"Hee hee, bao'er really wants to marry Ye Xiao's brother, but bao'er can't wait for that day..."

"No, baby, don't scare your brother, it won't..." Feeling that the breath in yibao'er's body is getting weaker and weaker, ye Xiao is in a panic

"Brother Ye Xiao..."


"I..." Ye Xiao cocks up her ears and wants to hear what yibao'er wants to say. But before she finishes her words, her head sinks and she just closes her eyes

"Baby No... " In a flash, ye Xiao felt her heart as if a glass had fallen on the ground, and it broke into pieces and pieces. Her eyes were full of tears

Before I had time to think about how Yi bao'er was suddenly like this, ye Xiao pulled the bath towel, wrapped her body and ran outside

He can't lose her. He can't imagine what Irene would think and what she would think if something happened to her?

"Doctor Wang, Doctor Wang, look, what's wrong with her? What's the matter with her? " Ye Xiao anxiously put yibao'er on the bed and roared to the Doctor Wang beside him.

Yes, roared

At this moment, the calm and calm dragon warrior disappeared. If the ruthless villain who can command tens of thousands of younger brothers at one command is not found, he will be replaced by a little boy who seems to have just lost his mother


When ye Xiao exclaimed, Wang Yuyang and Wang Jinchen had already stood up. He had just put yibao'er on the bed. Wang Yuyang had already grasped her wrist, carefully grasped the pulse, and ignored the anxiety. Ye Xiao held it quietly. After a full minute, Dr. Wang released her little hand and opened her old eyes

"Don't worry, the effect is better than expected. She just fell asleep and her body functions have been fully stimulated. Although she has not been able to completely resist the virus, her life will not be in danger in a short time..." Looking at Ye Xiao's eyes, Wang Yuyang said faintly

Ye Xiao's heart, which was gradually broken, stopped breaking. His original anxious mind quickly calmed down. At this time, he thought that he had been disrespectful to Dr. Wang.

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry just now." Wang Yuyang is a miracle doctor, but he is Wang Jinchen's grandfather. His attitude is extremely inappropriate. He apologized to Wang Yuyang, but he was interrupted by Wang Yuyang before he finished.

"No harm, you let her have a good rest..." Wang Yuyang waved his hand, indicating that he would not care

Naturally, he knew Ye Xiao's identity, and how he had acquired his present position at a young age with the strength of a man.

Such a person, regardless of means, or mind, are absolutely mature, but a little girl's comfort makes him almost lose his mind.

This is enough to see the status of the little girl in his mind

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded and personally sent Wang Lao and Wang Jinchen away together

When they left the hospital, ye Xiao returned to her ward. Looking at her sleeping face, ye Xiao secretly vowed to find the virus antibody as soon as possible, no matter what the cost.

Just now he thought that yibao'er was gone, and he didn't want to experience the pain again. He also secretly vowed that he would never let Xu Yifeng go. Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he would tear it into pieces

At this time, ye Xiao's mobile phone ring rings again. After a look, it turns out that Luo Xiaojun is calling

"Hello, uncle Luo..."

"I found the trace of Xu Yifeng. He is leading his men to Dongpo wharf. He should want to leave there. I have sent Canglang and Yang Zhanghu to intercept him. It should be in time. You should go and have a look at it." At the other end of the phone came Luo Xiaojun's calm voice

Ye Xiao eyebrows a pick, unexpectedly found the trace of Xu Yifeng, he has not left?

"OK, uncle Luo, I'll go right away..." Ye Xiao immediately agreed to come down, did not care to say hello to Murong Mingyan, rushed downstairs at full speed

At the same time, he dialed ye yubai's phone

"Hello, Xiaobai, call for people to go to Dongpo wharf. Xu Yifeng wants to escape..."

While speaking, ye Xiao has already rushed downstairs, jumped directly onto his Audi A5, started the motor, and galloped out at full speed

At the other end of the phone, ye yubai, who is leaving her hands dancing in the air, receives the phone call. After hearing Ye Xiao's words, her face changes. These days, so many members of Longyao have been infected with the virus. They have been in a rage for a long time. Now they have finally found the right one. Where is the reason to let go

"What's the matter, brother Bai?" Seeing ye yubai's face suddenly changed, a member of the Longyao Association closest to ye yubai said.

"Call on the brothers, follow me and kill Xu Yifeng's son of a bitch..." Ye yubai said that he had taken the lead to rush out. Other Longyao would hear such news, and they all changed their faces. They ran out of the Hanwu Feiyang bar closely behind ye yubai. In a flash, the roaring motors were heard in several streets around him. One after another, Harley motorcycles galloped out of the surrounding alleys and soon gathered together Gather into a long dragon, full speed toward the east cityMany people who have witnessed this have opened their eyes one by one. Is there anything important to happen?

When ye Xiao and others rush to Dongpo Wharf at full speed, in a jungle seven or eight kilometers away from Dongpo wharf, Yang Zhanghu, dressed in dark green military uniform, led his company to come here. After receiving the call from Luo Xiaojun, they looked at the speeding motorcade. Yang Zhanghu's brows were tightly wrinkled together. How could there be so many people on the other side?

After a while, the motorcade came to the dense forest, but the road ahead was blocked by Yang Zhanghu's staff with tree poles, so the motorcade had to stop

Yang Zhanghu quickly led the elite soldiers and surrounded the motorcade from four directions

Seeing the soldiers who suddenly appeared around, Xu Yifeng's eyebrows slightly wrinkled. How was the whereabouts of himself and others discovered? Why even the army is out?

"Kill them..." At this moment, the figure in black robe sitting beside Xu Yifeng suddenly opened his mouth and said

Xu Yifeng frowns again and fires with the army? This

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