"Brother Lin, you..." Seeing ye Xiao's lonely and proud figure, Tan Xiaoxiao's heart aches and pains. She seems to shout out loud to let Ye Xiao stay. She wants to rush forward directly and embrace this desolate figure from behind, but she can't. once she does this, it will only bring disaster to Ye Xiao.

Trying to hold back the pain in her heart, Tan Xiaoxiao turns her head and looks at Lin Qingqing. She wants to explain a few words to Lin Qingqing, hoping that Lin Wuqing will not put it in her heart. However, before the words are finished, she is interrupted by Lin mercilessly.

"Ha ha, it's OK. Smile. I know that everyone has a past. Don't worry, I won't target him..." Lin heartless face appeared on the genial smile, do not know people think he really has such magnanimity, will not put it in the heart at all.

"Thank you, brother Lin..." Seeing Lin's unforgiving look, Tan Xiaoxiao feels a little relieved

"Silly girl, we're all engaged. What are you doing with me Lin heartless a pair of doting appearance, and hear this sentence of Tan Xiaoxiao is somewhat embarrassed to hang his head, but did not notice the Lin heartless eyes of a fierce light.

On the other side, ye Xiao walked straight out of Zijin garden, and shangguanfei kept up with him. Along the way, he naturally met some dudes in Kyoto. When those dandies saw that shangguanfei, who was known as the first flying boy in Kyoto, was following a man of his age, they showed a startled expression one by one. Who on earth is this guy who dares to walk in shangguanfei In front of, one by one are guessing Ye Xiao's identity.

"Master, what are you going to do now?" Out of the Zijin garden, see ye Xiao that some sad back, Shangguan Fei summoned up courage, said.

"Do you know which university Xiaoxiao studied in?" Ye Xiao did not immediately answer Shangguan Fei, but asked.

"Ah? Which university? It seems to be at Kyoto University of economics and Trade... " Shangguan Fei said that he didn't care much about Tan Xiaoxiao before, but he didn't care much about Tan Xiaoxiao. Today, when ye Xiao had an order, he asked his subordinates to check it. It seems that he saw a line of materials about her studying in the University of business and economics.

"University of business and economics?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows slightly raised. It seems that she has some doubts about how Tan Xiaoxiao went to the University of business and economics. There are so many good universities in Kyoto. Of course, the most famous universities are Tsinghua Park and Kyoto University. Other universities are also well-known in China. Only the University of business and economics is not so good. How can tan Xiaoxiao go to the University of business and economics as Tan Xiaoxiao?

Of course, there is a major in Kyoto University of economics and trade, which is well-known in China, that is the Department of economic management. Can tan Xiaoxiao go to study economic management?

How can a woman of a family learn economic management?

"Yes, master, you are not going to study in the University of business and economics, are you?" Shangguan Fei nodded, some of whom were not sure.

"Why not?" A strange smile appeared at the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, as if he thought of something funny

"Ah..." Shangguan Fei was shocked. Should I go to study? But the problem between them is obviously not to pursue Tan Xiaoxiao can be solved? He is not an emotional idiot. After the initial confusion, he has seen that there are many stories between Ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao, especially Tan Xiaoxiao. She has no feelings for ye Xiao. On the contrary, her feelings for ye Xiao should be quite deep. However, due to the influence of the family or the Lin family, she does not want Ye Xiao to be involved in this fight. She should protect Ye Xiao by doing so Xiao, you can see it by yourself. Shouldn't Shifu not?

Under such circumstances, is it meaningful to go to school and study with her?

Ye Xiao didn't explain much. Shangguanfei could think of what he could think of, but because of this, he needed to keep close watch on Tan Xiaoxiao's side.

He wants to divert the attention of those big people, at least transfer the pressure of those big people to tan Xiaoxiao to himself.

He is to use his own actions to prove to the tan family that Tan Xiaoxiao is his woman, only he can give Tan Xiaoxiao happiness.

Of course, he can also exert pressure on the tan family through the power of the dragon clan. However, as the saying goes, the dragon clan is a national weapon, and he will never use the power of the dragon family unless he has to.

Their own women, should own to fight for, if even their own women can not win, what is the meaning of being a man?

What's more, the matter of Jinghai city has come to an end. According to the plan of the old man and the old man of his family, isn't Kyoto my next goal?

Ye Xiao will not tell shangguanfei that he is just heading for his BMW in silence

Since we are going to study in Kyoto, some things in Jinghai city need to be dealt with

"By the way, what does Shangguan Wudao have to do with you?" On the BMW, ye Xiao suddenly asked to Shangguan Fei.

"Shangguan has no way? What the master said was the dandy of the official family in Jinghai city? " Shangguan flies in a daze

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded, but in his heart, he was contemptuous. You are just a dandy himself. It's good to say that others are dandies

"He is a branch of our Shangguan family. According to my grandfather, the members of their faction committed major crimes and were sent to Jinghai city by great grandfather. Now they are far away from the core of Shangguan family. Why, master? Did he provoke you? If I offend you, I'll go to Jinghai with you right away and teach him a lesson... " Shangguan Fei patted his chest and said.Obviously, in his opinion, it is just a trivial thing to teach a little Shangguan no way.

But think about it, he is the family of Shangguan, and Shangguan Wudao has been marginalized, Shangguan Wudao naturally dare not provoke Shangguan Fei.

"Oh, no, just ask casually..." Ye Xiao shakes his head. Now Shangguan has no way, and even the whole Shangguan family is crushed to death by him. At present, he can't turn over any storm, but he doesn't know why. Ye Xiao always thinks that Shangguan has no way. This person is not simple.

I want to remind Shangguan Fei a few words, but this is family affairs after all, and the above official Fei's heart can't really pay attention to Shangguan's immorality, so he didn't say anything more

Time flies. It's almost September. It's the beginning of school. At the gate of Kyoto University of economics and trade, an ordinary Audi A5 slowly drives into the campus. Finally, it stops in the parking lot. Then a man in a Zhongshan suit steps down from the car. In his hand, he also holds a red admission notice. This man, of course, is Ye Xiao

Since I met Tan Xiaoxiao half a year ago, ye Xiao has never seen her again. She just pays close attention to her behind her back

She and Lin Qingqing were also engaged six months ago. There was no accident at the engagement ceremony. For ye Xiao, the engagement is not marriage. He doesn't care

However, some people thought Ye Xiao had to step back in the face of difficulties. Only Shangguan Fei, who was deeply aware of the matter, understood that ye Xiao had been planning how to recapture Tan Xiaoxiao.

The marriage of the two families brought about some changes in the pattern of Kyoto, but before they were officially married, this change was not big.

Lin Wuqing also went to Changyun city in Jiangnan province to serve as the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, becoming the youngest municipal Party Secretary in recent years. Tan Xiaoxiao is still studying in the University of business and economics. The two families only wait for Tan Xiaoxiao to graduate and hold a wedding immediately

Except for a very small number of people, no one takes Ye Xiao as one thing

Lin Wuqing doesn't know whether it's because he is too busy with his work, or he finds that ye Xiao doesn't make any big moves and doesn't bother him. At least for the past six months, everything seems to be in peace

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