Different from the past, if ye Xiao saw this pair of grandness, his eyes would stare out, and even more he would have a man's instinctive reaction. However, when he saw her sleeping face, he didn't want to think about it.

Seeing those startling blisters, ye Xiao felt a pang of pain in her heart, and her hatred for Xu Yifeng was also added

Let Yi bao'er's head gently lean against the bathtub. Ye Xiao opens the Yuba. When the water temperature is right, she holds her body in one hand and the Yuba in the other. First, she washes the black mucus on her body, and then washes the bathtub covered with some black mucus, and then continues to fill the bathtub with water

Ye Xiao gently wipe the body of Yi bao'er. When her hand accidentally touches those blisters, she can't help shaking.

It seems that those blisters grow on their own body

"Brother Ye Xiao What are you doing? " Xiaoyi, if you don't hear them clearly, Baoye is not the only one

"Baby? Are you awake? I'm taking a bath for you. Sit still and don't move... " Seeing Yi bao'er's soft appearance, ye Xiao felt even more uncomfortable

"Brother Ye Xiao, are you taking advantage of others?" Who would have expected her to be ungrateful and say

Ye Xiao is speechless for a while. Theoretically speaking, he seems to be taking advantage of her

"Brother Ye Xiao, is bao'er ugly now?" Seeing ye Xiao's embarrassed face, Yi bao'er's mouth slightly pulled, as if in a smile, but it seems to have thought of something, said very sad at the moment.

"It's not ugly. No matter when, Baoer is not ugly..." Seeing Yi bao'er's sad appearance, ye Xiao feels more sour in her heart

"Brother Ye Xiao is a liar. Bao'er knows that he is ugly now. Brother Ye Xiao, is bao'er going to die?" Yibao'er said softly, softly and lightly. It seems that she is saying something that has nothing to do with herself

"No, how can bao'er die? Bao'er will be OK. I believe that brother Ye Xiao will be ok..." As soon as yibao'er talks about death, the sour feeling in Ye Xiao's heart is constantly surging up, and there are tears in the corner of his eyes

Baby won't die. How can baby die? I won't let you die

"Really? Will brother Ye Xiao lie to me Yi bao'er looks at Ye Xiao with big eyes, as if he wants to confirm the truth of his sentence

"Of course it is true. When did my brother cheat bao'er..." Hearing the soft voice and seeing yibao'er, ye Xiaoqiang held back his tears and swore.

"But bao'er is so scared. Bao'er is really scared. Wuwu, Baoer is afraid..." Ye Xiao didn't cry, but yibao'er was the first to cry. She was so sad, so painful, so sad

"Don't be afraid, baby. With my brother here, baby will be ok..." Seeing Yi bao'er's sad appearance, ye Xiao's heart throbbed with pain. She hugged her in her arms and gently patted her back

"Brother Ye Xiao, bao'er is not afraid to die, but bao'er is afraid that she will never see her brother again, and that her mother will be lonely and sad after bao'er leaves. Bao'er doesn't want her mother to be sad Wuwuwu... " Yibao'er cried aloud, but maybe her body function was too poor. Even if she was crying, she cried so powerless and helpless

Hearing that what yibao'er cares about is his mother at this time, ye Xiao's heart seems to have something broken

"Fool, you also know that mother alone will be lonely, will be sad, so you can't have anything, you need to be strong, you know?" Ye Xiao gently patted Yi bao'er's back and said it very gently. As he spoke, tears fell from the corner of his eyes and dropped directly on his shoulder

"Brother Ye Xiao, you are crying..." It seems that she feels the cold from her shoulder. Yibao'er suddenly raises her head and looks at Ye Xiao's eyes

"No, how can my brother cry? It's fog. Yes, it's fog..." Ye Xiao quickly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with her hand. She despised herself severely in her heart. She was so shameful that she even shed tears in front of a little girl

"Is brother Ye Xiao sad for bao'er?" Yi bao'er doesn't point out Ye Xiao's clumsy lies at all, but looks at Ye Xiao's eyes and asks.

"Silly girl, you'll be OK. How can my brother feel sad?" Ye Xiao shook his head and tried to control his tears, but he couldn't hold back the cold tears without knowing why

"Brother Ye Xiao, do you like bao'er?" Yi bao'er sees through Ye Xiao's disguise at a glance, but doesn't want to continue to argue on this issue. Instead, she suddenly opens her mouth and asks

"Yes, of course..." Ye Xiao nods hard

"When bao'er grows up, will ye Xiao marry bao'er as his daughter-in-law?"

"OK, OK, when bao'er grows up, brother Ye Xiao will marry bao'er as his daughter-in-law..." I don't know why. Hearing this, ye Xiao's uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger

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