Longyao hospital covers an area of up to 100 mu, but the highest building is only seven floors, and the only seven storey building is built in a sea of flowers.

This is the most luxurious special ward of Longyao hospital. It is also a place that is not open to the public. Only members of the Longyao association are eligible to receive treatment here if they are injured.

These days, Jinghai city is still peaceful. Under the leadership of Leng Shaoshang and Li Siqing, the former cold weather club and tiannu club have become two halls of the Longyao club. Members of the Longyao Club seldom fight with others. Therefore, the building has been almost empty since its completion, but at this time, the whole building is filled with patients

This is naturally a member of the Longyao society infected with E virus.

At this time, in a ward on the top floor that only core members of the Longyao club are eligible to enter, Irene, wearing a white shirt, is sitting by the bed, looking at yibao'er, who has completely lost weight, with tears in her eyes.

It's been seven days since ebol was sent here. Although under the control of the drug, the spread of E virus has slowed down a lot, but her health is still very bad, and even some places have had abscesses. According to this trend, no one knows how long she can last

Irene is such a precious daughter. It can be said that ebol is all she has. If there is something wrong with her, she will not be able to continue to live

Murong Mingyan is sitting next to her, one hand raised and put down, put down and raised, trying to pat her shoulder to show comfort, but also know that it seems useless, can only quietly accompany there, looking at the sleeping baby, her eyebrows are tightly knit together

At this time, the door of the ward suddenly opened from the outside. Irene stood up and rushed to the door. She knew that only one person could come in without their permission, that is Ye Xiao.

And these days, ye Xiao has been running for e-virus resistance drugs, ye Xiao is back now, perhaps with E virus resistance drugs.

"Ye Xiao, what's up? Have you found any resistant drugs? " Yilin grabbed Ye Xiao's clothes and asked excitedly.

The shirt on her body was three days ago. She had just returned to Jinghai city on that day. After learning about yibao'er's situation, she immediately rushed over. During this period, Murong Mingyan once advised her to go back to have a rest and change clothes, but she didn't want to leave.

As a result, Murong Mingyan had to bring her clothes. However, she had been standing by her side, almost without leaving. She didn't want to delay changing clothes.

Even in the past few days, she has eaten nothing but some porridge

But ye Xiao, who usually likes beauty, looks away from her eyes for the first time. Instead, she looks at Irene's face full of tears

Ye Xiao's heart is also a burst of pain, Irene sad, he is not sad?

It has been more than a year since I came to Jinghai city. Most of the time I spent with Murong Mingyan, Yilin and yibao'er. In the course of the year, they made themselves feel the warmth of their home. Although yibao'er was evil and naughty, and made a lot of things that made him crazy, he thought that yibao'er was closer than his sister Existence, if there is something wrong with ebol, his heart is also sad.

In particular, seeing the original lively and lovely baby's body rotted little by little, he had no way to do it. His heart was more sad than anyone else Rao is that he has a strong fighting capacity. Rao is able to cross the sea of tranquility, but he can't save people

"Sister Lin, don't worry, baby. She'll be ok..." Although the heart of grief is not less than Irene, but ye Xiao or a face calm said.

He is the only man in the family, and he has to shoulder all the responsibilities of the family

"Still no resistance drugs found?" Hearing Ye Xiao's comfort, Irene not only did not feel relieved, but also asked in a slightly disappointed way.

"Not yet, but we have some clues. In addition, I have invited Mr. Wang here. He should be able to control bao'er's illness..." Ye Xiao said, the body has let to one side, Yilin looked up and saw a man similar to Ye Xiao was supporting a white haired old man to come in

Seeing this white haired old man, Yilin or Murong Mingyan, I feel a little familiar

"Are you the miracle Doctor Wang Yuyang?" Or Murong Mingyan was the first to react, and then exclaimed.

"It's Lao Shi. Are you Mr. Murong, the former head teacher of Jinchen?" Wang said kindly.

As soon as she heard the word "miracle doctor", Irene's originally lost eyes were filled with light. She released Ye Xiao and knelt down to Wang Yuyang

"Doctor Wang, please help my daughter. Please help her..." Wang Yilin said, but she wanted to kowtow to Wang Yu

"Ms. Yi, you don't have to do this. Get up quickly. It's my duty to help the wounded and the wounded. I'll do my best..." Obviously, before coming, Wang Yuyang had already known the name of Irene from his grandson Wang Jinchen."Yes, sister Lin, Mr. Wang will try his best. You'd better get up quickly. It's not good to delay the treatment of bao'er..." Ye Xiao stands next to Yilin. Obviously, she didn't expect that she would be so excited. She quickly stepped forward to help her

As soon as she heard that the time might be delayed, Irene came back to her senses and quickly got up from the ground. However, she didn't know whether she didn't have a good rest in the past few days, or because she was too nervous, her body had not completely stood up. Her steps were just a series of faltering and falling to the ground.

"Your qi and blood are too weak. Go to have a rest first..." Wang Yuyang looked at Irene's eyes and face as if he had not seen Ye Xiao's magic claw, and said

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