"Who are you?" In fact, when Lin Qingqing saw the situation of the two people, he had already guessed the identity of Ye Xiao. He knew that it was the man who was involved in some disputes before Tan Xiaoxiao. What made him a little puzzled was that how could he enter the Zijin garden with that man's identity?

Yes, he seems to be a giant in Jinghai City, but in other people's eyes, he is just like a mole ant on the ground in the eyes of the red family's children. If he wants to pinch it, he can use the sharp weapon of the state to suppress a Tuodi, which is a simple thing.

Of course, ye Xiao may not be an ordinary big guy. At least from the relationship between him and Luo Xiaojun, Lin Qingqing knows something about Jinghai city.

Since ye Xiao became a Tuodi giant, even Lin Qingjun, the youngest general in recent years, dare not underestimate Luo Xiaojun.

After all, Luo Xiaojun was able to sit in this high position, in addition to his own efforts, but also the cultivation of the great men of China today

Over the years, the central government has been building its own clique in order to crack down on the Lins. It's normal to think about it. No matter which leader is on the top, he doesn't want to have a huge figure behind him. In order to enhance his right to speak, leaders naturally need to establish a group of his own.

This is true of both the military and the political circles. Luo Xiaojun is just a civilian without any big family shadow behind him. Moreover, his own ability is extremely outstanding, so he is naturally the target of those big men.

Of course, Lin heartless also knows that Luo Xiaojun can be appreciated by these big men and has something to do with a person surnamed ye at the beginning. Even Lin Qingqing has no way to know the identity and mystery of that person, but instinctively tells him that ye Xiao must have something to do with the person surnamed Ye

This is also the reason why he has never dealt with Ye Xiao, although he is a bit tired and crooked in his heart. Now it is the peak of his official career. Under such circumstances, he does not want to spare any energy to deal with a Mafia magnate with background.

Anyway, as long as he and the tan family get married, as long as he marries Tan Xiaoxiao, what else is it?

As for the future, when you are in a high position, you can retaliate as much as you want?

Forbearance is a necessary quality for a politician

But when ye Xiao walked in so aboveboard, even though he was as merciless as a forest, he was also a little angry

It's true that he is callous, but how can he be really heartless? As long as a person has seven emotions and six desires, what's more, this guy is in the face when he comes in like this

Now, his voice is a little cold

But what makes Lin heartless more angry is that ye Xiao doesn't pay any attention to him at all, and even doesn't even look at him

"Smile, I miss you..." Ye Xiao looks at Tan Xiaoxiao with her eyes, and looks at her obviously emaciated face. She says in a soft voice. Her voice is so gentle, just like a wisp of breeze, blowing through Tan Xiaoxiao's heart

Tan Xiaoxiao's hard to calm down the mind again aroused the waves, the body was once again uncontrollably shaking.

If ye Xiao's arrival is like a fire that ignites the torch in her heart, then Lin's merciless existence is like a piece of ice, which completely freezes the torch that has not yet been completely burned. However, ye Xiao's words are like a hammer, which smashes the ice outside, and the flames keep burning

She wants to control her emotions and her deep desire, but she can't control it. She can't control

Her heart is like a giant ROC flying out of a cage. As long as she spreads her wings and flies freely, she doesn't think about anything and doesn't care about anything

Hearing Ye Xiao completely ignore Lin's heartlessness, he directly uttered such a vulgar but extremely expressive words. The shangguanfei, who followed Ye Xiao, gave Ye Xiao a thumbs up.

Niu is worthy of being his master. How dare you not give Lin heartless face? Even if you don't invite yourself in, you can say that you miss someone else's fiancee in front of him. In the whole world, ye Xiao is probably the only one who dares to say so?

As for Lin heartless, even if he is more self-restraint, his face is black at the moment, and his eyes are blazing with flames. This is not a hot spark of love, but anger, anger all over the sky

From childhood to adulthood, no matter who it is, even the father of his own family, will not completely ignore himself. As for the younger generation, he is the best. No matter where he goes, no matter how noble the other party's identity is, even the sons of aristocratic families with the same status as himself will politely say hello to themselves. As for other people, where they go, it is him Our center, absolutely no one dares to completely ignore themselves.

Even the top old man in China would encourage himself with a kind face when he saw himself. But now, this guy, who is just a big guy, dare to completely ignore himself.

Even if you ignore yourself, you say you want your fiancee in front of yourselfWhat is this? This is a naked slap in the face. It is not only the face of ourselves, but also the face of the whole Lin family.

When did the Lin family's men get picked up like this?

His angry eyes turned into cold killing intent and locked Ye Xiao. If it wasn't for fear that this was Zijin garden, he would have buried this boy here at all costs

It seems that she felt the killing intention from Lin Wuqing. The flame in Tan Xiaoxiao's heart was once again stopped. She thought of her present identity, the agreement with her father, the huge Lin family, and the terrible Lin heartless

The constant surging emotion is quickly swallowed by reason. She can't let her emotions do it, which will only harm Ye Xiao.

She can't be so selfish, she can't

"Sorry, I don't know you..." Forced down the heart throb, Tan Xiaoxiao spit out such a cold words

But her heart began to tear with this sentence. She knew that once she said such a sentence, there would be a huge crack between her and ye Xiao, a crack that may never be made up for

Sorry, I don't know you

A very simple word, but really like a sharp blade, a knife into Ye Xiao's heart, and then his heart a knife in two

Pain, an unspeakable pain

I finally knew her news, I finally heard her whereabouts, I finally came here, just want to tell her that I miss her, just want to ask why she is like this, just want to tell her that she loves her, just want to face all the problems with her, but she tells herself, she does not know himself?

No? Is it for forgetting? Has she really forgotten herself?

There is a brief blank in Ye Xiao's mind

But hearing this sentence, Lin heartless face, but emerged a faint smile, it is a ironic smile

No matter what Tan Xiaoxiao thinks in her heart, she is still on the whole and knows how to do it. Such a woman is very good

As for Shangguan Fei behind Ye Xiao, he looks at all this in surprise. Can't he say that Tan Xiaoxiao has no feelings for his master? I heard that she had to compromise with her father in order to rescue ye Xiaocai. How could this happen?

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