"Hoo Hoo Hoo..." The sound of iron stick breaking through the air was heard constantly. An unprecedented heavy pressure hit from the top. Without any hesitation, ye Xiao directly held the handle of the throat sealing knife with one hand, and pressed the back of the knife with the other hand, and directly faced up.

The stairway is not big, there is no way to avoid it. All he can do is

"Clang..." With a loud noise, the iron bar smashed on the throat sealing knife. Ye Xiao felt his arms shake, just like a mountain suddenly pressed down. Such strength has exceeded the bearing limit of his arms. His body quickly responded to the long-term combat experience, bending his body and knees at the same time. One knee directly knelt on the stairs to remove the huge force Force

"Click..." A sound, the stairs are made of steel plate, and ye Xiao's kneeling makes cracks. From this, we can imagine how powerful the blow is

Although most of his strength was removed, there was a sharp pain in his knees and arms, but ye Xiao had no time to think about these problems, because he found that two tall men were running towards this side

The right leg kicks hard, the body suddenly bounces up, directly toward the upstairs rush up

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's shoulder slammed into the arms of the man holding the iron bar. The huge force makes the man's body fall back, while the throat sealing knife in Ye Xiao's hand has stabbed upward with his backhand

"Hi..." The sharp point of the knife went straight into the man's chin, and then came out of the man's mouth

Men eat pain, the muscles of the whole body contract, the corner of the eye is shaking, the forehead is tightly wrinkled together, it is obvious that even their bodies can not bear such pain

And the iron stick in his hand was also thrown away at this time. He directly clenched his fists and hit Ye Xiao's head. If it was hit, ye Xiao's head would surely Blossom

Ye Xiao obviously didn't expect that the man would be able to attack himself in such a short time. He could not pull out the throat sealing knife in such a short period of time. However, he could only face back at full speed and avoid the man's fist. He heard a roar. Hanzi's fists hit each other hard and made a dull sound, just like thunder Like

He didn't hit Zhong Xiao with a fist, but hit himself. Moreover, he had a sharp knife in his mouth. The man couldn't scream and could not move when he wanted to move. However, his vitality was really tenacious. Even at this time, he didn't fall down, but wanted to pull out the throat sealing knife with his hands

Seeing the dark red blood, ye Xiao has realized that these people are not ordinary people at all. They are transformed people, and they are also very good gene fighters.

Without any hesitation, ye Xiao jumped at the man like a tiger, even ignoring the other two men who were about to rush in front of him

Take advantage of your illness and kill you

Ye Xiao clearly understood that the bodies of these big men are extremely strong. As long as they have a little fighting power, they may threaten themselves. If one person is so difficult to deal with, if three people go together, even he can't get any cheaper

The best way is to kill one of them

In the blink of an eye, ye Xiao has rushed to the man. At this time, the man's right hand has grasped the handle of the throat sealing knife

Ye Xiao's body sprang up, his wrist turned over, and a throwing knife had appeared in his hand, and then he stabbed him in the eyes of the big man

"Poof..." A flying knife the size of his thumb directly pierced the right eye of Han. His eyeball burst instantly and he had already cried out

Without waiting for him to continue to draw the knife, ye Xiao has pulled out the flying knife like lightning, holding down the right ear of Han with one hand, and the knife in his hand directly pierced into the left ear of Han

Then he quickly drew the knife, stabbed it out, drew it again, and stabbed it out again. In the blink of an eye, the big man's head had been pricked into a hornet's nest

First, the dark red blood flowed out, and then some brains mixed with blood flowed out along the holes. The Han's body could no longer bear the impact of Ye Xiao, and the whole body fell backward

"Bang..." The big man's body fell heavily on the ground. The flying knife in the back of his head completely disappeared into his mind. His body kept twitching, but where could he still get up

But ye Xiaogen couldn't breathe. Another big man came to him, clenched his fist and hit him

There was no sadness, joy or anger on his face. It seemed that the death of the great man had nothing to do with him. His eyes were cold, and it seemed that he had only one idea to kill Ye Xiao

In the face of the roaring blow, ye Xiaogen, who had just stood firm, could not avoid it. He could only clench his fist and greet him with the same fist

"Bang..." Their fists collided with each other, but at the moment of contact, ye Xiao's fist was shaken open, and his right arm was numbHis body was also shaken back, and he was retreating towards another big man. He saw Ye Xiao, who was retreating towards himself. He also did not use a weapon. Instead, he clenched his fist and smashed it at the back of Ye Xiao's head

Feeling the boxing style coming from behind, ye Xiao's body is still in a hurry to retreat, and his body is forced to turn and roll, avoiding the terrible fist of the Han.

However, the big man didn't give up. He took advantage of Ye Xiao's body still rolling, swinging his whole arm, and swept directly to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao had no choice but to raise his arms again and firmly protect his head

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's body quickly retreated backward after suffering from such a powerful man's strength, and finally hit the back metal wall directly

"Poof..." The strong shock force made his internal organs tremble, and his mouth was a gush of blood, which obviously had been severely damaged

However, the man who was the first to give the fist has already stepped over. His tall body is straight and straight towards Ye Xiao. Just like a football player, they don't give ye Xiao any chance to breathe

Ye Xiao turned around and avoided the impact again. The man bumped his shoulder against the metal wall and even made a hole in the metal wall

The whole cabin is shaking for one

Ye Xiao's heart is pounding. If he is hit, his bones will be smashed to pieces

At this time, another big man has already stepped forward, the same is a simple straight punch to Ye Xiao

They are very fast and powerful. Although they are simple straight fists, they contain the power of terror

Seeing that the giant man who hit the wall has begun to turn around, ye Xiao knows that if he continues to consume like this, he will be killed by them. He must solve the battle as soon as possible

The violent force in his body broke out in an all-round way. His eyes were red with blood, and then he gave a full blow

"Bang..." Two fists collided with each other, and a heavy inch burst out, followed by the second and the third

"Click..." A crisp sound

The bones of the hand broke in response to the sound

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