"Which do you like?" It is said that a woman's face changes faster than she opens a book. Xiao fei'er, who was still fierce just now, suddenly becomes gentle and looks forward to Ye Xiao

"Er..." Ye Xiao was almost choked by this question. To be honest, he naturally preferred Xiao fei'er's dress. But the question is, can he answer this question?

Don't say that will let Xiao Fei Er feel that she was not beautiful before, just say that like these words will derive a lot of meaning, let people feel headache, how to say Xiao Fei Er is also a friend of Hua YUEWU, now he rashly says his friend who likes Moon Charm, it seems that how can't say?

"Well, don't embarrass you. Will you buy me a cup of coffee?" Seeing the embarrassment of Ye Xiao's face, Xiao fei'er pursed her lips with a smile. This smile is simply a charming city. I don't know how many men's hearts have been charmed

To tell you the truth, although she didn't recognize Ye Xiao, she was angry, but she was more happy. You think, ah, when she saw such a beautiful woman as herself, she could refuse for her own sake. How much explained her position in his heart, at least the weight of this friend was not light.

"Waiter, one blue mountain, no sugar, thank you..." Ye Xiao snapped his finger at the waiter not far away and began to cry

Hearing Ye Xiao call his favorite coffee directly without sugar, Xiao fei'er's heart is surging. He even knows that he doesn't like to drink coffee with sugar?

Does he always care about himself?

If Xiao fei'er knew that Hua YUEWU told ye Xiao these things temporarily, I don't know how she would feel

Soon, the waiter brought the coffee. Xiao Fei Er took the coffee in one hand and tasted it gently. Then she sat up straight

"It's been a tough year, isn't it?" Xiao fei'er looks at Ye Xiao. With her background and identity, although she can't find out the real identity of Ye Xiao, some things she has done these days are somewhat understood

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded. Too many things have happened recently. This year is really not so good

"Is everything going well?" Xiao fei'er asked again. In fact, she has been back from Kyoto, but she has not found Ye Xiao

"Well, now everything is on the right track..." Ye Xiao nodded. Although he wanted to know the news of Tan Xiaoxiao, he was not in a hurry. You know, in front of a beautiful woman, he could not wait to ask another beauty for news. Even if there is nothing between this beauty and you, she will feel uncomfortable

"But you're going to be busy again..." Seeing ye Xiaoqiang holding back his heart, Xiao fei'er feels funny and says at the moment.

"Why?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, do you think there is something important to happen recently?

"Because Tan Xiaoxiao is going to be engaged?" Xiao fei'er's moving eyes were staring straight at her, and she spat out such a sentence lightly

Suddenly hearing the news, ye Xiao's body trembled, and there seemed to be a thunderbolt in his mind. Better still, someone with a huge axe directly chopped his head and split his head in two

Tan Xiaoxiao is getting engaged? How could this happen? Who is she engaged to? Naturally, the woman who was kind in appearance, kind in heart, but extremely stubborn in character appeared in his mind again

They didn't spend much time with each other, nor did they have much passion, let alone the agitation of life and death parting. However, ye Xiao knew that she had already been deeply imprinted in her heart

It can be said that she was the first woman she met after she came to Jinghai City, and also the first woman to walk into her heart. Later, she left without saying goodbye, which hurt Ye Xiao for a while, but he vaguely guessed that it was because of himself

Since then, he began to use his own power to inquire about Tan Xiaoxiao's information. However, without using the power of the dragon clan, he didn't get anything. At that time, he knew that Tan Xiaoxiao's identity was not simple. He even tried to use the power of the dragon clan to inquire about Tan Xiaoxiao's identity, but every time he resisted.

The dragon clan is a powerful weapon of the state. He can't abuse the power of the dragon clan for his own self-interest

Finally, Hua YUEWU tells him that she has entrusted Xiao fei'er to inquire about Tan Xiaoxiao's news. At that time, he was deeply moved.

From then on, he had been waiting for the meeting with Xiao fei'er. He knew that Xiao fei'er would bring him news of Tan Xiaoxiao, but what he didn't expect was that she would bring such news.

Tan Xiaoxiao is getting engaged? This

"Ha ha, what does this have to do with me?" But soon, ye Xiao came back to his senses. Although his heart was in great pain, could he show his pain in front of Xiao fei'er

All ye Xiao's actions are naturally in Xiao fei'er's eyes. When he sees that he is clearly in pain but wants to be forced to smile, Xiao fei'er sighs softly in his heart.

To tell you the truth, she is a friend of huayuewu. Standing on the position of a friend, when the first flower Moon Charm found her and asked her to help inquire about Tan Xiaoxiao news, she was shocked. Although she also knew that huayuewu and ye Xiao were not together for any fame, nor did she care about other women around Ye Xiao, but even so, you can't help him find other women The woman?Is that a little too generous? Being a woman to do this is also an extreme

But she still agreed, and she also wanted to know whether there was a girl named Tan Xiaoxiao in Ye Xiao's heart

Just now she inadvertently told the news that Tan Xiaoxiao was about to get engaged. Ye Xiao's changeable face had betrayed his mind. Even though it had been so long, he was still worried about the girl

This is enough to show that he is a man who values love and righteousness

But what she couldn't understand was why Ye Xiao would say such a thing?

However, she also understood Ye Xiao's pain and did not continue to say anything more on this topic. She just picked up the coffee on the table and tasted it gently

"I'm sorry, I suddenly think that there are still some things that I can't continue to accompany you here. I'll go first..." Ye Xiao wants to hold back the pain in her heart and wants to continue to talk and laugh with Xiao fei'er, but she opens her mouth and says such a thing

Xiao fei'er nodded and didn't say anything more. She could fully understand Ye Xiao's mood now

Ye Xiao didn't say anything more. He stood up and walked towards the outside with some staggering steps

"Ye Xiao..." Just as ye Xiao was about to walk to the door, Xiao fei'er suddenly stood up and called to Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao doesn't speak. She just turns her head and looks at Xiao fei'er to see what she has to say

"Moon charm let me tell you what you think in your heart, do it bravely and don't leave any regret for yourself..." Xiao fei'er looks at Ye Xiao seriously

Hearing this, ye Xiao's body shakes slightly. He thinks of something in his heart. He bravely does it and doesn't leave any regret for himself

This sentence is changed into no one else's saying, but it comes from Hua Yue's charming mouth. At the thought of that gentle and watery woman who will always put herself in the first place, ye Xiao's sour heart gives rise to bursts of honey

Without much to say, he turned around again and left the coffee shop. Compared with the bleak figure just now, his back is once again full of vitality, and an invisible domineering spirit is diffused

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