"Well, it's just that he's so popular now. It's not because he's famous for imitating you. Of course, when I see you, I'd like to call brother Xiao. By the way, you said you'd like to go to your girlfriend to find out. How are you doing now?" It seems to be another close contact with idols, Ouyang Qianqian's words seem to be more special

"She's engaged to the man..." Speaking of this, ye Xiao's voice is a little low

"Oh, no? She doesn't want a good man like you? Are you engaged to another man? " Ouyang Qianqian looks stunned. She seems unwilling to believe that all this is true

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded gently, and was about to say that I would snatch her back. However, Ouyang Qianqian's voice rang out: "Oh, actually, it's OK. What's more, you can't find a girlfriend with your excellent conditions? There's no need to hang in a tree. No, if you don't mind, I can still be your girlfriend... " When talking about this, Ouyang Qianqian's face actually showed a blush

Ye Xiaoben came to the mouth of the words all swallow down, and then a surprised look at Ouyang Qianqian, do my girlfriend? Is this a confession? Is that too fast? You and I have only met twice

"Look, you're scared. People are joking with you..." Seeing ye Xiao looking at herself in shock, Ouyang Qianqian seemed to realize that she had said a groundbreaking remark. At the moment, she turned her eyes. At last, she realized that she had been holding Ye Xiao's hand and quickly let it go

"Ha ha..." Ye Xiao smiles awkwardly. Whether the other party is joking or not, he knows something in his heart. At the moment, he feels that girls are good. Even if it is in his heart, he can also say it in a joking tone. There is a basis for advancing and retreating, and he has the absolute upper hand

"808 boys, this is the dormitory you need?" It seems that because this sentence makes the atmosphere seem a little awkward, Ouyang Qianqian pointed to an old dormitory building in front of her.

"It's better not to use it. I can go up by myself. Thank you..." Ye Xiao also felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward and refused at the moment.

"Well, I won't send you up. By the way, can you lend me your phone?" After some conversation, Ouyang Qianqian is not as excited as she was just now

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded, took out his mobile phone and handed it to Ouyang Qianqian

Ouyang Qianqian took the mobile phone and made a phone call on it. Soon, the pleasant phone ring rang, and it turned out to be "the boy chasing the wind", which surprised Ye Xiao. It seems that the girl is really infatuated with "hero of chasing the wind".

"This is my phone number. If you can contact me, you can be on call..." Ouyang Qianqian returns the mobile phone to Ye Xiao with a smile

"Well..." Ye Xiao gently nodded, but in the heart is a burst of exclamation, these things are not all boys do? Why are girls so active now?

"Well, Bo..." Ouyang Qianqian stood on tiptoe again, gently touched Ye Xiao's face, then turned around and ran towards the route when he came

With one hand touching the trace of warmth on her face, and looking at Ouyang Qianqian who is gradually running away, ye Xiao feels that she is in a loss. She kisses her twice in a row, but she never kisses her once. Is this too uneconomical?

Looking at the phone number on the mobile phone, ye Xiaocai suddenly found that he did not know her name

Want to ask, but found that she has run away, had to record in the phone book a bold sister's business card

Without their own permission, kiss yourself twice in a row. What is this not an unrestrained sister?

Without thinking about it any more, she walked towards the dormitory building and arrived at the 808 dormitory. She found that the door of the dormitory was open and not completely closed. Ye Xiao pushed the door and walked in

There is only one person in the bedroom. Seeing ye Xiao come in, he doesn't look back, or he doesn't know ye Xiao is coming in. He is staring at the computer screen with a headset

What movie is so attractive?

Seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's approach, the boy turned his head

This is a man with a thin face and some sunken eyes. It is the result of staying up late for a long time

"Chen Dan Shang..." The man said, extending his right hand toward Ye Xiao

"Ye Xiao..." Seeing that the man stretched out his hand, ye Xiao naturally would not refuse. He quickly reached out and shook the man

"No. 1 bed is mine, the others are not occupied yet..." Chen Tan Shang takes back his hand, points to a bed with some salutation under it, and then he never pays attention to Ye Xiao

Well For Chen Dan Shang's indifference, ye Xiao is not angry

Even self introduction is such a brief introduction, which can be regarded as a super talent

Look at the other three beds, all covered with sky blue brand-new bedding, this is the unified arrangement of the school, freshmen only need to bring their own clothes and daily necessities to stay.There is nothing to choose from. I went to shop 3 directly. After that, this is where I live

At this time, the door of the bedroom was opened again. Ye Xiao and Chen tanshang looked at the door at the same time, and then they saw a giant coming in

Yes, it's a huge thing. The height of the visitor is about the same as ye Xiao, but the width is a little too wide. Other people come in, but he wants to squeeze in. From this, we can imagine how wide his body is. Seeing such a posture, whether it's Chen Dan Shang or Ye Xiao, he looks sideways. How does this guy grow? He is so fat ……

"Ha ha ha, good morning, you two. My name is Ren Yuan, but everyone calls me fat. Just call me fat..." Seeing that two people had already arrived in the bedroom, the fat man laughed and his face was shaking

Just like Maitreya

"Chen Dan Shang..." Chen Dan Shang's answer is still as simple as that, and then turn to focus on his love action film again

"Ye Xiao..." Ye Xiao smiles at the fat man, very friendly

"Hey, I'm very happy to be with two brothers. Eh, isn't this teacher Cang? Why have you never seen it before The fat man also smiles at Ye Xiao, and then his eyes are immediately attracted by Chen tanshang's computer screen, and immediately gets close to it, staring at the computer screen with shining eyes

"New..." Chen Tan does not return to his head

"Haha, I see. But I say, teacher Cang is old after all, and is not as good as Teng yuanzexiang's generation..." While staring at the computer screen, big fat began to tell his views. He knew he was an expert

"What do you know?" Chen Tan Shang cast a contemptuous glance at Da Pang

At the same time, he raised his thumb to Chen Dazhen!

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