With the appearance of Yang Zhanghu and others, a man in black also stepped down from the car. There were only 60 or 70 of them. However, in the face of more than 100 fully armed soldiers, their faces did not show any fear or even numbness, as if the other party was not holding a gun, but just a general toy.

Seeing these calm and some terrible people in black, and then looking at the car in the middle that didn't open the door, Yang Zhanghu's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together. What did these people think? Do you really want to fight against yourself?

"Can Xu Yifeng be there?" However, they are now soldiers, not gangsters on the street. When things are not clear, it is not easy to start directly. At the moment, they shout to the black running car in the middle.

"Are you looking for me The black door of the Mercedes Benz opened, and Xu Yifeng, dressed in a long robe, stepped out of the car. Immediately, two men in black stepped forward and blocked his body behind him, leaving only one head. Obviously, he was afraid that these soldiers would shoot suddenly.

Seeing Xu Yifeng get off the car directly, Yang Zhanghu's eyebrows jump again. This guy's courage is good.

"Yes, I'm the Jinghai garrison." want to take me Xu Yifeng has a sneer on his mouth

"Yes..." Yang Zhanghu nodded, and the order he received was to stop Xu Yifeng at all costs. Now when he saw Xu Yifeng's sneer, an ominous feeling gushed out in his heart.

"Wishful thinking..." Xu Yifeng hums coldly

"You..." What else does Yang Zhanghu want to say? Xu Yifeng has said again: "kill them..."

The moment the voice dropped, he had already got into the Mercedes Benz, and the men in black took out their submachine guns one by one, and they were about to start shooting

"Fire, kill..." No one thought that Xu Yifeng would dare to confront the army with such a small number of people. However, Yang Zhanghu's reaction was fast enough. Seeing that the situation was not good, he directly issued the order of general attack

In a flash, hundreds of soldiers opened fire at the same time. The dazzling sparks spewed out from the muzzle of the guns. Countless bullets shot at the people in black in front of the car like raindrops

"Dada dada..." Bullets shot into the bodies of those people in black, and all kinds of blood burst out. However, something surprising happened. When the bullets were shot, those people in black didn't die. They just showed a look of pain on their faces, and then they continued to pull the trigger

"Dada Da..." Another burst of gunfire rang out, but this time, the soldiers led by Yang Zhanghu were replaced by those who were shot

These are elite soldiers who have been specially trained. Although many of them have never been to the battlefield, they are far better than ordinary soldiers in terms of reaction speed and mental quality. This is also what they are "looking for shelter, concentrating fire, continuing to shoot..." At this time, in order to reduce casualties, the best way is to evacuate immediately. However, the mission of soldiers is to obey orders. After receiving orders, even if they die, they have to complete their own missions.

In fact, there was no need for Yang Zhanghu to tell them. The remaining soldiers had retreated one by one towards the dense forest behind them, relying on the cover of big trees, and continued to attack these men in black

Innumerable firepower was all concentrated on a few people. In a short time, these men in black were smashed to pieces

Seeing those creeping pieces of meat, Yang Zhanghu's brows are tightly wrinkled together. Is this the immortal warrior that Xu Yifeng developed?

Can they lose their combat effectiveness if they are beaten like this?

"Disperse and surround, kill all of them..." Seeing that five or six men in black were smashed to pieces, Xu Yifeng's eyebrows jumped again and again issued the order to kill

The rest of the men in black quickly dispersed and rushed to the soldiers in the forest at full speed. They were very fast, almost breathing time, and had already rushed to the edge of the forest

Xiao Lu is the most exciting soldier under Yang Zhanghu's command, but he is also the most hardworking one. Yang Zhanghu also takes him as a key point to cultivate him. At this time, he saw a man in black rushing towards him, raised his rifle and directly pulled the trigger

"Bang..." The bullet directly hit the man in black's chest, but there was a clanging sound. It was the sound of the bullet hitting the metal. Xiao Lu's eyebrows wrinkled. Did they still have steel plates in them?

At the same time, Xiao Lu points the muzzle of the gun at the head of the man in black, and then pulls the trigger again. He is the best shot fighter in the army except Yang Zhanghu. At such a short distance, he can easily shoot a person in the brain even when he is moving.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot. A bullet directly hit the head of the man in black. But the man in black was so fast that he covered his head with his hands

"Hi..." A sound, Xiao Lu clearly saw the bullet into the arm of the man in black, but after a while, the bullet was squeezed out. Yes, it was squeezed out. Xiao Lu was shocked. What kind of monster is this? Not only is the speed extremely fast, but the bullet seems to be unable to hitIn his heart, Xiao Lu pulled the trigger again. This time, he was also shot at the head of the man in black. However, the man in black seemed to know the subtlety of the other side's shooting. His hands were dead protecting his head, and he heard bursts of gunfire. The powerful force shocked him back and forth, but where did he really hurt him?

After a while, the bullets were finished, and the man in black also took the opportunity to hold the submachine gun in his hand and pulled the trigger at Xiao Lu

Xiao Lu is an excellent fighter. Naturally, he can't wait to be killed and let the bullet shoot through his body. Although he doesn't know why the other party can resist the attack of the bullet, he knows that his body can't resist the bullet.

"Dada Da..." Countless bullets swept on the tree trunk, but none of them hit Xiao Lu. Soon, the man in black finished his magazine. Xiao Lu, who had been lurking in the dark, saw the time and ran out in an instant

His head has been stabbed with a black knife in his hand

He can see that the weakness of these people should be in their heads. Otherwise, how can they protect their heads

"Hi..." The man in black obviously didn't expect Xiao Lu to come from another direction. He didn't have time to react against him. The dagger went straight into the man's head

"Oh..." There was a huge roar from the man's mouth, which seemed to be eating pain or suffering from great trauma. Then he turned around and hit Xiao Lu with a fist

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