She was extremely tall. She was wearing a red suspender T-shirt, revealing her lotus like arms. Her lower body was also a pair of red tight leather pants, which wrapped her slender and slender thighs. Under her feet was a pair of red high-heeled shoes, which were 10 cm high, which made her look more noble

And her appearance is also very beautiful, such a face with such a figure, it is like a raging fire, ignited the blood in men, even many boys can not help but swallow saliva

I didn't expect that today's luck was so good that I met such a beautiful woman

"Beauty, there are seats here. Please come and have a seat..."

"Beauty, this way, I'll treat you and coffee..."

Some confident men can't wait to stand up, very gentlemanly to the beauty of the invitation

However, the woman completely ignored these people's invitation and didn't care about their eyes. She just looked around. When she saw Ye Xiao sitting in the corner, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she raised her legs and walked to her position

"Oh, no, this beauty will take a fancy to that bumpkin?"

"That's right, it's NIMA's, what's the age of wearing a Zhongshan suit? I don't know it came from that gully... "

"NIMA, what do you know about art? It's called art. Didn't you see a beautiful woman go there?"

"That's right. Is it true that all beauties nowadays like men dressed like this?"

"Who knows? Ah, such a beautiful Chinese cabbage will be arched by pigs again... "

For the cold rejection of beauty, these men will not feel angry, they have long been numb by the rejection, but they just wonder who such a beautiful beauty will smile to?

When they turned their heads and saw Ye Xiao, who was sitting in a corner, wearing a black Zhongshan suit, their eyes showed angry expressions

Just because of a smile from the beauty, she immediately became the public enemy of all men. At the thought of this place, ye Xiao was wronged

As for it? As for it? Although I look handsome, and handsome to earth shaking, but this can blame me? Born like this, what can I do?

"Handsome boy, won't you buy me a drink?" The beauty comes directly to Ye Xiao's side, presses her hand on the edge of the table and looks at Ye Xiao with light in her eyes

"Er..." Ye Xiaoyi Leng, although the beauty is toward him, but he really did not think that she should come directly to his own, will take the initiative to invite her to a drink?

Is he really handsome to this point? Even this kind of woman who brings disaster to the country and the people will take the initiative to throw herself in his arms?

If at any other time, ye Xiao will promise immediately, not to ask her to have a cup of coffee, even if she is invited to stay in the hotel for a few nights, but the problem is that he is waiting for someone to come here

Hua YUEWU clearly tells him that Xiao fei'er will come and tell him some news about Tan Xiaoxiao. If you invite this beautiful woman now? What will you do when Sophie comes? Isn't that too much of a snub?

"What? No? " When ye Xiao hesitates, the beauty has already sat on the sofa opposite Ye Xiao, holding her cheek in one hand, and looking at Ye Xiao affectionately, her voice is soft and enchanting. She hears that all the men around her are crispy, and her hatred and jealousy are stronger.

This son of a bitch, is really in the blessing do not know the blessing, other people's beautiful women all take the initiative to throw in the arms, he Ya please a cup of coffee to die? It needs hesitation

Or is that guy a fake guy?

"Well, this lady, I'm sorry. Actually, I'm waiting for a friend here. If there's no accident, she should be here soon..."

And other men have been jealous to death, now heard Ye Xiao turned down the beauty, one by one is more angry

If it wasn't for the fact that this is a coffee shop and a place that needs to be quiet, it might have been a long time ago

On the contrary, the beauty in front of Ye Xiaoshen is not angry, but shows a smile, and two lovely dimples appear in the corner of her mouth

"May I know your friend's name?"

"Xiao fei'er..." Ye Xiao's instinctive answer comes out, after answering, this just feels improper, oneself this is how?

"Pa..." Who would have guessed that ye Xiao said this, the quiet beauty suddenly slapped the table. The huge noise scared all the people who paid attention to this side. Even ye Xiao was scared to the back. What's the matter?

"Ye Xiao, what look in your eyes, haven't you recognized me yet?" On the beauty's face, a look of crying and laughing

"Are you?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, how does she know herself? Then he looked at it carefully, searching for some similar women in front of him in my mind. But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find a woman who was in the right place? You know, such a beautiful woman, if you've seen it before, you can't forget it?"I'm Xiao Fei Er..." Xiao fei'er glares at Ye Xiao, and two small tiger teeth appear in the corner of her mouth. Looking at that, she would like to rush up and bite Ye Xiao a few times

Seeing such a noble and sexy goddess breaking out of such fierce wildness, many men were scared to shrink their necks and quickly turn their heads, for fear of infuriating the great God

As for ye Xiao, the whole person is stunned

Xiao Fei Er?

in his memory, although Xiao Feier is also a big Belle, but dressed up as a monster, his hair is unkempt, his eye shadow is even darker than the panda. If he is dressed, he must have many non - clothes. Although wearing the same sexy, but sexy at the same time reveals a mature woman's charm, that is a noble, absolutely not those little sister can match

This can be said to be two different kinds of people, how can it be possible?

Gradually, ye Xiao finally found that the beauty in front of her really looks like Xiao fei'er in her memory

as like as two peas, you are a person. Of course, they are the same.

"Ha ha ha, it's really you. You surprised me so much. I didn't think you were so beautiful that I couldn't recognize it..." Ye Xiao laughs to cover up his embarrassment. In fact, he can't blame him. Although he knows Xiao fei'er, he doesn't have many chances to meet. Besides, it's almost at night. Moreover, it's hard to look at Xiao fei'er carefully in front of the charming face of Huayue. She just remembers her general appearance. Now she suddenly dresses up like this, maybe even her friends for a moment They may not recognize each other, let alone Ye Xiao?

"Huh? Have I not been pretty before Ye Xiao's explanation didn't satisfy Xiao fei'er, instead, she snorted heavily

"Ha ha, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful..." Ye Xiao joked. To tell the truth, he didn't agree with Xiao fei'er's dress, but did he dare to say?

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