"Although I'm not a jade tree in front of the wind, natural and unrestrained. I have a broad mind and strong arms... " At this time, there was a burst of fresh sound outside the door, and then I saw that the bedroom door was pushed open from outside again

"Ah, my brothers, you are so early. My name is Xiao Feng. I didn't expect that it was the last one to come..." The visitor was wearing a floral shirt, a pair of white casual pants and a pair of white casual shoes. His appearance was quite handsome. Even compared with Xiao Nan, he might as well let it go. Especially when he laughed, two dimples appeared in the corner of his mouth, which was absolutely the lover of countless girls' dreams.

"Xiao Feng?" Ye Xiao and Da Pang, including Chen tanshang, who is watching a love action movie, are stunned. The hero in Jin's novel is heard in his mind

"Yes, Xiao of Xiaofeng, peak of Xiaofeng..." Xiao Feng is very sure to nod, and ye Xiao and others are all turned up white eyes, have you so introduced?

"Ye Xiao..." However, ye Xiao still extended his right hand to Xiao Feng

"Ren Yuan, you can call me fat..." Big fat also smile, immediately became Maitreya Buddha

"Chen Dan Shang..." Chen Dan Shang is still as reluctant as gold, and then turned to look at the computer screen

"Ha ha ha, my brothers are so cheerful. It's a kind of predestination to know each other. In the future, we will live together for four years. Would you like to have a meal together? I'll treat this meal to... " Xiao Feng chuckled.

When it comes to eating, chubby's eyes brighten and his hands are up for approval. Chen tanshang, who has been watching love action movies, also turns his head and nods his head to say yes. It's noon now. He hasn't had dinner since morning

As for ye Xiao, seeing that her roommate is so enthusiastic, it's not easy to refuse. Just about to promise, the mobile phone rings suddenly and throws an apologetic look at Xiao Feng. Then he connects the phone

"Hello..." Ye Xiao didn't expect that in such a short time, the unrestrained sister called him

"Hello, ye Xiao. Are you free at noon? How about lunch if you're free? " At the other end of the phone, there came the bold and unrestrained girl's bright voice

"This Sorry, some of our roommates are going out for dinner together... " Ye Xiao takes a look at Xiao Feng and explains, but before she has finished, she is interrupted directly by her unrestrained sister.

"Ask them to come together, and all the beauties in our bedroom are here..."

Ye Xiao was stunned for a while, then turned his head and looked at Xiao Feng. He said, "there are beauties to eat. Do you want to go?"

"Go, why not..." As soon as he heard of the word "beauty", Xiao Feng's eyes brightened up. Even big fat looked like he had been salivating for a long time

As for Chen Dan Shang, he turned back directly and left a sentence: "it's silly not to go with a beautiful woman..."

Looking at this posture, ye Xiao suddenly has a feeling that the 808 bedroom will be renamed Langwo in the future

"Well, where are you? We'll come straight here? " Since everyone agrees, ye Xiao will not refuse

"We are on the third floor of the No.1 canteen of our school. Please come here quickly..." The other end of the unrestrained sister finished and hung up the phone

"Ye Xiao, girlfriend" saw Ye Xiao hang up the phone, Xiao Feng immediately came up, put one hand on Ye Xiao's shoulder, and said with a playful smile.

"No, it's just a sister I met today..." Ye Xiao disturbed his head, and was a little embarrassed

"Sister? Only today? I depend on you. My young master looks like a jade tree facing the wind, natural and unrestrained. How can no one make an appointment with him? " As soon as he heard Ye Xiao say that he knew him only today, Xiao Feng's face immediately became bitter. When he was in high school, he was at the grass-roots level. How come after he got to university, the charm index was not comparable to this guy?

This is a blow to his self-confidence

But on second thought, maybe he is a dinosaur? Generally speaking, when a girl comes to university, if she has a little bit of beauty, she will be promoted very quickly, especially when she is a sophomore. If no one wants it, she is absolutely a leftover woman.

In this way, maybe Ye Xiao's date is a dinosaur, didn't you see his face just unwilling? At the thought of this, Xiao Feng regained his confidence again

In fact, don't say he thinks so. Even Da Pang and Chen tanshang think so. But now that they all agree, it's hard for them to go back. They have to hold the purpose of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor and walk out of the bedroom with Ye Xiao

There are four canteens in the University of business and economics. Of course, the best condition is the first canteen. There is no big pot of rice here, but it is all stir fried. Although it is in the name of the canteen, it is actually arranged according to the star standard. Ordinary students can't afford to enter the first canteen

If the school leaders entertain guests, they will also be in the first dining hall. Besides many individual small boxes, the first canteen also has a huge hall. This is also a major feature of the University of business and economics. The sitting hall is decorated in classical style. No matter who enters here, there will be a feeling of going through the ancient times, even many foreign school students or those Office white-collar workers will also drive here to eat.In addition to the style, the biggest reason is that there are so many beautiful women here to eat. Here, it has almost become a holy land of love.

Countless young men and women have created a spark of love here. Of course, whether the spark is spiritual or physical, then only they will know

At the moment, in a corner of the third floor near the southwest corner, four fashionable and beautiful looking women are sitting on the sofa. With their appearance, they naturally attract the prying eyes of countless sex wolves. However, maybe the four people are so powerful that no one dares to talk to each other

These four people are not others. They are the four golden flowers of the Department of economics and management of the University of business and economics

"Qian Qian, the surprise you said to us is not that you made a boyfriend, did you?" At this time, a girl sitting in the innermost part of the room first said.

Her name is Huang lingqin. She is Ouyang Qianqian's roommate and sister

With Huang lingqin's words, the other two beauties also look at Ouyang Qianqian

"No, he and I are very pure. Oh, you will know in a moment. I promise you will be surprised..." Ouyang Qianqian's face turns red

"Not really. You look so shy. If you are really pure, there will be ghosts..." The other one, dressed in white casual clothes and with a ponytail on her head, joked

"Smile, if you say that again, I will ignore you..." Being teased by her friends like this, Rao is Ouyang Qianqian. She has a strong quality in her heart. She is also a little embarrassed at this time

"Qian Qian, are you dating them?" Just at this time, sitting in the corner, she never spoke. The beautiful woman in a white dress said

With the voice of the beautiful woman in white, several people looked up at the same time, and saw four boys coming towards this side. The one at the front, dressed in a floral shirt, looked handsome and could really afford to be a beautiful man, immediately attracted the eyes of several people. No wonder Ouyang Qianqian was moved? Such a handsome man, really attractive?

But soon, Tan Xiaoxiao is attracted by the man wearing a black Zhongshan suit beside the man wearing a broken flower shirt

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