"Bang..." A loud noise, the force of terror kicked the head of the big man directly back to back, the tall body was hit on the ground

Yang Zhanghu also landed with his body, but he didn't stop his hand. His feet moved. Then he pushed his legs again and again. He jumped up high and his knees down and went down hard

"Bang..." Another loud noise, Yang Zhanghu's thousand Jun drop was hard on the heart of the Han Dynasty, but his heart muscles were extremely developed, and such a terrible blow did not break his chest bone, but forced him to spray a breath of blood

And in such a case, the big man unexpectedly hit Yang point of yangzhanghu with a backhand, and Yang Zhanghu's body rolled one by one, avoiding such a punch.

The two men almost at the same time, the body of the two people jumped up, staring at each other.

The body of the Han Dynasty has been strengthened, far more than the ordinary people, and Yang Zhanghu has also been trained by various specialties, and the muscle strength is also extremely strong. But now, it is not as good as the man in front of him.

What kind of organization is that? How can we have such a horrible power?

Even a country, it is not necessarily such a strength?

At this time, there was a scream around again. Yang Zhanghu turned to see that several soldiers were torn into pieces by the other party. Facing this group of monsters who were almost unable to enter the gun, even after his one hand training, they were not rivals at all

In such a case, they can not hold on for long, but they must insist, at least until the arrival of Ye Cang wolf

This is the command of the commander, which is also Xiaoge's heart

"Roar..." At this time, the big man once again came to roar in his mouth, and then he saw that the tall body rushed to yangzhanghu. Facing the man who was pressed like a mountain, Yang Zhanghu was slightly away from his swing, and then he hit out with a fist, and then hit the Taiyang cave of the Han Dynasty again. The big man made a loud roar, and even extended his arms and gave him a big roar Hold Yang Zhanghu

Yang Zhanghu was shocked in his heart and hit the head of the Han man with a blow

He must beat the man before he can launch a deadly attack on him

"Bang..." The terrible fist force hit the temple of the Han Dynasty. The temple of the Han Dynasty was even hit by yangzhanghu. His face was even red. However, the big man seemed to have no pain, and still ran towards the front with his body holding him

Yang Zhanghu jumped in his heart, but he just hit the temple of the Han Dynasty with his fist, one, two and three

But the blink time, has exceeded dozens of boxing, the big Han temple has been completely broken, blood flowing out, the big man's ears, eyes, nostrils, mouth, all out of blood, even that cruel eyes, at this time also lax a lot, but he still did not loose the meaning, in yangzhanghu ready to bang out "bang......" A loud noise, the two people's body hit a rock, Yang Zhanghu's body is the back first hit on the rock, on the spot heard the click sound, such a high distance, plus more than 200 Jin of the big man on the top, even if his physical quality is far beyond ordinary people, the back cervical vertebra bone is also broken, and then the head is also because Inertia, then hit the rock, on the spot burst a bunch of blood flowers

Feeling the pain in his back and the pain of his head, Yang Zhanghu's head was dazzling, and the man who held him down lost his breath and went to one side, motionless

Yang Zhanghu wanted to stand up, but he couldn't feel the existence of his legs at all. Even raising his hands was very difficult. He could only slightly lean over his head and look at the soldiers still fighting, watching them be slaughtered one by one, and fell into the blood

In a short time, all the remaining soldiers were killed

The three men did not look at this side, turned around and walked towards the trunk in front of the team. Yang Zhanghu clearly saw these people directly lifted up the trunk and pushed it down

He witnessed the slow start of the black Mercedes and then left slowly

Want to get up to stop, but this body seems not their own, can not stop at all, can only watch them leave

"I'm sorry, commander, sorry, Xiao Ge, I didn't finish your instructions Sorry, Lord long, tiger let you down Yang Zhanghu thought silently in his heart, and his consciousness was gradually blurred

At this time, ye Xiao, who is coming here, suddenly feels something the same. He feels a strange sadness in his heart. He has already arrived at Audi car nearly 300 yards and starts to accelerate again

"Tiger, wolf, you must stick to it, you must insist on it..." I don't know why, ye Xiao feels more and more uneasy in his heart

On the other hand, ye cangwolf also led his company to come here at full speed, but when they arrived at the scene, everyone was shocked by the sceneThere are still seven or eight vehicles on the scene, which should be Xu Yifeng's car. In addition, there are hundreds of corpses, most of them are in military uniform, which is all ah Hu's hands How could that be possible?

Can't a company's staff stop a Xu Yifeng? What kind of power is there around him?

At this time, the road sounded a harsh sound of motor, a white Audi A5 galloped over at full speed, and finally stopped at the side of the road

The soldiers under Ye Cang wolf's command immediately gathered around and saw a young man in Zhongshan suit jumping out of the car

"All step back..." Seeing that it was Ye Xiao, ye Cang wolf quickly waved to his soldiers

Ye Xiao was also suppressed by the scene in front of him. He also didn't expect that things would become like this. It was obvious that there had been a big war, right? How many hands are there around Xu Yifeng? Otherwise, how can we annihilate a company?

"Brother Xiao..." Ye Cang wolf gave a dull cry. Ye Xiao nodded and glanced around. Suddenly, he found a familiar figure. His face changed greatly

"Ah Hu..." Ye Cang wolf "ah Hu..." He picked up Yang Zhanghu, explored his breath and his heartbeat, but there was no sign of living

Feel Yang Zhanghu's gradually cold body, feel his heart has already stopped beating, ye Xiao, ye Canglang also feel their heart is mercilessly torn

In my mind, I can't help but think of the scenes with ah Hu. The seemingly simple and honest man, the man who doesn't have any complaint no matter what he does, the man who is more silent than ye Cang wolf is gone forever?

Did ah Hu, who has devoted almost everything to Longyao, never enjoyed anything? Just leave forever? Did you really lose a brother?

"Xu Yifeng, I will kill you..." Ye Xiao was so angry that she almost burst into tears. She stood up directly from the ground and ran to her Audi A5

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. I, ye Xiao, have revenge from morning to night

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