolonging life. If Xu Yifeng's organization makes some transformation on this achievement, it may really be able to develop that kind of Medicine

As for Shangguan's ignorance, I don't know what he guessed from

"Since everyone thinks so, what we need to do now is to find out Xu Yifeng, at least to find out the antibody of this virus, otherwise, if we go on like this, the whole city of Jinghai may be completely paralyzed..." Tian Zhengqi soon recovered from his shock. He has been in Jinghai city for several years, and he will be transferred in half a year. With his political achievements and strong background behind him, it is not impossible for him to take over the Central Committee this time.

However, when he was about to leave office, there was such a big accident, which may have affected his official career. It can be said that he is the most hated legacy of Xu.

This son of a bitch, how to say is also a Chinese, how to do such a thing? Now there are so many people in the city infected with this virus, what is the difference between this and the gas war?All the people present nodded at the same time. As Tian Zhengqi said, if there is a problem in Jinghai City, none of them will be better. After all, except for yiguyun, their roots are here, and after yiguyun's acquisition of Feilong group, the main focus is Jinghai city.

They will be the first people to suffer losses if there is any great turbulence in Jinghai city

"Director Dai, immediately block Tianyuan Group and send someone to Tianyuan Group. Maybe we can find some clues..." Tian Zhengqi began to issue orders

"Yes..." Dai Daichen didn't dare to talk nonsense. He quickly took the order

"General Luo, please block the sea area for your people..." Tian Zhengqi said to Luo Xiaojun that he was more polite than Dai Daichen. After all, Luo Xiaojun was not his subordinate

"Well..." Luo Xiaojun nodded. This was his duty, but he didn't think that Xu Yifeng would leave from the sea if he hadn't transferred under such circumstances

"Ye Xiao..." At the end, Tian Zhengqi looks at Ye Xiao and says in a deep voice, "I'll ask you to look for Xu Yifeng..."

"The Secretary can rest assured that as long as he is still in Jinghai City, even if he digs three feet, I will find him out..." Ye Xiao nodded heavily. He knew that if he really wanted to find someone, the members of the road were much better than the police

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