"Warm memories, memories have no fragrance, I hate to think of yourself like this..." On the silver BMW, there is sad music. It is Zhou Chuanxiong's old song "winter's Secret". Ye Xiao in the driver's seat is humming this song while driving the BMW

This BMW is very charming. His car fell into the sea. Although it was finally fished out, it was scrapped in many places because of its super high speed at that time. Now Xiao Nan is rebuilding a new car for him. These days, ye Xiao takes the beautiful BMW and drives it

Tan Puqing came to the waterfall directly, and there were many happy splashes on the grass, and there were no happy splashes on the grass There are kites flying on the grass, and some lovers are nestling on the grass, telling sweet words

Ye Xiao did not get out of the car, so sitting in the BMW, took out a cigarette, quietly smoked

In my mind, I began to think about the details of Tan Xiaoxiao

On that day, they still had nothing in Jinghai city. Uncle Luo and they could not help themselves for some reasons. In that case, they were framed and put into the detention center. Later, a group of soldiers came and brought themselves out of the detention center. Later, Tan Xiaoxiao disappeared. Even Wang Jinchen did not know why Tan Xiaoxiao's suddenly disappeared.

Now think about it, it seems that her disappearance has a lot to do with her being rescued, and her engagement? Is it also a kind of transaction?

Ye Xiao doesn't believe that Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't have a little self in her heart. If she really doesn't have herself, even if she leaves, she will say to herself, and she won't get engaged for no reason

Why on earth? Under family pressure? Or do you want to forget yourself? Or other reasons?

Ye Xiao's eyebrows tightly knit together, but soon, they stretch out. No matter what she thinks in her heart, she should go to Kyoto to see her, isn't it?

This thing has to be made clear, doesn't it?

After throwing away his cigarette, ye Xiao started the BMW again

"Handsome boy, are you going back downtown?" Just as ye Xiao was about to leave, a beautiful woman in fashionable clothes and carrying a travel bag came over and said to Ye Xiao.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded!

"Can I have a ride?" Seeing the girl's beautiful appearance, ye Xiao was amused. Now the girls are too active, right?

However, ye Xiao naturally won't refuse. Beauties are always privileged

"Yes..." She nodded and opened the car door. The beauty said thank you to Ye Xiao. Then she hopped to the co driver's seat

All the way, ye Xiao thought about Tan Xiaoxiao and didn't take the initiative to talk to the beauty. However, in his opinion, since the beauty got on his car, she must have some ideas about him. How could she say a few words to him? But when she was about to walk to the city, the girl did not show any active approach except a few glances Buddha, she really just wants to get a ride

Is it brother that I feel so good about myself? Let's play, brother. It's just

"Handsome boy, you seem to have something on your mind?" Just as the car drove into the city, the beauty suddenly said

Here comes Ye Xiao smiles in her heart. As expected, she looks like a gold digger again

"Well..." Although the girl is included in the list of gold worshippers in her heart, ye Xiao has no change on the surface. She just nods

"Can you tell me?" The girl seems to be very curious about ye Xiao's mind. She looks concerned

Pretend. You can just pretend. My brother told you that he is not interested in you today

"It's nothing. My girlfriend is engaged to another man..." Ye Xiao said casually

"Ah, doesn't she love you? Or for some other reason? " The beauty's face showed a surprised expression, obviously did not think that ye Xiao's mind is such a thing

"I don't know..." Ye Xiao shook his head. He really didn't know what was going on

"What are you going to do? Just give up? " The beauty looks shocked

"No, I'm going to meet her and find out what happened..." Ye Xiao said definitely, as if to tell the beauty, and also like to say to himself

"Well, a man should take the initiative. I think she should have a hard time. Oh, handsome boy, can you pull over for a moment? I'm here... " The beauty suddenly pointed to the Sofia Hotel in front of her and said

"OK..." Ye Xiao stops the BMW directly at the gate of the hotel, and a waiter has come to drive

"Thank you, handsome man..." After the door opens, the beauty smiles at Ye Xiao"Ha ha, it's OK. It's easy to raise your hand..." Seeing that the beauty has no other meaning at all, ye Xiao sneers in his heart, and he has been guessed by himself. Now that he knows that he has a girlfriend, he has to step back?

And a Sofia Hotel? Shit, you just keep playing?

However, he didn't say much. When the girl got off the bus, he started BMW and left

Seeing the disappearing BMW, a little doubt flashed in the beauty's eyes: "how can this person be so familiar? It seems that I have seen it somewhere? " Suddenly, she saw a huge poster posted on the opposite building, and immediately jumped up

"Isn't he Lin Xiao? Wow, why didn't I recognize it? Ouyang Qianqian, you idiot, you don't even recognize your idol. What qualifications do you have to call Xiaofen? Wuwu, I knew you would have asked him for a signature. After returning to Kyoto, smile and they will die with envy Wuwu... " Seeing the cruel face on the poster, Ouyang Qianqian almost has the impulse to cry

She even missed her idol

Quickly took out the mobile phone from the pocket, dialed a number, soon, the phone was connected

"Smile, I saw Lin Xiao, I saw Lin Xiao, and I got on his car..." As soon as she got through the phone, Ouyang Qianqian immediately exclaimed at the phone

"You got in his car? Where is he now At the other end of the phone, came Tan Xiaoxiao's anxious voice

"He's gone!" Ouyang Qianqian looks like crying

"Gone?" Tan Xiaoxiao at the other end of the phone exclaimed, his voice was a little lost

"Well, didn't you tell me that the scenery by Huangpu River in Jinghai city is very good? I went there to have a look. It was really beautiful. When I left, there was no taxi. I happened to meet him driving back to the city, so I took his car by the way... "

At the other end of the phone, Tan Xiaoxiao heard a few words of Huangpu River, and felt a burst of sadness in his heart. He thought that the proud man had gone to the river side, something in his heart seemed to be broken

The corner of the eye unexpectedly can't help but overflow light tear

He still thinks about himself, he still has himself in his heart, he is still missing himself

At the thought of this, Tan Xiaoxiao's worries for many days have swept away half of them

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