"No injustice, chief, this is what I should do..." Ye Xiaoqiang held back his tears and once again made a military salute to the old man

"Good, good, good, good. What I should do, Huaxia man, should have such courage. This time, you did a good job, really good..." Hearing Ye Xiaoxin's words, the old man once again smiles and pats Ye Xiao on the shoulder to show encouragement

The other generals also smile, and are obviously very satisfied with Ye Xiao this time

Later, ye Xiao learned that the main reason why he gave him such a big reward was that the virus incident almost caused the panic of the domestic people. If he got the antidote later, the number of people who died would increase exponentially. At that time, not to mention the domestic, even the international community would also be under great pressure. Fortunately, the problem was solved in time The harm of the virus was reduced to the minimum, which did not cause too much harm to the whole China.

Because of this, ye Xiao's credit is worthy of such honor

At present, the old man said some words of encouragement to Ye Xiao, and then he left with the generals. As one of the most authoritative people in China, his daily work is very busy. Such a big man even came to confer medals for ye Xiao himself, which is enough to show his concern for himself

Before leaving, Luo Xiaojun smiles and pats Ye Xiao on the shoulder. His eyes also reveal a love

Soon, there were only two people left in the huge living room: Yaomei and ye Xiao. Seeing ye Xiao, who was still deeply moved, she gently stepped forward and hugged Ye Xiao. Then she said in her ear, "don't think too much. These are all you deserve..."

Instinctively, she wants to be seductive, and even more to fulfill the attractive reward. However, at the thought of those wolf like women, ye Xiao suddenly regains her mind

"I understand, sister charming..." Resist the impulse in the heart, ye Xiao zhengse way.

Instead of asking for a reward from the enchantment, ye Xiao hid the precious dragon gold medal, changed into a military uniform, and left here by boat. He had a lot of things to do

Jinghai city has returned to its former prosperity. The e-virus, which made people panic in the city, has been effectively controlled. Since that day, there has been no death due to this virus.

The Tianyuan Group left by Xu Yifeng was also confiscated by the government. Of course, ye Xiao and others who participated in the incident also got some benefits. Even Shangguan Wudao also regained control of maritime transportation. It can be said that everyone is happy.

And star entertainment company in the "wind hero" this film driven by the rapid rise, especially behind the Dragon Yao Hui as a giant as support, has been a hidden threat to Liu Yu's entertainment company, but in the face of such a threat, Liu Yu has no way.

Only one side of the hard support, while looking for other ways, as one of the twelve giants of Jinghai City, he can't do this.

However, ye Xiao seldom pays attention to these conflicts in the shopping mall. However, what makes him feel depressed is that Xiao Nan has gone to make a movie, which is the sequel of "hero of chasing the wind". Ye Xiao really disagrees with this guy's idea. However, when Hua YUEWU says Xiao Nan is the best candidate to replace him, ye Xiao doesn't care much.

If the child wants to play, just play

Anyway, he also has an idol face. If he doesn't make movies, it seems to be a waste. Besides, it's better to make movies than to go racing with others every day? At least safer than racing cars, isn't it?

After losing several brothers, ye Xiao pays special attention to the people who live now, and even forcibly orders them not to travel alone at any time

Wang Qi's fiancee was also received by him to a Longyao villa. Before long, the fetus in her womb will be born. This is the only blood line Wang Qi has left in the world. Ye Xiao naturally dare not be careless, and directly let Li Siqing take charge of the safety of the mother and daughter.

Li Siqing was promoted by Wang Qi. She is also very emotional. In addition, she has excellent wisdom. It is not difficult to protect the safety of mother and daughter.

The interior of the Longyao society also began some adjustments. Ye Xiao completely retired to the background. Ye yubai was in charge of the main affairs. Li Siqing and Leng Shaoshang assisted him. With Li Siqing's wisdom and Leng Shaoshang's experience, and ye yubai's pride in his own bones, ye Xiao believed that the Longyao club would only become stronger and stronger.

All day, in addition to accompanying his family, he is constantly training, training and training

On that day, enchanting's terrible strength made him understand that he was not strong enough. There were more powerful beings in the world than himself, and he had to surpass them

Only strong enough to protect the people they want to protect

On the other hand, Yang Zhanghu was named a martyr, and ye Canglang was promoted to deputy battalion commander, and his military rank was promoted to major, which is the rank of a battalion level cadre. As long as a blind man knows, it will not be long before he is promoted to a battalion level cadre

Such a terrible speed of promotion is almost impossible in this peaceful era, but who told ye Cang Lang to make great achievements several times in a row? Especially this time, ye Xiao's identity can't be disclosed. On the surface, almost all of his credit has been claimed by Ye Canglang. With such great military achievements, what is the promotion of a battalion commander by Luo Xiaojun?If ye Xiao was not worried about the bad influence, he would not have been promoted to deputy regiment level cadres directly

The army, is not a military merit? Of course, the background is also important

It's already March and April, and the breath of spring has already covered the whole land. However, for big cities, there seems to be no big change in the four seasons. Those who should go to work or study, and those who should play are still playing. The change of seasons has little impact on them.

On this day, in a cafe near the intersection of Jinling street in Jinghai City, ye Xiao, dressed in a Zhongshan suit, leaned against a corner, sipping coffee and looking at the beautiful women coming and going out of the window

At this time, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open. Several single men near the door immediately turned their eyes away. The biggest purpose of their coming to the coffee shop was to get girls. Naturally, we should pay attention to every woman entering the coffee shop.

If there are boyfriends with them, they just appreciate it with their eyes. If they come alone, or a group of women arrive, and if the other party is beautiful, the animals will try their best to chat up with each other. Even though they are often rejected coldly, they are happy to be different

Of course, most of the time, they take back their eyes after a glance. After all, not all of them are beautiful women. However, when they cast their eyes this time, they can never take them back

Don't talk about them. Even ye Xiao, who is used to seeing beautiful women, has an expression of surprise in her eyes when she accidentally sees the woman at the door. Even her mouth grows up a little bit and can't close it for a long time

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