"Shua Shua Poof Poof Chuckle I'm sorry... " The sound of wielding the knife, the sound of the blade entering the body, and the sound of blood spraying constantly gathered together. Ye Xiao, like a demon, rushed into the crowd in black. These people in black are all protecting the people in black. Their strength and combat experience are far better than those who stopped ye Xiao on the deck.

In addition, ye Xiao himself was also exhausted. In a short time, he had dozens of scars all over his body. However, he was like an angry tiger, constantly trying to pass through the group of people in black to kill Xu Yifeng.

This time is not a sneak attack like the original attack on Han Wuchen. This time is a real hard break, a solo hard break

The throat sealing knife in his hand kept shaking, and a stream of blood gushed out continuously. There were only three people left in more than ten people in black. However, ye Xiao's wounds were no less than those of them. In particular, he had a long cut in his abdomen, and even could see the internal organs

Such injuries, for ordinary people have long lost their combat effectiveness, but he is still struggling to support

Xu Yifeng is right in front of him. He can't fall. He can't fall. Kill him. You must kill him

In the face of the man in black who rushed towards him again, ye Xiao's body retreated slightly to avoid the stabbing knife from the other side. Then the throat sealing knife in his hand shook and pulled out a beautiful knife flower. Before the man had time to react, he had already scratched his neck, and then without any pause, he cut into another person's head, and the whole body of the knife was all over Inlaid in it

At this time, the last man in black has rushed over. He doesn't give ye Xiao a chance to pull out the throat sealing knife. He cuts Ye Xiao's head at full speed

Ye Xiao retreated to the front of a wine cabinet, but he still did not withdraw from the scope of the sword. In this almost fatal situation, his head deviated, and he narrowly avoided the knife

"Click..." With a sound, the throat sealing knife went directly into the wine cabinet, and it was just there

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth and directly waved his right fist at the nose of the man in black

"Bang..." A huge bang, an inch of strength suddenly erupted, the force of terror directly blew out the whole man in black, and his nose has been blown to pieces by this blow, blood seems to spray out without money, in the air turned out one after another enchanting blood flowers.

With the landing of the man in black, the scene once again presents a state of tranquility. The man in black, the fireworks rain and Xu Yifeng all stare at Ye Xiao. Seeing ye Xiao's injury, the startled color on Xu Yifeng's face and fireworks rain's face gradually disappears, replaced by a faint smile

Yes, it's a smile that everything is in control

How about you ye Xiao? What if you're stronger? You are just one person after all. How many people can one person kill? Ten? A hundred? Even if you are made of iron, you can't kill all the people here

Although there are no strong subordinates around now, they don't care. With Ye Xiao's injury, maybe they don't need them at all

Blood is constantly flowing down from all the wounds. Ye Xiao's eyes are a little fuzzy. The three figures in front of him have now become six, nine and twelve

Who is Xu Yifeng?

He shook his head and bit the tip of his tongue, which made him wake up

"Ye Xiao, surrender. As long as you surrender, I will help you immediately..." At this time, the figure in black spoke hoarse and ugly, just like the old witch

Surrender? Ye Xiao seemed to listen to the book of heaven. All the stars were shining in front of her. Her eyes gradually moved to the man in black, and a sneer came out of her mouth

Without much to say, ye Xiao put his right hand into his arms and took out a bottle of blood red jade bottle. He opened the lid of the bottle directly, and a faint fragrance wafted out. At the smell, the black robed man's face changed completely

"Quick, stop him, it's dragon blood..." A exclamation came from the black robe. Xu Yifeng and the fireworks rain trembled at the same time. Dragon blood? The most mysterious army of China, the elixir of dragon immortal camp, used to enhance its combat effectiveness? Is this like the undead of their dark moon alliance?

But the effect of dragon blood is far more than that of undead bird

There is no need for the black robed man to make any explanation. Xu Yifeng and the body of the fireworks rain are plunging towards Ye Xiao at the same time

But it's too late. Ye Xiao has swallowed the blood red dragon blood in his mouth, and then directly crushed the jade bottle

"Click..." With the sound of crushing the jade bottle, ye Xiao's tired body gradually radiates vitality. The feeling is like a withered grass suddenly glows with the Spring Festival, and begins to grow continuously

Even under the stimulation of dragon blood, the speed of blood flow in those wounds began to slow down gradually. Some muscles even began to wriggle slightly, with faint signs of healing

Seeing such a scene, the black robed man's eyes flashed a touch of essence, and the dragon blood of the dragon clan was even more effectiveAt this time, Xu Yifeng and fireworks rain have come to Ye Xiao. Seeing ye Xiao's body begin to change rapidly, Xu Yifeng's eyebrows raise. The figure that originally jumped forward stops in place for a moment, and then goes back. However, the fireworks rain seems to have no such consciousness. He still follows the orders of the man in black and rushes to Ye Xiao at full speed

"Roar..." There was a flash of blood in Ye Xiao's eyes, and a low roar came out of his mouth. His feet moved and he ran out in an instant

"Bang..." In the stunned eyes of the fireworks rain, ye Xiao blows his fist into his heart. Suddenly, Xu Yifeng and the black robed man clearly see the fireworks rain and burst out a blood mist

And the fireworks rain's body also slowly fell down, to his death, he can't believe that ye Xiao's strength will suddenly improve so much

This blow actually directly pierced the body of fireworks rain, which

At the sight of this terrible scene, Xu Yifeng's face completely changed and turned pale. His strength was not weak, but he absolutely did not think he could block the terrible force

Without any hesitation, Xu Yifeng turns to run away

He still has a lot to enjoy. He doesn't want to die

But where would ye Xiao let him escape? In his eyes, there was only one Xu Yifeng. Xu Yifeng fled, he pursued, Xu Yifeng fought and killed. Everything that dared to stop him was destroyed

With his feet constantly moving, he ran towards Xu Yifeng at full speed. In a few steps, he came to Xu Yifeng's back. Then he clenched his right fist and hit Xu Yifeng's back heart

Feeling the cold chill behind his back, Xu Yifeng's whole body cells seem to have been frozen, cold sweat is one after another out, eyes are showing a look of despair, is he going to die? Did you die like this?

"Pa..." Just when Xu Yifeng thought he was going to die, a figure appeared in front of him in time. It was the figure in black robe who stretched out a white tender palm from the black robe, so he grasped Ye Xiao's fist

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