Yes, it was the sound of broken hand bones, but it was not ye Xiao's hand bone, but Juhan's hand bone. You can even clearly see that his huge arm broke directly from the middle, and the white Sen's bone pierced through the skin and flesh

Even though he has been transformed to be different from human beings, even if the pain nerve has been cut to the extreme, the pain of breaking bones still makes the big man snort, and his eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together. Obviously, even if his IQ has become a bit dull, he also dare not believe that the broken arm will be his own

You know, your arm has been strengthened by several genes. Among the soldiers who participated in the drug strengthening, more than 95% of them died, and only a few survived. But now, after so much reinforcement, he broke his bones when he bumped into the hard

Surprised, yes, surprised, Juhan's face, especially the fireworks rain, had a fight with Ye Xiao at the beginning. He had some understanding of Ye Xiao's strength. In his opinion, although Ye Xiao is stronger than himself, there is a limit to his strength. It is absolutely impossible for him to have such terrible explosive force. If it was, he could not escape from his hands at the beginning

"Hehe, don't you think it's a perfect material?" At this time, the black robed figure who had been sitting all the time suddenly gave a low, hoarse smile

Materials? Xu Yifeng and fireworks were stunned at the same time, and then they immediately understood what happened to the material the figure was talking about?

Is he planning to capture Ye Xiao alive?

Then ye Xiao as a mouse to experiment?

Thinking of Ye Xiao's terrible combat power, if combined with their research results, what kind of monster will be aroused?

As for the other people in black in the room, they stood around one by one and remained unmoved

At this time, another giant man has already rushed to Ye Xiao's front, and a blow has hit Ye Xiao's shoulder

Ye Xiao didn't know whether he consumed too much physical strength or something else. He didn't avoid the punch. His whole body was just a stagger and nearly fell to the ground.

Ye Xiao was hit by a punch, and the giant man didn't stop. Once again he waved his fist, he would wipe out Ye Xiao completely. However, ye Xiao didn't do what he wanted. He rolled over and avoided Ju Han's fist. Then he walked back several steps, his back against the wall and gasped

His physical strength has already reached the limit, and he broke out twice in a row. Even if he was an iron man, he couldn't bear it

Especially just now, he was hit by a giant Han, and his body was badly injured. At this time, it was a miracle that he could still stand

Seeing ye Xiao rest with his back against the wall, Juhan seems to realize the danger. Instead of attacking immediately, he grabs the iron bar on the ground

It's the iron stick that the first giant Han used to attack Ye Xiao. Seeing Juhan take up arms at this time, ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together, and his eyes glance at the throat sealing knife not far away. It seems that it is not easy to get back the throat sealing knife

"Roar..." At this time, a huge roar came from the giant Hankou, and then he rushed to Ye Xiao with both hands holding an iron bar.

Ye Xiao didn't move. He just stood there and watched the Han rush towards him

It's getting closer and closer. When Han's body is still two meters away, he has held up the iron bar in his hand, and then smashed it at Ye Xiao's head with lightning speed

If you hit it, don't mention Ye Xiao's head. Even a piece of steel plate will be smashed to pieces. When you see this, ye Xiao doesn't move. Xu Yifeng and others on the third floor frown. Is this guy really the ultimate?

"Bang..." The iron bar in the big man's hand hit ye xiaotou's window bar severely. The terrible force directly smashed the steel plate window bar into the whole depression, and even put all the iron bars in it

Seeing such a scene, Xu Yifeng and others noticed that the effective position was under the ventilation window, and he even calculated this into it?

The shock of the iron bar hitting the steel plate made Juhan's arms numb. He could not hold the iron bar any more. At this time, ye Xiao, who had not moved, suddenly moved

This move, like a dragon on the sea, is irresistible

I saw him jump up to the front of Juhan's head. Then he turned his wrist, and two throwing knives appeared in his hands at the same time

Then ye Xiao doesn't give Juhan a chance to hold himself in his arms. His knees suddenly lift up and hit him hard on his chin. The huge force makes him fall backward

"Bang..." The big man's body fell heavily on the ground and made a huge noise

But ye Xiao didn't stop for a moment. His figure flashed. He ran towards the third floor. When he passed the first man, he pulled out his throat sealing knifeXu Xiaoyu's face is even sharper than Xiaoyu's

"It's perfect. It's just perfect. This is a natural warrior..."

He was born with a natural head. If he didn't care about the identity of the other party, Xu Yifeng would have scolded him. When is it? You are still considering the matter of materials here. With his skill, whether this person can stop him is still unknown?

In the blink of an eye, ye Xiao had already come up from the second floor. When he saw Xu Yifeng at the first sight, his eyes were red again, and his body began to shake uncontrollably

The strong intention to kill is released without reservation. The cold eyes stare at Xu Yifeng standing beside the black robed man

He even turned a blind eye to the fireworks still alive beside him

"Take him..." At this time, the man in black suddenly said

Without hesitation, the men in black pulled out their swords one by one, and rushed to Ye Xiao

In the face of fierce killers, a ferocious smile appears in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. He shakes his throat sealing knife and rushes towards Xu Yifeng in a straight line

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