No one noticed Tan Xiaoxiao's face. Whether it was the sexy beauty or the woman in the white gauze skirt, their eyes fell on the man with the floral shirt. They kept looking at this guy, as if they wanted to see how Ouyang Qianqian got together with this guy

Of course, they didn't even notice that Ouyang Qianqian's eyes have been falling on Ye Xiao

"Hello, ye Xiao, where are those beauties you mentioned?" Xiao Feng walked in the front, his eyes constantly scanning around. Naturally, he also noticed Tan Xiaoxiao and others in the corner, but he didn't want to believe it would be such a beautiful woman to invite Ye Xiao.

You know, these four people, no matter which one is placed in any circle, are absolutely the focus, not to mention they are still gathered together. Even if they are casual and romantic, they can't bear the aura of the four of them. Under such circumstances, how could they invite Ye Xiao? If so, how can you make yourself a handsome man Can

Ye Xiao is also looking for Ouyang Qianqian's figure. His eyes are not as fierce as Xiao Feng. He can see the four beauties in the corner at a glance. Now he is looking for it. He suddenly hears Xiao Feng's words. He is stunned and wants to say something. However, he sees a beautiful figure standing up and waving towards this side

"Ye Xiao, come here, this way..."

It's Ouyang Qianqian who beckons. When she sees that they actually invite Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng's face changes. It's not only him, but also Da Pang and Chen danshang who never expect to invite Ye Xiao

Before they came, they had the same idea as Xiao Feng. They even prepared well. As long as they were not too frightening, they would make do with it. But who knows it's so beautiful. Even if one person is beautiful, there are still four

Four ah, four charming beauties, sexy, lively, elegant, pure, is simply the four best, really should that sentence, birds of a feather flock together, people live in groups

Beautiful women's side, really are beautiful women

Ye Xiao naturally noticed Ouyang Qianqian, but soon, he saw Tan Xiaoxiao beside Ouyang Qianqian. Their eyes suddenly touched in the air, which made a spark and a similar feeling poured into his heart.

Ye Xiaoxiao came to this school for Tan Xiaoxiao, but he didn't expect that Tan Xiaoxiao would be Ouyang Qianqian's friend. What's more, he didn't expect that their meeting again would come so quickly and suddenly

But soon, the surprise on Ye Xiao's face was completely hidden, and a warm smile appeared on her face

"Let's go. Over there, man, I didn't cheat you..." Ye Xiao patted Xiao Feng on the shoulder and took the lead to Ouyang Qianqian and others.

See these guys so swagger to a few beauties, I don't know how many boys are greedy.

And Xiao Feng after a short period of startled Leng, also returned to come over, immediately put on a pair of very brilliant smile, follow Ye Xiao's back to walk forward.

I was just thinking about how to talk to each other? Now, how many things have been saved by eating directly together?

As for Da Pang, when he saw these big beauties, his mouth was already watering. Until ye Xiao's voice sounded, he regained his mind. He wiped off the saliva from the corners of his mouth and ran up with Chen tanshang. In the face of the four super beauties, he was not as calm as ye Xiao and Xiao Feng

Four people came to the table of several beautiful women together. Ouyang Qianqian, with a smile on her face, introduced to the public: "this is the big surprise I told you. Ye Xiao, have you found out who he looks like?"

Ouyang Qianqian completely ignored Xiao Feng's good-looking. She stood up directly from her seat, went to Ye Xiao's, took Ye Xiao's arm and said, "this curtain falls in Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes, which makes her feel shocked. Does Ouyang Qianqian really like Ye Xiao? She knows how much Ouyang Qianqian loves the role of Lin Xiao

As for the other two beauties, they didn't think so much about it. They just put their eyes on Ye Xiao's body and looked them up and down. Then they gradually showed a look of sudden enlightenment

"Like Lin Xiao?" Huang lingyao, dressed in sexy clothes, first said it

After her saying that, not to mention a few beautiful women, even Xiao Feng and Da Pang, it is like recognizing Ye Xiao again. She looks at her from top to bottom. The more she looks, the more she looks, the more she looks, the more she turns into an "O" shape.

Is this really more and more like?

"Cut, what is Xiang? Is he good at all, but ye Xiao is his real name..." Ouyang Qianqian disdained to hold back her mouth. When she said that, she was very proud of her face. Obviously, she knew Ye Xiao's real name very well

"Ah..." When you heard Ouyang Qianqian say this, all the people present, except Tan Xiaoxiao, were shocked. Is it really Lin Xiao? The man who quickly became popular with a movie but disappeared completely in front of the screen? Lin Xiao?

"Are you really that Lin Xiao?" At this time, even Xiao Feng also showed a startled expression.Several people present have seen the film, but they are not as keen as girls. Besides, as time has passed, ye Xiao has never appeared on the screen since then. In addition, in the film, he is wearing a black leather suit and often wearing sunglasses. He is cold and fashionable to the extreme. However, in reality, ye Xiao is wearing a Zhongshan suit, and the whole person is even more It gives people a kind of warm and warm feeling. Their temperament is completely different, and they haven't thought about it for a while.

"Well..." By so many people staring at him, ye Xiao nodded a little embarrassed.

"Wow, I'll tell you..." Xiao Feng was suddenly enlightened. He said that he was much more handsome than ye Xiao. How could such a beautiful girl ask him out instead of asking him out? His emotional family is a big star

"Ha ha, I'll say it's a surprise. Come on, please have a seat. Ye Xiao, I'll introduce you to Huang lingyao, the number one beauty in our bedroom. At present, her popularity index is at the top of the flower list. Oh, there are numerous pursuers. This is Li Shiqin, the number one talented woman in our bedroom, and a perfect combination of beauty and wisdom At present, she is still single. If any of you has any idea, you can tell me. As for this one, hehe, but the eldest sister in our bedroom, Tan Xiaoxiao, don't think about it. She is engaged, and her fiance is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Changyun city... " Ouyang Qianqian smiles and introduces to the public. Every time she introduces, she brings the white eyes of the introducer

Only when Tan Xiaoxiao was introduced, her face was somewhat unnatural, and even some did not dare to look at Ye Xiao

"Ha ha, it's the good fortune of Xiao's third life to be able to meet all the beautiful women in Xiaxiao Feng..." Xiao Feng is worthy of being an old hand in the flowers. Although he was overwhelmed by the four girls' aura before, he immediately released himself and took the lead in introducing himself. Ye Xiao also shook hands with other girls one by one. He could not see any difference in his face. Only when he shook hands with Tan Xiaoxiao, he made a little effort and looked at Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes Full of different changes

As for Da Pang and Chen Tan Shang, they obviously did not experience such a posture. For a moment, they were at a loss. In particular, when they shook hands with beautiful women, their palms were covered with sweat, which made all the women laugh

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