Golden Aston Martin stopped by the side of the road. Shangguan Fei, dressed in a white casual suit, jumped out of the car. As soon as he jumped off, he saw the bullet head rolling towards him

"Feishao, you are here at the right time. You have to make decisions for the brothers..."

"The master?" Shangguan Fei took a look at the scene, with black lines on his forehead. What is going on?

He knows the bullet. His name is Li Yanan. His father is the boss of a big company. His family has more than 100 million yuan. However, in Kyoto, money is not a symbol of identity. Official university is the existence of cattle. If you don't have a strong backstage, no matter how much money you have, you can only play grandson.

Rich second generation like Li Yanan can only be regarded as the lowest level dandy. As for the red children like shangguanfei, they are definitely at the top of the list of dandies in Kyoto

However, Li Yanan is very good at doing things. On weekdays, he does not show much respect for shangguanfei. If something happens, shangguanfei will not help him, but he doesn't understand how this guy provokes things?

"Yes, feishao, that son of a bitch is too arrogant. We don't talk about picking scraps on the Beijing Shanghai road. We also say that the drag racing people in Beijing, including you, are a group of rubbish. If he scolds us..."

Li Yanan recognized Ye Xiao's license plate, which was not local to Kyoto. He directly put all the blame on Ye Xiao, and even brought shangguanfei in. In his opinion, even if the boy was sophisticated, shangguanfei could not believe what he said. He didn't say what he wanted to say. As long as he angered shangguanfei, he could avenge them

He didn't believe that at the foot of the Imperial City, there was anyone who dared to fly.

But before he finished, he was interrupted by Shangguan Fei.

"Who are you talking about, son of a bitch?" When Shangguan Fei looked up, he naturally looked at Ye Xiao, and his face became cold.

Pick the scurf, with Ye Xiao's driving skills, does he need to pick the scurf from you? Other aspects dare not say that, in terms of drag racing, the dandies in Kyoto are really just a bunch of rubbish in his eyes?

Just for a moment, shangguanfei knew that this guy was lying

"It's him, of course. Less flying..." Seeing Shangguan Fei's face cold, Li Yanan thought that the other party had been infuriated, so he pointed to Ye Xiao and scolded him

"Pa..." But he didn't finish. Shangguanfei had already slapped him in the face. Then he raised his foot and kicked Li Yanan's abdomen. He kicked him to the back

Then, before Li Yanan could continue to speak, Shangguan Fei rushed forward and stepped heavily on Li Yanan's broken nose bone

The pain almost let Li Yanan faint in the past, but his eyes is a burst of doubt, did he speak? Why does little fly make such a big fire?

Even if you want to get angry, you should go to this guy?

Don't mention Li Yanan. Even a group of dandies who follow Shangguan Fei are staring at all this. What's wrong with feishao today? Why are you so angry? However, there was a man who had flown to Jinghai city with Shangguan. When he saw Ye Xiao not far away, his face changed

Now seeing that Shangguan Fei is beating Li Yanan, he knows that his opportunity to flatter him has come. He pulls out a baseball bat from the sports car and quickly rushes to the front, directly hits Li Yanan's head with a single bat, which is a rush of blood

"Li Yanan, you son of a bitch, you don't want to live, do you? Even feishao's master dares to scold... " The man did not seem to be relieved, but also heavily kicked in Li Yanan's heart

He was as cruel as Li Yanan was his father's enemy

Master? Master of feishao? On hearing such news, the others were stunned, especially Li Yanan, who was beaten up and looked up with a miserable face

Is that guy the master of shangguanfei? How could that be possible?

Is this son of a bitch scaring himself?

At this time, Shangguan Fei has given his lesson to the guy named Xiaoyuan who rushed up to him. He himself trotted to Ye Xiao and said respectfully, "master, these guys didn't disturb you, did they?"

Seeing that shangguanfei treated a stranger so respectfully, all the people who knew shangguanfei were stupid. Shangguanfei was already one of the red children with the highest status in the whole Kyoto and even the whole China country. Now, someone should make him so respected? Who the hell is this man? How powerful is his background?

Especially those rich second generation who want to teach Ye Xiao a lesson but are beaten down by Ye Xiao, their faces turn pale one by one. At this time, don't talk about seeking revenge from ye Xiao. Whether ye Xiao can let them go is the most crucial issue.

"It's ok..." Ye Xiao shook her head, and then went on to say, "I have something I want to ask you for help..." He was too lazy to argue with those guys, and said directly to Shangguan Fei.

"Master, if you have anything to do, please tell me..." Shangguan Fei said respectfully.Ye Xiao didn't answer immediately. Instead, he looked around the dandies

"Why don't you go away..." Shangguanfei realized that, and then he roared at the dandies. These dandies, who were still swaggering just now, rolled to one side. They did not dare to offend shangguanfei.

Even a few yamen who want to greet shangguanfei know that the man has something to discuss with shangguanfei after hearing shangguanfei's roar. At present, they hold back their curiosity and stay in the same place

"Do you know Tan Xiaoxiao?" Seeing no one around, ye Xiao said to Shangguan Fei.

"Tan Xiaoxiao? Lin's heartless fiancee? " Is Shangguan flying surprised?

"Lin merciless?" Ye Xiao eyebrows a pick?

"Well, the eldest grandson of the Lin family in Kyoto..." Seeing the doubts in Ye Xiao's heart, shangguanfei explained

Kyoto Lin family? Hearing these four words, ye Xiao's face changed again. The Lin family in Kyoto is no less than the existence of Shangguan family. In some aspects, the capital of the Lin family is much stronger than that of the Shangguan family. If the Shangguan of the contemporary family did not fall into the water and sit in that high position, the strength of the Lin family would be dead on one end of the Shangguan family.

But even in this case, the details of the Lin family are far more than those of the Shangguan family. After all, the Lin family is one of the four big families in Kyoto, and Shangguan family is not qualified to enter the four big families

That's the real power, the biggest one in China

Is Tan Xiaoxiao's fiance the eldest grandson of the Lin family?

"Master, you and Tan smile at her?" Seeing ye Xiao's puzzled appearance, Shangguan Fei frowned slightly and guessed something

"She's my girlfriend. I'm here to stop her..." Ye Xiao said bluntly.

Hearing Ye Xiao's bold words, even shangguanfei was shocked. He was worthy of being his master. He dared to rob women with Lin ruthlessly. There are no more than five people who dare to do so in Kyoto, right?

As for why Ye Xiao is Yang Su Su's brother-in-law again, Shangguan Fei did not go to ask him in detail. What is a few women?

"Master, what do you want me to do?" Shocked for a moment, Shangguan Fei said to Ye Xiao.

"Are you not afraid?" Ye Xiao was a little surprised to see that shangguanfei did not flinch back after knowing his purpose, but also supported himself. After all, this is a death to offend the giant Lin family, and he and I have only met twice, and even have not formally accepted him as an apprentice

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