For Tan Xiaoxiao why suddenly change his mind, he how much also know some, but this how? He doesn't care, yes, he doesn't care

Even though he was emotionally unhappy, his reason completely suppressed it.

He told himself that the process is not important, but the result. As long as he married Tan Xiaoxiao and got her people, what else would be worth?

The tan family road will be more flat with the Lin family.

Now I am only 28 years old, and I am about to become the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. Before that, the influence of the Lin family was able to push himself to this high position. But if you want to go further, the strength of the Lin family will be difficult. At least at his age, but with the support of the tan family, this resistance will be reduced to the minimum.

This is a win-win situation. Why should he care about others?

Yes, although he feels different from other women in his heart for Tan Xiaoxiao, in his heart, interests are always greater than emotions. Everything he does is to maximize interests

At this time, Tan Xiaoxiao was sitting opposite him, looking at the casual and simple Tan Xiaoxiao, and a faint smile hung on Lin's heartless face.

Green lotus? Ha ha, she is really a green lotus. I just don't know that after so many years, this green lotus seems to be defiled?

Although it is not clear what kind of agreement has been reached between Tan Xiaoxiao and her father, when he thinks that Tan Xiaoxiao has been like other men, his heart is a little bit tired

"Smile, I'm going to have an exam recently. Should I be very busy studying?" Adjust their own mentality, Lin heartless smile at Tan said.

"Ah, well, a little busy..." Tan Xiaoxiao's mind is still thinking about what Ouyang Qianqian told her today. Suddenly, she heard Lin's heartless question, and then she came back to her mind

"You seem to have something on your mind?" Seeing Tan Xiaoxiao's absent-minded smile, Lin's heartless brow is a little discontented

It's one thing that I feel different about you and other women, but you're going to be my fiancee right now, and you're still so upset in front of me. What's that?

Isn't it that I didn't pay attention to me at all?

However, Lin Wuqing is a man with deep city government after all. He doesn't show it. Instead, he asks with concern on his face

"No It's OK, brother Lin.... " Tan Xiaoxiao repeatedly waved her hands, indicating that she was OK.

"Xiaoxiao, we are all engaged. Why do you call me brother Lin?" Seeing that Tan Xiaoxiao and himself are still so polite, Lin's heartless voice is also cold

"I'm sorry I... " For a moment, Tan Xiaoxiao was made to dance and didn't know what to say

Lin heartless has always been older than her, in the circle, naturally called him brother Lin, and she and Lin heartless have only met a few times, although there is no bad feeling towards him, but also absolutely no good feeling.

Now I'm going to be engaged to him, but Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't feel the feeling that any two people should be together.

He's handsome, he's brilliant, he's capable, he's noble, but what about that? Don't say that there is a person in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart. Even if there is no one in her heart, she can't like such a person.

Maybe he doesn't feel the same to other women, but what? What he thinks all day is to maximize the interests, and what he thinks all day is how to go further. No matter what kind of things, there is a standard to measure in his heart. This is a man who is too rational. In his career, rationality can make a man's potential play to the utmost. However, for women, a rational man can certainly bring a kind of security to himself Feeling, but can not bring a warm feeling at noon.

Yes, it is a feeling that lovers will have. Staying with Lin mercilessly is like being with a precise robot

Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't like this feeling, but what can she do?

Unconsciously, he thought of the days with Ye Xiao, his arrogance, his arrogance, his occasional color in his eyes, and

Think too much, too much, where will he be at this time?

"Dong Dong Dong..." At this time, the sound of knocking on the door sounded outside Mei Ting. It was like a hammer knocking at Tan Xiaoxiao's heart. I don't know why, her heart beat sped up inexplicably. It seemed that something was going to happen

As for Lin Wuqing, he frowned when he heard the knock on the door. He had just ordered that no one should disturb him

However, what made him feel more angry was that he had not spoken, the door of the room had been opened, and then he saw a strange man come in

The man is also quite handsome, wearing a black Zhongshan suit. After entering the door, he just glanced at himself, and his eyes fell on Tan Xiaoxiao's body. His eyes were full of a feeling that made Lin heartless want to go crazyAs for Tan Xiaoxiao, when she saw the visitors, her whole body was trembling, her eyes were full of shock and incredible

Ye Xiao, ye Xiao

How many times did the man who appeared in his dream, the man who occupied his heart all the time, the man who would miss every day and night, how could he appear here?

How can he be here? Why is he here?

There are countless questions flashing in my heart, but all of them are the same. She doesn't understand, she doesn't know, she doesn't know

I don't know why, my heart beat faster, just like a deer jumping around and around, even a feeling of jumping out

Breathing began to become shortness of breath, even a blush on the face, do not know is too excited or what other reasons?

Seeing ye Xiaona's tall and straight figure, thinking of Ouyang Qianqian's words in the afternoon, and seeing ye Xiao's affectionate eyes, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly realized that he was looking for himself. After knowing the news of his engagement, he came to find himself at the first time

Did he have such a heavy position in his heart?

Although she doesn't understand how ye Xiao found herself, she knows that he must have spent a lot of thought. Zijin garden is not accessible to anyone

Don't know why, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly has an impulse, an impulse to jump directly into Ye Xiao's arms. She doesn't think about the future of the family, the power of the Lin family, or Lin's heartless mind. She just wants to be like a kitten, forever and forever nestling in Ye Xiao's arms, feeling the warmth in his arms

These days, all the missing broke out at this moment. Tan Xiaoxiao couldn't control her shaking body at all, so she rushed to Ye Xiao recklessly

"Who are you?" At this time, Lin Wuqing's cold voice seems to touch the cold water and extinguish the flame in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart, and even more, it makes the warm ice in her heart

He is about to become Lin's heartless fiancee. How can he plunge into the arms of other men in front of him?

Once they really do that, the whole Tan family will be completely humiliated, how can they explain to their father?

What's more, once he does this, it will completely offend Lin Qingqing. With his character, he will surely retaliate. How can ye Xiao withstand the Revenge of the huge Lin family?

Tears flow from my heart, but dare not overflow

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