It was a white and tender hand. Ye Xiao had countless beautiful women around him. However, he had never seen anyone with such a white hand. It was like a work of art made entirely of white marble, perfect to the point of no defect.

Such a hand should be tightly held in the hand of a man, with the care of his heart. The master who can have such a hand should definitely be a pretty girl. But now, such a hand can easily catch Ye Xiao's terrible fist. This

Seeing such a scene, not to mention Ye Xiao, even Xu Yifeng opened his eyes. Although his status in the dark moon alliance is not low, and even above the fireworks rain, he is likely to become the helmsman of the dark moon alliance. However, he does not know the identity of the black robed man, or even whether he is a man or a woman, let alone her strength?

It's just that she has always been in charge of the research on undead drugs, and she has always thought that it is for this reason that she has become a senior member of the dark moon alliance. However, it seems that this is not the case at all

How powerful is Ye Xiao's fist? He can clearly see that the fireworks rain, whose strength is not under him, is killed by one blow. However, she can easily intercept such a force. What terrible strength does it need?

The black robed man grabbed his fist. Ye Xiao's eyes flashed with fierce light. Instead of taking back his fist, he had one hand. A knife appeared in his left hand, which was directly inserted into the black robed man's heart

The man in black obviously didn't expect Ye Xiao to have a throwing knife on his body at this time, so he had to release his fist and quickly retreat back.

Avoiding Ye Xiao's stabbing knife, ye Xiao's face is ferocious and shakes easily. The flying knife in his hand comes out of his hand and continues to shoot at the figure in black robe. It seems that the figure in black knew that ye Xiao would have such a reaction, and his body had already flashed aside

At this time, Xiaoye's body has gone out directly

"Not good..." The black robed man exclaimed, and suddenly thought that ye Xiao's target was Xu Yifeng, and he was going to pursue him now. But at this moment, ye Xiao's speed had reached the extreme. When she had just regained her mind, ye Xiao had already come to Xu Yifeng's back

Xu Yifeng escaped a robbery just now because of the sudden attack of the black robed man. At this time, he was shocked by the terrible strength of the black robed man. He suddenly saw Ye Xiao come to his body, and his face suddenly changed

"Go to hell..." Ye Xiao roared, and his face, including Luo lingchi, Wang Qi and Yang Zhanghu, appeared in his mind. He also thought of yibao'er lying in bed. All these were caused by the guy in front of him. Without any hesitation, he smashed Xu Yifeng's head with all his strength

When Xu Yifeng felt the fists coming, he felt a tremor in his heart. He raised his hands instinctively to resist, and he heard "click..." With a crisp sound, his arms were broken by Ye Xiao's fist, just as if he had been hit by a huge hammer

"Ah..." Xu Yifeng's mouth let out a scream, but ye Xiao didn't wait for his call to come out completely. The second punch had been blown out and hit his nose bone directly. It was a burst of crisp sound. Xu Yifeng's nose bone was smashed to pieces, and the whole person was smashed back

At this time, the black robed man has come to Ye Xiao's back, and directly hits Ye Xiao's back heart

Feeling the chill behind her, ye Xiao stepped forward to avoid such a blow. Then she grabbed Xu Yifeng's head, which was leaning backward, and rushed towards a pillar in front of her like lightning

"Bang..." Ye Xiao almost put all his strength into it. He grabbed Xu Yifeng's head and ran into the metal pillar

The whole room was shaken. Xu Yifeng's head was smashed, and even the skull on his forehead could be clearly seen

In this very short period of time, Xu Yifeng didn't die immediately. He just let out a cry of sadness and despair, and his eyes were full of fear and unwillingness

No matter how resourceful you are, no matter how deep your mind is, no matter what kind of strategy you have, when faced with absolute power, all your wisdom can't save you

No one thought that Xu Yifeng, who was known as Zhi childe, would die so miserably

Once again, the scene fell into silence. Seeing Xu Yifeng killed by Ye Xiao in such a violent way, the black robed figure did not start again, but stood in the same place and looked at Ye Xiao

Only Ye Xiao is holding Xu Yifeng's broken head in one hand. After he is completely out of breath, he throws it under his feet

Looking at Xu Yifeng's eyes that never closed his eyes to death, ye Xiao's blood red eyes gradually became clear, and the figures of Wang Qi and others appeared in his mind again

"Wang Qi, Ling Chi, ah Hu, you can rest in peace..." His mouth whispered a word, his eyes fell out of a drop of crystal tears, this tear, is also for those dead brothers to see off

The lonely and proud figure stands there quietly, letting the blood flow down continuously. Xu Yifeng is dead. The person who has harmed Jinghai city is finally dead. The guy who stirred up the chaos in Jinghai city is completely deadTurning around slowly, ye Xiao's clear eyes began to scarlet again. Her already exhausted body began to tremble under the influence of dragon blood. Her cold and merciless eyes were staring at the black robed man standing not far away

He knew that if he wanted to live, he would have to kill this man

"Do you know why I didn't kill you just now?" Seeing ye Xiao's fierce eyes, the black robed man did not have any fear, but said, this time, his voice is no longer hoarse, but gentle and graceful. This is the best voice Ye Xiao has ever heard

Ye Xiao didn't speak and shook his head. He also had some doubts. If the other party wanted to kill himself, it was definitely the best chance

"You are stronger than him, and much stronger. Go with me, I will make you the strongest man in the world, and you will have everything you want to have..." The man in black chuckled and said

"I was the best..." Ye Xiao said with a proud face

"Ha ha..." The figure in black suddenly gave out a silver bell like laugh. He was about to say something when he heard a buzzing sound. It was the sound of helicopter propeller. Suddenly, the figure in black looked up at the skylight and saw several helicopters in the distance. Suddenly, he turned around and ran to the window on the third floor

Ye Xiao didn't chase after him. He had no strength to pursue

"Ye Xiao, remember, my name is enchanting. Sooner or later, you will be mine..." Just as she was about to arrive at the window, the man in black suddenly turned his head and yelled at Ye Xiao. The sea breeze blew away the black robe on her head, revealing a beautiful face. It was a peerless face that could not be defeated by enchantment

Looking at the figure directly jumping down from the window on the third floor, and hearing the sound of falling into the water, ye Xiao's figure is still standing there alone and arrogant, letting the sea breeze blow by, just like a born Qianlong

It's true - all kinds of demons are dancing around the world, and Qianlong's birth is shaking ten sides! Evil moves heaven and earth to invade China, dragon shines on the sky and breaks Jiuzhou! The Dragon shines on the world!

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