"You idiot, didn't you recognize it just now?" Forced to hold back tears, Tan Xiaoxiao scolds Ouyang Qianqian at the end of the phone

I don't know why. At the thought that ye Xiao would go to that place, she felt much better

"I I How could I have thought that he would also go to that place. Besides, he is a lady. Where can a lady stare at a handsome man as soon as she gets on the bus Ouyang Qianqian looks shy

"Lady? I think you are a mature girl, right Tan Xiaoxiao obviously knows Ouyang Qianqian very well. She snorts at the end of the phone

"You're an old lady. They're real ladies..." Even through the phone, Ouyang Qianqian is not willing to be outdone, roaring at the phone

"Good, good, you are a lady, ok..." Tan Xiaoxiao at the other end of the phone has no choice but to surrender

"Hee hee, it's almost the same, but smile. Just now Lin Xiao told me that he has a girlfriend. Wuwuwu, I don't know it's that damned woman who robbed me of my Lin Xiao..." Ouyang Qianqian seems to have thought of something and said again.

"What? You said he had a girlfriend? " Tan Xiaoxiao on the other end of the phone changed his face slightly when he heard this sentence. He was in a much better mood and immediately covered with dark clouds. Ye Xiao even has a girlfriend. Does he have no self at all?

"Well, just now I saw that he was worried. Before I recognized him at that time, I asked him what was wrong? He said that his girlfriend was going to be engaged to another man. Ah, what kind of woman do you mean? If there is such a good husband, he even wants to get engaged to another man. I'd be very angry. If only I had recognized him before, I could use my gentleness to resolve his heart's sadness Oh... " When it comes to the end, Ouyang Qianqian is so intoxicated that the waiter who opens the door for him is stunned. Isn't this girl stupid?

As for Tan Xiaoxiao, when she said the word engagement, her whole body was shaking. Isn't that to say yourself? In his heart, he has always been his girlfriend? At the thought of this, Tan Xiaoxiao felt like a knife cut in her heart. But when she thought of her agreement with Tan Zixiong, how could she do it?

"Smile, what's the matter with you? Why don't you say something? Is it sad? Ah, I'm also sad and sad. Ah, if I had such a good boyfriend, I wouldn't change men from all over the world to me... " It seems to feel the silence of Tan Xiaoxiao, Ouyang Qianqian cares about asking, but at the end of the time, he said to one side.

Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly heard this sentence from Ouyang Qianqian, and her face changed slightly. Even though she knew that Ouyang Qianqian was completely due to worship, this sentence still deeply touched the mystery in her heart.

Even if all the men in the world give me, I don't want to change it? I have never thought about what I want to exchange, but what can I do as a son of a family?

Think of at the beginning of their anger to go to Jinghai City, in the end, is not to ask for Tan Zixiong's hand, he has promised him, he can also repent?

My heart is bitter, but I don't know where to start

"By the way, he said he would meet his girlfriend. What expression would his girlfriend look like when he saw him?" Ouyang Qianqian seems to have thought of something and said again.

Hearing this sentence, Tan Xiaoxiao was shocked again. Did ye Xiao come to see himself? Will he really come?

"Oh, I don't want to tell you. I have to pack up my things. I've had a good time these days. I'll be back tomorrow. Don't miss me too much..." Seeing that Tan Xiaoxiao didn't speak again, Ouyang Qianqian thought that she was surprised by her words. After all, she knew Lin Xiao's privacy. She laughed and said to tan Xiaoxiao on the phone.

"Miss you, even if all the people in the world are dead, I will not miss you..." After hearing Ouyang Qianqian's words, Tan Xiaoxiao's bitter heart finally has a trace of sweetness. In this society where the interests are supreme, it is also a kind of happiness for her to have such a good friend as Ouyang Qianqian

Despite the fact that the two women were flirting on the phone, ye Xiao didn't go home immediately on the BMW. Instead, she drove her BMW to the Beijing Shanghai Expressway unconsciously. The girl was right. No matter what the reason is, she has to ask clearly

The BMW turned onto the Beijing Shanghai Expressway, which is a highway with a total length of more than 1000 kilometers. Once on the highway, ye Xiao immediately stepped on the gas pedal, and the silver BMW turned into a silver phantom, galloping at full speed

Although the car has not been specially modified, it is not difficult to run more than 200 yards. At this speed, ye Xiao can reach Kyoto in four or five hours at most

At this time, the superb car skills play to the extreme. The silver BMW constantly surpasses one car after another. At dusk in the afternoon, the silver BMW finally comes to the heart of China, the imperial city of Kyoto

Ye Xiao is not the first time to come to Kyoto. When he is out of the station and looking at this huge city, he suddenly feels at a loss. What is he doing here? Is it for Tan Xiaoxiao? Is it clear? But I can't get in touch with her. How can I find her?He took out his mobile phone and began to look at the address book. When he saw a name on it, his frown slightly extended. Without any hesitation, ye Xiao dialed the phone

At this time, in an extremely luxurious private club in Kyoto, a group of fashionable men and women are sitting around and enjoying themselves.

It was a lot of fun. At this time, a man's cell phone ring suddenly rang. The man took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and his face was startled

"Calm down for me..." The man roared at the men and women around him

"Feishao, who is it? It's not your little girl friend, is it?" See the man that some nervous appearance, a woman leaning on his side some sour said.

"My little sister, shut up when I tell you to..." Shangguanfei roared directly. If it hadn't been for the mobile phone in his hand, he would have slapped him in the face

Seeing that shangguanfei was so angry, how could other people dare to say anything more? You know, among all of you, shangguanfei has the highest status. Who calls others a great grandfather?

"Hello..." I took a deep breath and calmed down my nervous mood. Then Shangguan Fei connected the phone respectfully

"Shangguanfei?" At the other end of the phone came a faint voice. Several people who were closer to each other heard that they were talking to shangguanfei in this tone. They were all in a daze. Who else in the world is so arrogant? How dare you talk to Shangguan?

"It's me, master..." Who expected to let people break the glasses of Shangguan Fei not only did not have any anger, but a face to please said.

Wait? Master? Who is qualified to be the master of shangguanfei?

"I'm at the intersection of Beijing Shanghai expressway. I want to ask you to help me with something..." The voice on the other end of the phone is a little softer

"Master, wait a moment. I'll be right here..." Shangguanfei was excited. He said that he had already picked off the woman in front of him and ran outside

Seeing shangguanfei leave without saying a word, the other people look at each other, who is such a cow? Even a phone call to the Shangguan fly in the past?

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