This e-virus incident has aroused the attention of the whole high-level of China. Although the disease was temporarily suppressed under the guidance of the expert group, the perfect antidote was still not found. Therefore, when Xu Yifeng and others were found, not only the Jinghai police, the military, but even the dragon people also mobilized

These helicopters are the first group of members of the dragon clan. In the front of the helicopter, the Dragon Emperor in black is standing at the open door of the helicopter without holding the handrail. His exquisite eyes are staring at the cruise ship not far away

In his side, also wearing a suit of black tights standing quietly there

At this time, several helicopters have come to the top of the cruise ship, and the cabin doors of all helicopters are opened at the same time, and these helicopters also fall downward, and steel cables fall from the helicopter

At this time, a black figure suddenly jumped down from the window on the third floor. The Dragon Emperor and his charming eyes jumped at the same time. Before the steel cable was completely lowered, the Dragon Emperor leaped all his life. His body had fallen from a height of more than ten meters, just like a God of war

"Bang..." On the deck of the steel, the giant dragon made a strong sound

Without waiting for other people to jump down, the Dragon Emperor had already rushed to the edge of the class A, staring at the splash of water

Soon, the body of the enchanting Miaoman also came to the Dragon Emperor's side, looking at the gradually subsided water spray

"Is it her?" What she said was coquettish. At this moment, she was always charming and calm. She was even more serious than ever before

"It should be her..." The Dragon Emperor nodded his head gently, and his tone was very plain, but anyone who knew him well knew that the more peaceful he was, the less peaceful he would be

"I didn't expect that she also came to Jinghai city..." The enchantment murmured a word, as if in self-talk, and as if to the Dragon Emperor said

"What a pity..." The Dragon Emperor gently shook his head, a look of regret, seductive did not ask more, she naturally understand what the Dragon Emperor said pity is what represents, but it is a pity that she let her run away

Jumping into the sea alone is definitely a dead end for ordinary people. However, at their level, it may not be the same thing. Moreover, she dare to jump into the sea, so she is naturally prepared

"Let's go and see how the boy is doing?" The Dragon Emperor didn't want to say anything more. He turned around and walked towards the cabin. As soon as he heard the boy, a funny smile appeared in his charming mouth. But she clearly understood that ye Xiao had killed him alone. The Dragon Emperor, who had no intention of going out in person, immediately gathered the dragon family members who were in Jinghai city and rushed over in person

The two men went all the way to the cabin, while the dragon clan members who fell off the wire rope quickly dispersed and occupied the most advantageous position to prevent possible attacks. However, they were obviously disappointed

There was blood all over the deck, and there were dozens of corpses lying on the deck. Each of them had only one cut, and each of them was absolutely fatal. It was the mark of the sealing throat knife. Whether the Dragon Emperor or the enchantment, they could see at one glance how these wounds were caused. The Dragon Emperor even simulated the angle and trajectory of the throat sealing knife in his mind, and ye Xiaogang was just fighting Scenes in the fight

Naturally, a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, just because ye Xiao's strength is very gratifying to him

However, in their twenties, they have such strength. There are successors of the dragon people

The more he went inside, the more brilliant the smile on the Dragon Emperor's face. When he and Yaomei came to the second floor and saw the corpses of the giant Han lying on the ground, the Dragon Emperor's eyes already showed the light of appreciation

They are all professionals. Naturally, we can see that these giant men are not ordinary people, but people who have been genetically modified several times. Even if they have three people at the same time with the strength of the Dragon Emperor, they still have the same skills. But now they are all killed by Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao's progress has exceeded their expectations

It seems that he has been able to gradually control the violent power in his body, and is able to use that power

Ye Xiao's figure has been quietly standing on the third floor, until he saw the figure of seductive and the Dragon Emperor appeared at the same time, a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and it was they who came


And he finally understood why the woman who claimed to be enchanting would escape at the last moment. Anyone who saw the great God had to retreat

But enchanting can recognize dragon blood only by smell. It seems that there should be more than fear between her and the Dragon Emperor

However, ye Xiao has no strength to ask these gossips. When he sees the two figures, he can no longer support them, and he falls down all the time

The sun is so beautiful that half a month has passed since the war. To the east of Jinghai City, there is an island hundreds of kilometers away from Jinghai city. This is a completely militarized island. Besides the common warships, patrol planes fly by from time to time in the sky. There are more than ten submarines patrolling the sea floor. Yes, the function of submarines is just to patrol, In addition, there are secret sentries everywhere on the island, and all kinds of modern weapons have armed the whole island.This is an island without a dead corner. No matter which organization or country, unless it is a strong attack, no one can enter the island without the consent of the owner of the island. It can be said that the defense force of this island is comparable to that of Zhongnanhai

In the middle of the island, there is a huge battle bunker, surrounded by towering trees, covering the whole blockhouse. The whole blockhouse is made of special alloy. Even if it is an intercontinental missile, it is impossible to blow off this kind of alloy

At this time, in the basement of the blockhouse, in a room completely sealed by special alloy, there is a huge water tank filled with light blue liquid. A naked man is quietly lying in the sink, covered with various instruments, and from time to time comes the sound of ticking

In the huge room, in addition to the man lying in the sink, there are seven or eight women in white coats who are constantly busy recording the data on various monitors

And the same in a white coat is quietly sitting next to the sink, looking at the handsome man in the sink


"Brush..." Ye Xiao, who has been sleeping for dozens of days, opens her eyes and sees a beautiful face

Then there are several faces that can be regarded as extremely beautiful

Shit, did brother come to heaven?

"Where is this?" Looking at the beautiful and familiar face, ye Xiao asked

"Longcheng No.1..." Seductive gently said, has been hanging the heart finally put down

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