"Well What are they doing here As a member of the dragon clan, ye Xiao naturally knows what Longcheng No.1 stands for. It is one of the most core military bases in China. In addition to developing the most advanced military equipment, it is also the best medical place in China. Outside, many people think that certain injuries or other things must die. When they arrive here, they may not be cured.

When ye Xiao appears here, he naturally knows that his injury must be extremely serious, so he will receive treatment here. However, he is speechless. How can he be a group of beautiful women when he opens his eyes?

"Cure you, of course?" Seductive white leaf Xiao one eye, how to ask such an idiot question!

"But why are they all women?" Of course, ye Xiao knows that they are here to treat themselves, but what he doesn't understand is that there are so many doctors in Longcheng No.1. They can't be all women, right?

"Don't you like beautiful women? I have arranged a group of beauties for you Yes? Don't like it? " Hearing Ye Xiao's question, which is even more idiotic than the question just now, Mei Mei tries to suppress her smile and says to Ye Xiao

“……” Ye Xiao is completely speechless. What is this? Do you like beautiful women? But there's no need for that, right?

"That's right, handsome boy. Don't you like it? Or do you like men now? " The woman next to her also said with a smile

You like men. Your whole family loves men

Ye Xiao scolded in his heart, but on second thought, as a girl, is it abnormal for people to like men? If you like women, you have ghosts

It's just that he calls himself handsome? Yes, the young master is really handsome, but how is he older than you? Seeing her naive face, ye Xiao rolled her eyes

"Ah, sister Linglong, you are not right. If this elder brother really likes men, his gun will be useless?"


I couldn't help but look for a way to get in

"Why, how did you start to grow up? It's strange... "

"Well..." Ye Xiao wants to die of heart have, what is called how to begin to grow up?

This is the basic common sense, OK? It's strange, strange, strange, your sister

Ye Xiao wants to fight back and leave here immediately. However, when her body moves, she finds that her body is fixed by a metal ring. She can't move anywhere except her head

"You idiot, you don't know that." Another girl looks very understanding

Even the seductive smile gently, obviously amused by the words of these girls

"By the way, how long did I sleep?" Seeing that those girls are going to discuss these issues, and the object of discussion is her little baby. Ye Xiao can't be quiet any more, and now she says to seduction.

Their body can't avoid their eyes, can we change the topic?

Sure enough, ye Xiao opened his mouth and the other girls stopped immediately

"Half a month..." She said with a smile that she didn't have a good rest in half a month. After all, ye Xiao's injury was too serious at that time, plus the side effects of dragon blood. Even if there was the top medical facility in the world, she almost didn't save his life. Fortunately, this guy's willpower was strong enough to not only overcome the pain caused by the injury, but also in a coma Overcome the side effects of dragon blood

"Outside..." Ye Xiao heard about the situation in Jinghai city before he was in a coma, especially when he thought about Yi Baoer's illness. He was worried

"Don't worry, the crisis is over That little girl in your family is all right... " Seeing the worried appearance in Ye Xiao's eyes, seductive doesn't know what he is thinking

Hearing the seductive words, ye Xiao has been worried about the heart finally let go, it seems that their inference is correct, as long as we find Xu Yifeng and those researchers, the virus can still be overcome. As for how many people died in the process and what happened to those researchers, it is not Yexiao's concern

"You did a good job this time..." Seeing the look on Ye Xiao's face, she added that a charming smile appeared on her beautiful face

"Hey, where, where..." Even though ye Xiao is so cheeky and praised in front of so many beautiful women, ye Xiao is a little embarrassed. If he had not been greatly stimulated at that time, how could he have pursued Xu Yifeng so crazily But at the thought of the dead Yang Zhanghu and others, his face was gloomy again

"So sister, I'm ready to reward you this time..." It seems that she saw the dim look on Ye Xiao's face, and she said again

"Reward? What reward? " Ye xiaoyileng, he made great achievements this time, needless to say, the state will also give him a reward, but the problem is that seductive people say they want to reward themselves? What kind of reward is that?

Is it

"Just the reward I said last time?" Enchanting smiles and winks at Ye Xiao. This blink of an eye almost electrifies Ye XiaoSure enough, that time, seductive but clearly promised him, as long as he completed the task, he would accompany him for a night, no matter what he wanted to do

"Seriously?" But at this time, ye Xiao is still a little unconvinced

"It's true, of course, and it's not only me, but also they will accompany you..." There is a strange light in her eyes

"They?" Ye Xiao turns her head and looks at the beauties around her, surprised on her face

"Yes, they have been adopted by the state since they were young, and they have received the most professional knowledge training. Until now, all of them are still big girls. They have never enjoyed the pleasure of men. So, this time, it will be cheaper for you..."

Cheap? One, two, three

If there is only one, ye Xiao thinks that the advantage must be his own. If there are two, ye Xiao thinks it is really cheap. If there are three, ye Xiao thinks that he is happy to die. If there are four, ye Xiao thinks that he is too happy. If there are five, ye Xiao doubts whether he can do it? And now there are nine people here, plus a more than the goblin seduction, ye Xiao's mind only one idea - want to cry!

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