He even believed that once he really took advantage of these women, there would be only one result, that is, he was cheated into a mummy, and that was the kind of mummy with no residue left

"That Can you let me get up first

Seductive smile, gently nodded

Immediately, a girl ran to one side of the instrument and pressed a button. Soon, she heard a burst of cheering sound. The metal rings on Ye Xiao's body contracted quickly. Then ye Xiao was about to stand up, but she found that her body was a little soft. Of course, except for a certain place, all the others were softened and her face changed. How is this What's going on?

"Don't worry. It's just a little bit of a sequela. Let them change clothes for you first..." It seems to have seen Ye Xiao's worry and said in a soft voice.


Ye Xiao is speechless again. She needs them to help her change clothes. Isn't it a sheep's mouth?

"Come with me, the general is waiting for you..." Seeing ye Xiao wearing military uniform again, she nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and walked outside

"General?" Ye Xiao's heart was startled, and the kind old man appeared in his mind

Under the guidance of enchantment, the road was smooth, and came to the door of a room on the first floor

"Dong Dong Dong..." Even if it is seductive, at the moment also put away the face of the Mei color, a face respectfully stood at the door, gently knocked on the door

"Chief, ye Xiao wakes up..."

"You all come in, the door is not locked..." A kind voice came from the room

Seductive did not stop, directly pushed the door to go in, ye Xiao did not do more hesitation, quickly follow up.

After entering the door, I found that this is a living room of more than 60 square meters. In the middle of the living room, there is a huge tea table. Around the tea table, there are several sofas. On each sofa, there is a man in military uniform.

Each of these men has a shining star on his shoulder. The worst is a two star lieutenant general, and only one is Luo Xiaojun, commander of Jinghai city garrison!

No matter which one of these people, once outside, is absolutely a big shot in the megalopolis side, but at this time, like a child, sitting around the old man with a smile on his face

The old man's hair is completely white, and his forehead is full of wrinkles. He is wearing a gray Zhongshan suit. He looks very old, and his eyes are a little cloudy, just like those ordinary old people in the country

However, his face has always been wearing a kind smile. Before ye Xiao and ye Xiao came in, they were half lying on the sofa listening to the reports of these generals

After ye Xiaohe and Yaomei come in, the old man raises his head. When he sees Ye Xiao, his turbid eyes suddenly light up

The other people also raised their heads at the same time, it seems that the two people who came in showed a warm smile

"Ye Xiao, the immortal camp of the Dragon nationality, has seen the chief I've met all the leaders... " Seeing the old man cast his eyes at himself, ye Xiao stood at attention with a bang, saluted the old man with a military salute, and then said hello to the generals

As for seduction, she went up to fill the tea table for several leaders

"Ha ha, since ancient times, heroes have come out of youth. Let's applaud our heroes..." The old man laughed, clapped his hands and stood up from the sofa. Not only he, but other generals also stood up one by one, looking at Ye Xiao with a smile on his face

Luo Xiaojun, in particular, also threw a look of appreciation at Ye Xiao

Seeing that these big people who can make the whole China Earthquake clap for themselves at the same time, Rao Shi Ye Xiao has a strong psychological quality. At this time, he is also a little confused, or even flattered

"Chief, this..." Ye Xiao looks at all this at a loss

"Hehe, come, come, come..." The old man beckoned to Ye Xiao, with unspeakable kindness, just like his grandfather

Ye Xiao didn't dare to ask more questions. He made progress and came to the visitor. A man with three Venus on his shoulder took out a black box, opened it himself and handed it to the old man

The old man lovingly took out a purple and gold dragon shaped badge from the box. Seeing the badge, ye Xiao's face completely changed

The dragon gold medal is definitely the highest honor given to individuals by the state of China. It is the same as the gold medal of immortality of ancient emperors. Anyone who has this medal can be exempted from death unless he has committed such a big crime as treason. After so many years since the founding of China, only three medals have been awarded.

Ye Xiao knew that the latest one was sent to the Dragon Emperor, but he made a great effort to turn the tide on the battlefield and almost saved the whole country of China. What about himself? Should I give this medal to myself?

I don't seem to have done anything big at all? What great achievements have not been made?However, the old man ignored Ye Xiao's thoughts. Instead, he stretched out his hands and put on the dragon gold medal, which represents the highest honor of China

"Chief..." Even though ye Xiao has a strong psychological quality, he also feels his body shaking slightly at this time. How noble is his identity? He is even standing on the top of the pyramid of China. But now, such an existence actually wears this medal for himself. How can ye Xiao not be excited?

"Ha ha, don't worry, these are all your due. This time you have made great achievements, but due to your mission, the motherland can't give you commendation publicly, and can only honor you here and wronged you..." The old man said and patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder

Being patted on the shoulder by the old man, hearing his kind words, ye Xiao suddenly felt a little sour in his heart, and his eyes were moist

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