"Is it you?"

When Xiaochuan's eyes moved to the girl's face

Without make-up, her appearance is very fresh, her eyes are very big, she is burning with hot light, her lips are very thin and her nose is very clever. This is definitely the standard beauty appearance, which is actually a beautiful girl's sister.

I really didn't expect to meet such a beautiful girl on the first day of school, but what surprised Ye Xiao was that she seemed to know herself?

Seeing the girl's surprise interwoven appearance, ye Xiao's mind constantly searching for such a face, such a beautiful woman, if she said that she did not know, it would be too hurtful?

At last, ye Xiao's memory is good, and she soon found such a figure. At present, her face also showed a surprised expression

This is not half a year ago in Jinghai City, the girl who hitchhiked?

"Why are you here?" Ye Xiao was a little surprised. After asking, she found that she had asked an idiot's question. She was responsible for receiving new students here. She was obviously a student here, and she was obviously her sister.

"Ah, ah It's really you, it's really you... " Who expected that the beauty didn't notice Ye Xiao's idiotic question at all. After finding out that ye Xiao recognized her, the whole person jumped up from the stool excitedly, hugged Ye Xiao across the table, and then gave Ye Xiao a sharp kiss on her face

Such a scene immediately scared the men and women around them, especially some wolves who had long coveted beauty. They saw that the beauty in their eyes was eating a man crazily in front of all the people, and their eyes were jealous of the fire.

Even some senior students who have been pursuing beautiful women for a long time are also staring at Ye Xiao one by one. Where did this son of a bitch come from? How did you get Ouyang beauty to throw herself in her arms?

Ye Xiao is also frightened by Ouyang Qianqian's behavior. She is not a water-saving Chinese cabbage. How can she gnaw at it?

What's more, in front of so many people, it's too bad to take advantage of others in this way, isn't it?

Even if you are confused by my handsome appearance, don't you have to be so straightforward? The most is to find a place in private, you can eat all night, now in front of so many people, how can you meet people in the future?

They are the most pure boy


"Er..." Pushed away by Ye Xiao and heard her cough again, Ouyang Qianqian realized that there were so many people here. She suppressed her inner excitement and carefully said to Ye Xiao, "how did you come to read here?" She's really excited. For others, a star who hasn't appeared on the screen for more than a year may have been forgotten, but for Ouyang Qianqian, she can't forget the hero chasing the wind.

Even if it is the perfect result of "hero of chasing the wind 2", even if Xiao Nan has already replaced Ye Xiao's position in the film world, but in Ouyang Qianqian's heart, that cool and cool Lin Xiao has always stayed in her heart.

From the first time she saw "hero of chasing the wind", she was deeply attracted by the cold and sentimental image. Later, she ran into her idol in Jinghai City, but she didn't recognize her idol for a moment. This made her regret and hate, and her heart yearned for ye Xiao more strongly. For more than half a year, the image of Lin Xiao had already become her whole life, but she didn't think about it I met my idol here, and he came to school

"Why can't I come here to study?" Asked by Ouyang Qianqian, ye Xiao asked curiously

"Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, come on, I'll check in for you..." Only then did Ouyang Qianqian realize that she had made a slip of the tongue. She looked around again and found that everyone else had their eyes on this side. For a moment, she didn't seem to recognize the star Lin Xiao in front of her.

At the same time, they are worried that they really recognize Ye Xiao, which will bring him great trouble. As for sadness, it is naturally sad that ye Xiao has not been on the screen for more than a year, and has been gradually forgotten

However, she immediately helped Ye Xiao register. Then she jumped up with excitement and asked a girl with acne on her face to help her register. Then she took Ye Xiao's hand and walked aside

"Come on, I'll take you to your bedroom..."

Ouyang Qianqian holds her right hand and feels the tenderness of her hand. Ye Xiao feels comfortable. As for the thing that she takes advantage of, forget it. What's it worth to be taken advantage of by her when people receive her so warmly?

If she wants to, even if she suffers a little bit more, it's nothing to spend a night with her

See Ouyang beauty so warm reception of a little boy, many people are a face of depression, this in the end what is going on?

"Which is your real name, Lin Xiao or Ye Xiao?" Walking on the campus road, Ouyang Qianqian didn't mean to let go. I don't know whether she was excited to forget or deliberately not to let go. Anyway, there are quite a lot of female hooligans these days, and ye Xiao doesn't care. However, after hearing Ouyang Qianqian's words, he finally understood why she had such a big reaction just now Love is a loyal fan of your own"Ye Xiao is my real name..." For Ouyang Qianqian's liveliness, ye Xiao's heart is also very appreciative, said at the moment.

"Why do you want to come here to study? You should go to film school even if you want to further study? Aren't you going to make another movie? " Knowing Ye Xiao's real name, Ouyang Qianqian's heart has no reason for a burst of happiness, in his group of sisters, only himself knows his real name?

"Well, I'm not going to play..." Ye Xiao replied honestly that he really didn't plan to act in a movie. As for why he came here to study, well, let's not say

"Ah, no more movies. I'd like to see you again. Now that guy named Xiao Nan looks like a little white face. There's no charm in you. All the girls in our class like him. They forget you. I'm so angry..." As soon as ye Xiao said that she would no longer be in the film, Ouyang Qianqian's face showed a trace of regret, and she still had a sense of regret

Obviously, I'm very dissatisfied with Ye Xiao's being forgotten

"Oh, don't worry, Xiao Nan, even if he sees me, he has to shout respectfully, brother Xiao..." Hear these words Ye Xiao is a burst of funny, small white face?

However, Ouyang Qianqian was moved by Ouyang Qianqian's injustice. Although she didn't care about the reputation, she could still be remembered and loved so much after so long, which is a little consolation, isn't it?

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