After killing two people with one knife, ye Xiao's heart rises and falls rapidly. Obviously, he himself is not well

Think about it. After receiving the call from Luo Xiaojun, if he really doesn't have a thing at this time, then he is really not a person

After taking a few deep breaths, ye Xiao took a little breath, and then without hesitation, he went straight in with his throat sealing knife

This private cruise ship is a three story cruise ship. It looks very shabby in appearance, similar to the general fishing boat, but it is decorated extremely luxurious inside.

The first floor is a restaurant. The black robed man and the fireworks rain have already gone to the second floor for a rest. Xu Yifeng is arranging the researchers who came with them to go upstairs to have a rest. A researcher with a solemn look walked upstairs, and almost all the faces showed a look of expectation and fear.

They were all the main researchers who succeeded in this scientific research. They were lured into this ship by Xu Yifeng under various conditions. They were looking forward to the promises Xu made to them. Once they arrived in the United States, they were very excited.

However, they were very frightened. Thinking of the scene that Xu Yifeng ordered to fight with the garrison in Jinghai city not long ago, these people understood that they and others had no way back. They did not know what the Chinese government would do to them?

At this time, the cabin door suddenly opened from the outside

"It's over?" Xu Yifeng hasn't turned back yet. In his opinion, there are so many elite masters. Even if ye Xiaozhen gets on the boat, he will definitely die. He just didn't expect that

"It's over!" Ye Xiao's cold voice came out of his mouth. At the same time, the researchers who looked back at the door one by one gave out a shrill cry of surprise

Xu Yifeng shivers all over. It's Ye Xiao's voice

Looking back, we can see a figure full of blood standing at the door, his hair, his face, his clothes, all blood, just like a person from a bath in the blood pool, every step, there is a blood mark.

And in his hand, he is holding a sword that is still flowing with blood

The most terrifying is that pair of eyes, that is a pair of completely scarlet eyes

A pair of eyes without any emotion, it is impossible to appear in human eyes

Xu Yifeng was shocked. He didn't expect that ye Xiao would come in. Even if he knew Ye Xiao's skill was extremely good, everyone who went out took the guy with him? With so many guns, even if ye Xiao was made of iron, they would be smashed into pieces. Even if there were no guns, so many people could not be slaughtered in such a short time?

But now, there is no sound outside. Are all the people sent out dead?

Xu Xiaoliang's imagination is far more powerful than a piece of ice

Only a moment later, Xu Yifeng had recovered his mind, pulled a researcher who was going upstairs, and ran upstairs at full speed

At this moment, he felt fear for the first time. Even though he knew that ye Xiao was probably at the end of his tether and there were other people on his side, he still felt afraid. It seemed that only by avoiding Ye Xiao from afar could he find that sense of security

"Kill him..." At the same time, Xu Yifeng gives the order to kill

In fact, he didn't need to order at all. The four men in black at the foot of the stairs had taken out their guns at the same time and shot at Ye Xiao

At the moment of Xu Yifeng's action, ye Xiao's body also moved. Instead of running straight to the stairway, he seemed to have known that these people would shoot and shoot. His body ran to the left When those men shot, it was just his shadow

As the men in Black shot, the researchers panicked one by one. They were really frightened by Ye Xiao's appearance

Even when faced with the bodies, even those moving bodies, they did not fear as much as they do now. The scene was in chaos

Ye Xiao walked around to the left. Before the men in black had time to turn the muzzle of the gun, he had already stepped on the metal wall, and his body was like a dragon, rushing at full speed

"Shua..." A blood red knife brush across, and a head rises from the sky

Then he pulled his back hand, and another man in black had a bloody mouth on his neck, and the blood began to surge. The man threw away the pistol in his hand and covered his neck with both hands. It seemed that he wanted to stop the flow of blood, but where could he

I can only see the continuous gushing of the blood spring, and his pupil is also shrinking sharply, but for a moment, the whole person fell down so straight

However, before his body fell to the ground, ye Xiao came to the third man in black. The throat sealing knife in his hand shook and pulled out in an instant. Then he came to the fourth man in black and chopped it down with all his strengthThe fourth man in black reacted fast enough. Seeing that he had no time to flee, he raised his arms when he saw the knife that was splitting towards him. He instinctively wanted to resist

However, what a lethal weapon it is and how powerful Ye Xiao's power is. He hears a crackling sound. His two arms are cut off directly. Then the sharp blade goes directly into his head and splits his head in two

White flower's brain and red blood mixed together, directly jet out, still spray Ye Xiao's face is

However, ye Xiao seemed to have nothing to do with it. He did not look at the researchers who had already been scared to the extreme. He took back the throat sealing knife, pushed the man in black away and walked upstairs with his feet raised

"Pa Pa "Bang..." Every step, every step, is like a mountain pressing down, which makes the shocked researchers pale

They never thought that one person would be so scared. Four people, four knives, only four knives. Moreover, each knife is so coherent and there is no trace of stay. These four people who are regarded as top experts in their eyes are all killed, and everyone dies so miserably

Isn't that amazing?

At this moment, they finally understood the reason why Ye Xiao killed so quickly

All the people, men and women, stood in the same place in fear of causing Ye Xiao's dissatisfaction

At the moment, ye Xiao has fallen into a violent state, but his only trace of reason tells him that these people can not be killed, and they need to be kept to control the E virus.

Resisting the killing intention in her heart, ye Xiao rushes to the second floor. At this time, a huge iron bar falls into the air

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