A group of people looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. However, as the attendants of shangguanfei, now that the boss has left, they can't continue to stay here. One by one, they quickly pack up their things and get rid of others. They also want to see what is sacred and worthy of the respect of shangguanfei

At the intersection of Beijing Shanghai Expressway, ye Xiao stops the BMW on the side of the road. The whole person sits on the car cover, hangs up the phone, and then takes out a cigarette and slowly smokes it

Since that time, shangguanfei has been sending people to inquire about his news. Naturally, ye Xiao finds out that ye Xiao is not a very troublesome person. He immediately finds out these people. When he finds out that they are shangguanfei's people and shangguanfei has no malice, ye Xiao lets them go. He is also moved by shangguanfei's sincerity, He left the number of shangguanfei at the moment, saying that if the time came, he would be considered as a disciple, but only if shangguanfei was not allowed to go to his trouble again

Shangguanfei was naturally flattered and quickly called back his own people. These days, ye Xiao has been looking forward to calling him. Now that ye Xiao has arrived in Kyoto, he naturally thinks of shangguanfei. With his energy in Kyoto, it is not difficult to find Tan Xiaoxiao?

Slowly smoke a cigarette, the road sounded the harsh sound of the motor, and then saw a silver gray Maserati Shua stopped next to the BMW, followed by four or five sports cars with a value of more than one million stopped

Ye Xiao eyebrows a jump, is Shangguan flying? Is it very fast?

But to his disappointment, it was not Shangguan Fei who jumped out of the first car, but a young man with a bullet and a thumb hanging around his neck

It seems that most of Xiaoye's people are not wearing their own scowls?

"Boy, are you good at driving?" The man with the name of warhead came directly to Ye Xiao, looking like an invincible man

"Something?" Ye Xiao is not in a good mood now, but he is not the kind of person who is angry with others for no reason. Although he despises these people, he will not immediately start to beat people.

"There's something wrong with you. I think you're good at driving. I want to compete with you..." The man with the bullet in his mouth looks like he is giving Ye Xiao the same face as ye Xiao's racing car, but before he finishes, ye Xiao has directly interrupted.

"No interest..."

"No interest?" The bullet obviously didn't expect Ye Xiao to refuse him directly. He was surprised.

This group of people are some dandies in Kyoto. Originally, a group of people were racing on the road. Who knows, a silver BMW passed them directly and left them far behind. This made these arrogant guys very unhappy, especially the woman beside the bullet head said that it was so fast that she urged him to catch up with the car BMW, but who knows that he tried his best to catch up with the BMW. Instead, he lost sight of the BMW, which made him unable to hold his head up in front of women, and his heart was filled with anger. And he also agreed that the BMW was absolutely modified, otherwise it would not be able to run past their sports car

When they drove out of the intersection, they saw that the BMW that surpassed them stopped on the side of the road. One by one they gathered around and looked for ye Xiao's racing car. It was fake. It was true to find face

To regain face, it would be a new race with Ye Xiao, but he couldn't drive his own BMW

"Boy, don't be shameless?" The bullet said coldly, reaching for his waist chain, which was made of metal.

Not only he, but other men also took out guys one by one, such as baseball bats, spanners, and even one guy pulled out a knife, just like rubbing hands and fists

Seeing these people actually took out the guy directly, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled, did not seem to have done what? Why are these people so arrogant?

Take a look at those women in gorgeous clothes. Their eyes are full of excitement. It seems that they are very keen on such scenes

In my mind, a group of drag racing people I met just now on the Beijing Shanghai Expressway seem to be them? Now, he vaguely understood the thoughts of these people

But understand, understand does not mean that he will go to cooperate with these people ah, he is not a prop, can't you say what? And now thinking about Tan Xiaoxiao, his patience is not so good

"Are you upset because I passed you just now and think my car has been modified? To tell you the truth, even if you drive a Passat, you can't beat me, so in order not to insult yourself, you'd better leave as soon as possible... " Ye Xiao said coldly and conveniently threw away the cigarette end in his hand. He was really not interested in accompanying these boring guys to continue to talk nonsense

However, he didn't want to talk nonsense with each other, which did not mean that these people would stop. Especially when he heard that ye Xiao could win himself even in a Passat, the whole bullet was angry."Boy, don't be too arrogant. If you have the seed, you can change a car and have a match with me?" Said the bullet, almost suppressing his anger.

"You are not qualified..." Ye Xiao snorted coldly. He was not interested in talking nonsense with these people

You're not qualified? This sentence is like a flame, directly ignited the gunpowder in the bullet's heart. He even said that he was not qualified? How dare he say he is not qualified? You know, even in such a big Kyoto, his car skills are among the top five. He even said that he was not qualified?

"Boy, look for death..." The bullet was angry and completely angry. At the moment, he didn't care about anything else. He grasped the iron chain in his hand and directly ran towards Ye Xiaoxue

Seeing these people do it, ye Xiao's eyes flashed and his figure flashed. He had already avoided the strike of the iron chain. Then he stepped forward and directly came to the front of the bullet head. One punch hit the nose bone of the bullet head. Pity these people are a group of rich second generation. They eat, drink and play all day, and their physical quality is in a mess. How can they resist such a blow, There was a click, his nose bone was smashed, and the whole person was leaning back

Such a change immediately startled other people, one by one roared toward Ye Xiao, but ye Xiao had already seized the iron chain, and whipped it towards these people like lightning

The silver iron chain is like a silver snake, beating people constantly. No one can catch Ye Xiao's attack

In the blink of an eye, all the seven or eight dandies were knocked to the ground, and their faces were extremely ugly. How could they not think that this seemingly weak man could fight so well? Now the court has not been recovered, and all the faces have been lost

When these people were almost completely desperate, there was a roaring sound of motors on the road again. When the warhead turned around, he saw a golden Aston Martin with a group of sports cars far better than them in price and performance. When they saw the luxury sports car, the bullet head was happy and saved Now, regardless of the pain from my nose, I got up and ran to the sports car

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