Xiao Lu was so frightened that he could not die. In the face of this sudden blow, he had no time to resist. He heard a bang. The other side's punch hit his face hard. Suddenly, he felt as if he had been hit by a hammer. When he opened his mouth, there was a gush of blood, and even his teeth were all knocked down

The body is to one side, heavy fall on the ground

Originally, I thought that the man in black would continue to attack him, but the punch of the man in black seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his huge body fell straight down and fell heavily on the ground. His body kept twitching. It looked like he was suffering from some great pain

Xiao Lu was relieved. If this guy really rushed over again, he really didn't know what to do?

But at this time, another man in black appeared quietly behind Xiao Lu and pulled the trigger to Xiao Lu lying on the ground

Xiao Lu only felt a pain in his back heart, and then his pupils began to contract rapidly, and his consciousness gradually became lax

At this time, in the black gallop, I saw the fallen men in black. The figure in Black said softly: "there is no charge of head, even if they don't die, they don't have any fighting power. This kind of work is not perfect..." When he said this, he shook his head gently, as if not satisfied

"Human body structure is the most complex structure. It is difficult to control the body directly over the brain..." Xu Yifeng also gently shook his head.

"You know, before these people were the most ordinary people, now they can rely on them to resist a regular armed force, which is already a miracle..." At this time, has been sitting in the front row did not open the fireworks rain suddenly said.

"Yes, it's a miracle. Let ahan and them go down as well..." The figure in black nodded slightly and gave some orders

"Well..." Xu Yifeng didn't say much and nodded gently.

At this time, after paying a lot of casualties, Yang Zhanghu and others finally found out the weakness of these men in black. Relying on years of combat experience and tacit cooperation, they gradually gained the upper hand. Finally, they knocked down all the people in black, but at this time, there were less than 20 soldiers left by Yang Zhanghu.

Looking at a soldier who fell into a pool of blood, Yang Zhanghu's brows were tightly knit together. There were only dozens of people on the other side, who could fight against so many of them. What would happen if a large army of tens of thousands of people were formed? Isn't that invincible?

But now is not the time to think about it. Xu Yifeng is still in the Mercedes Benz, and he has to stop him

Without any hesitation, Yang Zhanghu roared and quickly swept the rest of the soldiers towards the direction of the Mercedes Benz. At this time, the bullets they carried had been completely used up, but they didn't care. Just now they could see that not everyone in black had guns in their hands. Many people were only equipped with a dagger, but that was the force They killed most of their comrades in arms

To Yang Zhanghu's surprise, even at this time, Xu Yifeng in the Mercedes Benz didn't mean to get off the bus. Yang Zhanghu didn't think much about it. He ordered the rest of the soldiers to quickly approach the Mercedes Benz to prevent the other side from sneaking attack.

But at this time, a black business car suddenly opened the door, and then saw a muscle man over two meters tall jumped out of the car

Behind him, three muscular men with similar physique followed him, one by one with fierce light, and rushed to Yang Zhanghu and others at full speed.

Because there were no bullets, Yang Zhanghu and others had already thrown their guns to one side. At this time, they saw these big men rushing towards them. They took out military daggers and fell down to meet them.

No matter what kind of monster these people are, since the brain is their weakness, just kill them

Yang Zhanghu's speed is the fastest. This time is no longer the time to think about other things. It's almost "hissing..." At the sound of the dagger, the dagger went straight into his muscles, and a dark red blood flowed out of his arm. However, the man seemed to have no pain. His left hand had already hit him. Yang Zhanghu was shocked. He pulled out the dagger, and his figure quickly retreated.

It's dangerous to avoid this terrible blow

But the man's speed is also very fast, step forward, Yang Zhanghu's own skill is extremely good, how can let the other side hit?

The body swayed, and it had already circled to the man's right side. With a stroke of the dagger in his hand, it also crossed the man's chest, making a long bloodstain, but the outflow was still dark red blood

What's more, to Yang Zhanghu's surprise, the muscle of the wound was still wriggling and recovering at the speed of flesh sensation

This? How could that be possible? Seeing such a scene, Yang Zhanghu was shocked. He suddenly understood why the bullets of those people just now could not kill them? If they have such abnormal self-healing ability, how can they be killed unless they are killed by one blow?

No wonder those people, even if their heads are badly damaged, will not die immediately. Their physical activity is simply too high to be frightening.At this time, there was a scream nearby. Yang Zhanghu looked back and saw that one of his comrades was grabbed by another tough guy and twisted his arm into a twist. Then he did not wait for other comrades to come forward to rescue him. The man hit the soldier's head with a fist. Suddenly, the soldier's head was hit by a hammer like a watermelon , split in an instant

"Xiao Zhang..." Yang Zhanghu roared, it's too late to rescue

At this time, the big man in front of him fell down again, raised a foot, and kicked Yang Zhanghu's body

Yang Zhanghu's body can't retreat. He can only hold the dagger in his hand and stab him directly at the man's right foot. Under normal circumstances, no one will touch the dagger with his own flesh feet. Even those masters who have practiced the iron cloth shirt will choose to take back their feet at this time. However, this big man seems to have no idea that Yang Zhanghu stabbed a dagger, No It just doesn't mean to close the foot, but it increases the strength of the foot

"Bang..." The dagger stabbed the right foot of the big man, but there was no bloody scene in his imagination. Instead, he was kicked out of the room. The big man's foot was kicked on Yang Zhanghu's right hand

"Click..." Vaguely, it seems to hear the sound of bone fracture, that is the sound of Yang Zhanghu's hand bone being crushed

Yang Zhanghu was shocked by the huge pain. How could he have never thought that the power of this guy would be so huge

But after all, he was trained by the Dragon Emperor. Although he was not gifted enough and didn't get the true biography of the Dragon Emperor, his reaction power was also extremely strong. Before the big man's second attack, his body had already quickly retreated, and then stepped on a rock, forced a kick, and his body soared into the air. In the case of his hand bones being kicked, he actually broke A cruel kick in the head of the big man

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