"Brother Xiao, you can't go..." Seeing ye Xiao's impulse to pursue Xu Yifeng, ye Cang wolf comes forward and hugs Ye Xiao. The other party has the strength to annihilate an armed company. Isn't Ye Xiao killed alone?

"Let go..." Ye Xiao clenched his teeth and said that his voice was strangely cold

"Brother Xiao, listen to me..." Even if ye Xiao is covered with murderous spirit, ye Cang wolf still refuses to let go. The other party has the strength to annihilate an independent company. Ye Xiao is definitely killed when he goes alone. He wants to persuade him to say something, but before he finishes speaking, he is directly interrupted by Ye Xiao.

"I told you to let go..." Ye Xiao almost roared out

"Don't let go..." Hearing what ye Xiao said, ye Cang Lang simply stopped saying anything. He understood that no matter what he said, ye Xiao would never listen to him. In that case, he would stop him with his actions

"Bang..." Ye Xiao kicked Ye Cang wolf's heart with a heavy kick. The terrible force directly kicked Ye Cang wolf's body to fly. However, his hands were still clinging to Ye Xiao's waist, as if he would not let go

However, he did not feel well after bearing such a heavy foot from ye Xiao. He opened his mouth with a gush of blood

Seeing ye Xiao start suddenly, all the other soldiers' faces change greatly. They don't know the relationship between Ye Xiao and ye Canglang. Before, they only saw their own officer persuading Ye Xiao. Now ye Xiao actually started. They instinctively raised their guns and aimed at Ye Xiao

"Put them down for me..." Seeing that his men even aimed the muzzle of the gun at Ye Xiao, ye Canglang roared. Even if ye Xiao killed him, he would not allow anyone to point the muzzle at Ye Xiao

"Let go..." Ye Xiao's eyes have begun to appear red, and the whole person is about to appear in a violent state

"Don't let go..." Ye Cang wolf still said, his hands are tightly holding Ye Xiao, for fear of being broken away by Ye Xiao

And his eyes are full of tears, and the corners of his mouth are bleeding. Yang Zhanghu's death, he is equally heartbroken and sad, but he has lost a brother, he can't lose Ye Xiao again

If he really wants to go, he would rather die instead of Ye Xiao

It seems that he saw the tears in Ye Cang Lang's eyes. It seems that his words just now awakened Ye Xiao in his rage. Facing Ye Cang Lang who died, ye Xiao could no longer kick him away. However, when he thought of Yang Zhanghu's passing away, he thought of his brothers who were still lying in the hospital, thought of yibao'er, who was unknown about life and death, and Wang Qi and Luo Ling, who had passed away Chi, thinking of so many dead brothers, his heart is like a knife stir general pain.

Xu Yifeng obviously wants to take advantage of this opportunity to leave Huaxia, which is the best chance to kill him. Once he misses such an opportunity, he may find it hard to find another opportunity. The Dark Alliance is a huge organization spanning several countries. Even with the strength of the dragon clan, it is impossible to fully grasp the news of the dark moon alliance.

So he can't let Xu Yifeng leave, absolutely can't let Xu Yifeng leave.

If he left, he had no way to avenge himself. He was afraid that he would lose a brother again

Wang Qi left, and Luo Ling left slowly. Now Yang Zhanghu is gone again. Three of his best brothers have died. He can't lose other people

Whether for the dead or for the living, he must kill him

It is absolutely impossible for him to leave Jinghai alive

He twisted the collar of Ye Cang wolf and directly lifted him up. His eyes, which gradually turned red with blood, were staring at Ye Cang wolf's eyes, almost gnashing his teeth and saying, "Wang Qi is dead..."

"I know..." Ye Canglang said, tears have slipped from the corner of his eyes, he also sounded that straightforward bald handsome guy

"Luo lingchi also died..." Two lines of blood and tears sprang from the corner of Ye Xiao's eyes

"I understand..."

"Now ah Hu is dead too..." Ye Xiao almost cried, his voice was full of desolation, as if someone had pulled his neck

"I know, brother Xiao..." Every time ye Xiao said a name, ye Canglang's heart felt as if he had been stabbed with a knife. It was so painful. He didn't know that

"Now the enemy who killed them will leave Jinghai city..." When ye Xiao said this, she had already cried thoroughly. She really cried. Her tears kept falling from her eyes, dropping down drop by drop. It was so cold

"I know all this, brother Xiao. But because I know it, I can't watch you die..." Ye Canglang also cried. He had never cried since he was a child. He had been practiced hard by Ye Tianlong. He was squatting in the snow on a big ice and snow day. He didn't cry. In the heat of six days, he carried a huge stone and leaped frog in the hot sun. He didn't cry. The first time he cut a person, he was slashed several times. He didn't cry. But this time, he cried. He couldn't repress it. He cried silently and tears Water has blurred his eyes, but he still refuses to let go of Ye Xiao's hands

He can't let go. He's afraid that if he let go, he'll never see ye Xiao again"Who said I'm going to die, I won't die..." Ye Xiao roared, suddenly opened Ye Cang wolf's arms, raised a foot and kicked it out. Then he turned and ran towards Audi A5

"Ye Cang wolf, listen to me. I'm going to kill people. I'm not going to die. If you're a babe, don't call me brother Xiao..." Ye Xiao said coldly as he walked toward the car

Ye Cang wolf had to continue to rush forward to intercept him. When he heard the last sentence, he was a whole man. He could not ignore his own life and death. He could not spare his own life, but he could not stop calling him Xiaoge. He was his faith. Without him, would he still be him?

Looking at Ye Xiao's arrogant back, and constantly thinking of his overbearing words, ye Cang wolf was a bit crazy

Not only Ye Canglang, but even the soldiers around him were all oppressed by Ye Xiao's arrogant breath. Everyone seemed to see a god of war falling from the sky

It was not until the Audi motor of Cang ye came back

"Brother Xiao..." As soon as the words were spoken, the white Audi car had turned into a shadow and ran out at full speed

"One team stayed, and the others immediately got on the bus with me and chased after..." Although he knew that the ordinary military off-road vehicle could not catch up with Ye Xiao's Audi which had been carefully modified by Xiao Nan, ye Canglang still gave orders. Even if he knew that the place Ye Xiao was going to was probably hell, he would not frown. Even if he died, he would follow closely

These people are worthy of Ye Cang wolf's best practice. Although they don't understand what's going on, they still take action at the first time. In addition to those who are ordered to stay, others run to the coming military cross-country vehicles

On the other side, on Audi, ye Xiao's speed has reached the extreme, and even has started the propeller. At the moment, his mind is full of Wang Qi, Luo lingchi, Yang Zhanghu's tragic death, all of which are the tragic situation of yibao'er and others. His eyes are red with blood, and the whole person is almost integrated with the car. The white Audi is like a white charm Shadow, in this dark night, if someone saw such a scene, will be surprised not to close his mouth, this is driving? It's like flying a plane

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