After a short blank, ye Xiao quickly recovered. Now he is not an emotional idiot. From some actions of Tan Xiaoxiao, he has seen that she does not really don't know herself. So the reason why she said such a thing must be for other reasons, and this reason is obviously on the man named Lin ruthless.

Thinking of this, ye Xiao forced down the sadness in his heart, and slowly turned his eyes to Lin merciless

Lin heartless is very handsome. Well, even ye Xiao, who claims to be a handsome man, has to admit that Lin is a girl's favorite face. Most importantly, he exudes a unique flavor of a superior person. This breath has great lethality for ordinary girls. In front of him, Tan Xiaoxiao said such words Although very angry, very angry, but it is very good to suppress their own inner thoughts, from this point we can see that he is a very tolerant person.

A person who knows how to endure is absolutely a terrible person. Even ordinary people, once they know how to tolerate, they are extremely terrible. They may give you a fatal blow at any time. What's more, Lin Qingqing, who has a strong background?

However, even though he knows Lin's ruthlessness, ye Xiao still has no fear. Maybe he doesn't have the word "fear" in his dictionary

"Lin merciless?" Ye Xiao almost squinted at Lin, full of disdain

"Yes, you..." Seeing ye Xiao suddenly asking questions to himself, Lin Qingli is stunned at first, but still answers. He is about to ask Ye Xiao back, but he has been interrupted by Ye Xiao.

"You are the smiling fiance..."

Lin heartless is a Leng again, this is not knowingly ask?

"Yes, I'm her fiance..." Although I don't know why Ye Xiao asked this question, Lin is still open-minded. As a direct lineage of the Lin family and the successor of the Lin family in the future, is he still afraid of Ye Xiao's pick?

Forbearance is one thing, but withdrawal is another.

"Do you think you deserve a smile?" Ye Xiao asked directly

This speech, several people present are a Leng, even if Lin heartless reaction is very fast, also do not understand how ye Xiao can say such words?

As a direct lineage of the Lin family, I am young and have to be relegated to the prefecture level city as the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. Let alone Tan Xiaoxiao, even in the whole China, which woman is not worthy of it? But this guy actually said that he was not worthy of Tan Xiaoxiao?

What is this?

Sarcasm? Or do you know that you can't compare with yourself, so show your incompetence with words?

"You don't pee and take care of yourself. You're almost three years old. Fortunately, you're interested in pursuing a smile. How old is it? You're not even 20 years old. Do you want to be with Xiaoxiao when you are so old? You don't eat grass like that, do you? You have to get engaged to Xiaoxiao through family means. Are you a man? " Ye Xiao's face was scornful. All the people who heard this sentence were eccentric, especially shangguanfei, who wanted to laugh and felt angry. They could only resist the smile.

Even tan Xiaoxiao almost came out laughing. As for Lin heartless, he was trembling with anger.

Uncle in San? Old cattle eat tender grass? Through the family means and smile engagement? Are you a man?

Don't you know that NIMA's man is just a flower? How did you become an uncle? How about the tender grass? Want to be eaten by Lao Tzu a lot of tender grass and flowers? As for the engagement through family means and smile, it is not a man?

Why isn't this a man? Isn't the marriage of the children of the Kyoto family the same thing?

Lin's merciless body was trembling with anger, and his face turned pale and blue. It can be said that he has never met such a top-notch product since he came out of the market. No, it should be a top notch guy

"Smile, I, ye Xiao, tell you here that no matter what reason you want to marry this guy, I will not agree. You are my woman. You were, are, will be, and will always be. I will recover you again..." Ignoring Lin Wuqing, who was shaking with anger, ye Xiao turned to tan Xiaoxiao and said such an overbearing word, then turned around and left

His back is graceful and coquettish, even a wisp of black hair is still thrown up

This scene directly makes Tan Xiaoxiao, the whole person is stunned in situ, and the last sentence of Ye Xiao constantly appears in his mind

You are my woman, used to be, now is, and will always be, I will recover your

Are you his woman? Are you his woman?

I don't know why. In the face of such domineering words, Tan Xiaoxiao couldn't find any reason to refute it. She even felt that she was very happy, very happy, yes, very happy, especially happy

A man who dares to fight against the lineage of the Lin family for himself is a shocking thing in itself. But now that he says he is his woman in front of Lin's merciless face, does he not worry about Lin's ruthless revenge at all?

In particular, seeing the dramatic change of Lin's face, he thought of the huge Lin family and the energy of the Lin family in China. Tan Xiaoxiao was moved and worried at the same time.She wants to be with Ye Xiao, but she doesn't want him to suffer any harm because she fights with the Lin family

Up to now, Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't know ye Xiao's real identity. Even if she knows Ye Xiao is very capable, but her ability is stronger than that of a family?

Can one fight against a family if one's abilities are terrible? Especially the Lin family, which almost controls the great power of China

No one can resist it. The only trace of reason in her heart tells Tan Xiaoxiao that she can't go on like this. Once this goes on, ye Xiao will bear the anger of the whole Lin family. She won't allow Ye Xiao to have anything, and absolutely not allow her to have something

"Ye Xiao, don't be wishful thinking. I'm engaged to heartless. Please don't disturb me again..." Tan Xiaoxiao almost summoned up her greatest strength and uttered a word that was absolutely not from her heart. When she called out this sentence, her heart was in such pain, just like someone broke her heart directly with a hammer, and then smashed her heart to pieces

The most painful thing in life is to love each other clearly, but to say such merciless words

She doesn't know how much harm this sentence can bring to Ye Xiao. She just hopes that he can live well and happily

Living is the best, isn't it?

Ye Xiao, who is walking outside, suddenly hears such a sentence. His body is stunned. Shangguanfei even clearly sees his fists tightly clenched together, and his veins come out one by one. Even Shangguan Fei is also a person who has seen the world. He can feel the attack of this evil spirit and feel cold all over his body, as if there is a mountain pressure Come down the same

With his personality, he even has an impulse to kneel down and beg for mercy

What kind of pressure is this

Just when Shangguan was too quick to support him, ye Xiao's fist suddenly loosened, and his evil spirit disappeared in an instant. Without saying a word more, he continued to raise his steps and walk towards the front

Looking at his lonely and desolate figure, I don't know why, shangguanfei suddenly felt that his back was so huge that it could cover the whole Forbidden City

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